Constipation Help

Hey friends,
I have constant constipation issues (sorry, TMI) and I am really trying to not become "addicted" to any kind of laxative, tea, etc. I used a stool softener about 3 weeks ago on a Saturday (it worked the next day, I had been constipated for a week), then I drank Smooth Move Tea two days ago and had a bowel movement the next morning ( I had been constipated for a few days).

I really would like to take another cup of Smooth Move Tea just to keep going, however, is this a problem? I just become constipated so easily I like to be careful.

This is not an issue of fiber intake or water intake, etc. So please do not tell me to eat more fiber, etc.
Thanks for your help in advance. :)


  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    Well if its not a fiber issue then maybe you need to figure out what the issue is. Regular laxative use will lead to damaged liver and kidneys. But I think if its been a week maybe try it out again. Miralax works really well.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    People often recommend more water and fiber, but the forgotten member of the equation is fat. Be sure you are getting enough healthy fats in your diet (olive oil, nuts, avocados, etc.).
  • amykluver
    amykluver Posts: 184 Member
    Get a magnesium supplement. Add it to you vitamin regimine daily, or every other day. A natural doc told me once that you can get liquid magnesium and put a few drops into hot water or tea and drink it and once you start to get too-loose of stools, back off on the number of drops you add as that means it's just more than you need. Once your stools are soft but formed, that's the right amount your body needs. Magnesium helps your body process and use calcium so that is a plus. You can add a Calcium-magnezium combo supplement as well - that may be enough for you.

    And no - I don't think drinking another cup of tea before you are constipated is a bad idea. Again - you start to get too loose - back off.

  • saucyitalian19
    saucyitalian19 Posts: 20 Member
    I've had this problem my entire life. Try eating cereals like shredded wheat or oatmeal. I also eat bananas and apples w/ the skins which are very helpful. I know you said its not a water problem, but i'm going to say this anyway, drink water. 95% of the time that helps move things along.

    Another thing to consider, are you taking any medication that could make this happen?
  • pgrewing
    My toddler has chronic constipation and we have him on Miralax- 1 capful everyday. His pediatrician says it is safe and not habit forming. The same medicine works on adults too. We also put him on the potty after every meal and tell him to poop. I've actually heard this potty after every meal treatment is reccommended for adults with the same problem. Good luck!
  • kellytime
    kellytime Posts: 23 Member
    Magnesium 400 mg up to 3x a day. I had terrible problems with it also; nothing helped.(fiber, veggies, exercise, etc.) My dr. recommended the magnesium and within 1 day i was good to go. I still take it at least once a day. I didn't have any side effects from taking it either.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    People often recommend more water and fiber, but the forgotten member of the equation is fat. Be sure you are getting enough healthy fats in your diet (olive oil, nuts, avocados, etc.).

  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I'm gonna inbox you. Have you been diagnosed with IBS-C?
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    As a colon hydrotherapist (NOT a doctor, but we do specialize in poo) I can recommend the following:

    CHEW your food. More than you think you need to

    Give yourself opportunities to have a BM 20-40 minutes after each meal

    Always eat in a relaxed state of mind (no one can digest well when stressed out)

    MOST IMPORTANTLY: Eat your greens TONS AND TONS OF GREENS - LEAFY GREEN VEGGIES: spinach, chard, bok choi etc

    Good luck
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    My doctor recommended ground flax seeds... not flax seed oil, but take the actual seeds and grind them in a coffee grinder or something.
  • Li_Willi
    Li_Willi Posts: 96 Member
    People often recommend more water and fiber, but the forgotten member of the equation is fat. Be sure you are getting enough healthy fats in your diet (olive oil, nuts, avocados, etc.).

  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Are you taking an iron supplement? If so, that could be the culprit. A nurse told me once to always take it with vitamin C and you will not have any constipation issues. It works!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I know a lot of people find foods like oatmeal and bananas are helpful. But some of us (ok, maybe just me) have trouble with those foods! I love oatmeal, but it will bind me up for days! It might be helpful - along with all the other great suggestions - to keep a "food & poo" journal to see if there are certain foods that trigger the problem. (However, I wouldn't post it on the fridge!)
  • l4rest50
    l4rest50 Posts: 7 Member
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    People often recommend more water and fiber, but the forgotten member of the equation is fat. Be sure you are getting enough healthy fats in your diet (olive oil, nuts, avocados, etc.).


    Yes and if you have IBS-C, constipation is not the only issue. Also painful bloating from eating high fiber foods. Too much fiber causing even worse constipation. That was my problem for so many years!
  • joslin2005
    If I get constipated, it's b/c I have not ate enough fruit, veggies or have not drank enough water. or both. More than likely the answer lies within your diet. Keep a food journal and see what your lacking or having too much of.

    Coffee is a natural laxative so it might help ease things along.
  • jeannemarie333
    jeannemarie333 Posts: 214 Member
    Agree with lots of water and vegies/fruits, and I have used flax seed oil capsules - a form of the "good fats" that a lot of people wrote about :) good luck!!
  • Jennifer217B
    Everyone has given you great advice but have you considered that maybe you have a food sensitivity? Dairy of any kind constipates my daughter. It's not the lactose but it's the milk protein that does it to her. Maybe it's not dairy for you but another food. Also, are you getting regular exercise?
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    In my experience, an irritated, swollen gut just reacts to everything, and it's frustrating to be oscillating between constipation, and harsh laxative-induced diarrhea!
    I found for myself that my IBS/constipation/issues were due to the food additive called carrageenan.
    It is found added to many things, mostly prepared dairy products, dairy substitutes, lunchmeats, and some other things.
    It is really not that hard to avoid, once you get the hang of it.
    Carageenan (the industrially extracted form) is a GI irritatant (go figure....good job FDA!) It is in many things.
    So anyway, you might try avoiding that and see if that is the problem.
    In the meantime, I personally found a certain fiber which soothes the gut in a day or two, and normalizes in a couple weeks or so. It is Colonix, found on Also get their super gentle laxative tea called Kleritea. I have found any other fiber/lax to be harsh/ineffective/pathetic by comparison.
  • frankensteen
    frankensteen Posts: 75 Member
    I went to the doctor recently for a similar problem. He recommended that I take a laxative for a while until I become regular and then to increase fiber and water. I started off by taking Restoralax for about 4-5 days and I have been taking it every few days just to keep myself in check. My doctor didn't seem to have a problem with me doing this - he just commented on the fact that some people just have lifelong issues with it. For example, he says that that is just my body's way with dealing with stress and anxiety.

    I would recommend going to see a doctor about it if it is a regular issue (**ahem** or lack thereof), just so you can be sure that your treatment is right and won't cause any long-term damage like laxative dependency.

    Once you get into a routine hopefully your body will figure things out... I've heard from some people that having a glass of wine at night or drinking a cup of coffee regularly (rituals like that) can actually help your digestive system move along. Everyone's routine is different :)