University/College peeps trying to lose weight? :)

Hey! :)

Anyone in uni/college and trying to lose weight looking for a MFP buddy? Or anyone else. :) It's just nice to be able to relate to exam-week binging, school stress and somehow trying to fit a workout or diet in with all that.



  • I completely understand. I'm a full time student at cbu working two jobs and a single new mommy. Its really hard to not just grab some fast food when im hungry or chug a zillion cokes to stay awake
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Finishing my bachelor's currently :) add if you like
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    Returning to school from winter break in a week! Also returning to MFP after a while of just maintaining (thankfully not gaining, because I wasn't paying attention). Add me if you like! A buddy or two would probably be good for my self control, haha. I was stuck in a dilemma about what to get at the grocery when I go back since I'm so crunched for time during school, and I might go to SlimFast a couple of times a day just for the convenience...
  • Yep!

    I'm currently doing a placement in my third year of university, so I'm working 9-5 Monday-Thursday. I don't go out and drink Sunday-Wednesday nights as I just can't hack the lack of sleep and hangover!

    But the Thursday £1 a pint deals are hard to resist....
  • forest0spirit555
    forest0spirit555 Posts: 164 Member
    Hey I am definitely your girl. I'm right at we're you are and would love a friend that's in college as well so that we can relate to one another.
  • nat08b
    nat08b Posts: 14
    I'm in college and dealing with all of the things you mentioned. It can be really hard to keep on our goals while in uni/college, especially if we're not surrounded by people with weight loss or health goals in mind. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    Full time student and mommy here, I can totally relate to the time crunch and am available for support!
  • PinkCaramel
    PinkCaramel Posts: 5 Member
    Full-time student and exam-binger here hehe
    I am in first year and its so much work grr who said uni was fun :L
    Add me would be nice to keep one another motivated.. :)
  • Full time student. Add if you like. I could use morre help from people around my own age and in my same situation.
  • I'm a university student (22 years old). Feel free to add me! :)
    (although I know a couple of you are already on my list, haha)
  • thelivingperson
    thelivingperson Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a full time student too, 20 years old. Feel free to add me!
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    I am a full time college junior feel free to add me!
  • I'm currently a freshman in college trying to become fitter and healthier. I don't have any friends on here yet so feel free to add me :)
  • fIashforward
    fIashforward Posts: 66 Member
    I'm in first year. Was doing exams today.
  • MICHG16
    MICHG16 Posts: 11 Member
    20 & Junior in college, always looking for new support / people to support! feel free to add me (: