21-Days Challenge!

Emorriso165 Posts: 23
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
So I heard that it takes 21 days to make a new habit stick, so I'm proposing a 21-day challenge starting Monday 4/19/10. Pick a thing or two you want to change and we'll support each other through the next 21 days in the hopes of making that change stick :)

My 21-day goals:
No pop (diet or otherwise)
No sweets, white flour or pizza (My fall-off-the-wagon trigger foods!)
3 morning workouts/wk



  • arfrazee
    arfrazee Posts: 518
    Sounds good to me :)

    1. No soda for me either.
    2. No fast food.
    3. At least 1200 calories a day (I've been going WAY below that even without excercise every day).

    Actually, now that I look back at it, the only days I've really went over 1200 are the days I had fast food and soda lol :-P Oh well, gotta find a replacement!
  • sangrea
    sangrea Posts: 26 Member
    I'm game it does take awhile to get into the habit of things

    My goals or habit would be:
    To log everything I eat everyday
    Drink more water
    Exercise 4 days a week
  • kenaton
    kenaton Posts: 1
    I'm in also. My goals are:

    Consistently track my food and exercise everyday
    Run three days a week
  • imvp2me
    imvp2me Posts: 1
    I'm in.
    My goals:
    1. track my food intake
    2.remember to follow the calorie intake
    3. try to make myself work out
  • trollin
    trollin Posts: 5
    For 21 days. I will not make unhealthy choices at lunch. I have contiunually gone to the foodcourt during lunch and ordered fried, fatty, and sugary caloric foods. For 21 days I will make healthy choices. If I go to manchu wok Ill get mixed vegetables. If I go to taco bell Ill order of the fresco menu. If Im really smart Ill go to subway..its hard to go wrong with wheat bread and no mayo! =] but for the most part Ill bring my lunch.

    For 21 days, I will refuel with water. I definetly dont drink enough water. So Im gonna start carrying my bottle everywhere. Everyday XD
  • Sounds like everyone has some good goals! i had my last diet pepsi for the last 21 days (hopefully.. it's such an addiction! :ohwell: ) and I'm ready to get started on this! Good luck you all, make sure to check back in to brag or if you need some support!!
  • This is my first post and I guess it's a big one...........

    I accept this challenge :)

    1. NO pop only water...yes that means you Diet Pepsi
    2. Hit the treadmill and/or road at least 3x/week
    3. Keep my net calories at least 150 under total limit

  • sunshine31012
    sunshine31012 Posts: 6 Member
    This is exactly what i needed!!! I had lost 23lbs and have recently gained back 5lbs so i need to get back on track!!!
    My goals:
    *No soda at all -Just water
    *No fast food
    *Keep track of my daily calorie intake
    *Exercise at least 3x a week
  • Dawn220
    Dawn220 Posts: 2
    Good Morning Everyone,

    I just signed up today. I think the 21 day challenge might be for me. I need to get rid of the excuses and just start. But I don't drink much soda, but I do alot of baking for the family. I eat emotionally. Anything can get me started.
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    I'm in... Like sunshine, I lost (34.5 lbs) but over the last couple of days I fell into snackin' and sedentary activity which = weight gain.
    Just admitting this here is difficult, so I'm glad to have this opportunity to share and "start again"...

    Goals: cut the between meal snacking,
    don't procrastinate regarding exercise, and
    get back to daily diary entries.

    Good luck everyone...
  • I'm with many of you, I had a significant weight loss (45 pounds) but slowly saw the weight creeping back on in a few months lapse of effort. I'm hoping that 21 days of toughing it out will turn it around!

    Hope everyone had a good first day. I sadly had a terrible caffeine withdrawal headache (I stopped drinking soda yesterday) and caved on the soda.. eek.. but it was a lot less than normal and I'm prepared to bring caffeinated tea and aspirin to help combat that in the future! Wasn't expecting that. I think I'm going to modify my goals since I think the soda one will be a struggle and my goal on that will be to cut it out in a step-down fashion!

    Instead of the soda goal I'm going to add that I log ALL my food and plan all of my meals and snacks the night before. I did that for today and it made the day so much less stressful when I knew exactly when and what I was going to eat!

    And I'm going to make my exercise goal more specific, I'm going to say that I stick with the P90X program weight training schedule (I do my own cardio). I started last week but my commitment was spotty, so I'm going to reaffirm my goals right here, right now and just push play every day :)

    So for me

    1/21 p90x
    1/21 no fall-off-the-wagon trigger foods
    1/21 meals planned the night before and I stuck to them

    Also, Dawn, I sent you a PM :)
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    My 21 day challenge:
    1) No Soda
    2)No Sweets
    3)Exercise 4x a week
  • arfrazee
    arfrazee Posts: 518
    So I ALMOST cheated today...I stopped at Burger King. I was the first in line at the drive thru and I waited about 30 seconds for someone to come to the speaker...Then I thought better of it, and stopped at the store and got a couple bottles of water instead :)
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Day 25 and still going strong. I have had no sweets and only had an every now and then soda but hey they are calorie free so that is good right?!?! I hope all is well with everyone that was in this
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