Anti-Depressant weight gain

Anyone else here gain weight from being on anti-depressants or any other kind of medication? Has the weight come off at all, and how did you do it? I would love some friends/support from people in the same boat as me. Zoloft caused me to gain 15-25 pounds in about 2 months, and I'm 21 years old, so my metabolism shouldn't have slowed down THAT much by itself just from age.


  • msfitmom_3
    msfitmom_3 Posts: 45 Member
    I was put on Celexa for depression about 3 years ago and gained 10lbs in 3 weeks on it. I was working out, eating healthy, etc. I didn't change my eating habits at all.. and the weight just piled on. It really messed with me and honestly, was having adverse effects, making me more depressed that I was gaining weight. So they put me on Zoloft after 5ish months on Celexa. I took 50mg of Zoloft once a day and managed to gain about 5lbs within the first month of use (on top of the 10lbs I gained on Celexa). I was on Zoloft for about 3-4 months when I found out I was pregnant and my OB felt I needed to be off those meds for the baby. So I quit cold-turkey (do not do unless you consult with a doctor!) -- I couldn't get the weight off until I had completely stopped taking the meds. About 4 weeks after I found out I was pregnant and had stopped taking Zoloft; I started losing the weight. But then unfortunately gained quite a bit during pregnancy.

    Sorry I can't be much help. I know it's very normal for people to gain while on antidepressants. Depression runs in my family, my mom has gained weight on her meds too and has had some troubles getting the weight off. And I have two very good friends of mine on Celexa and the other on Citalopram; both with weight gain from it and they found that drinking lots and lots and lots of water has seemed to have helped with keeping the excess weight off.

    Maybe try talking with your doctor about what you can do about weight gain associated with your Zoloft. See if there is anything they recommend. Best wishes to you!
  • Hi there, I am on Cipralex. I've gained about five pounds or so in the last month on it. Also i've gained 15-25 pounds on birth control since i've been fifteen. I am 20 and I'm really trying to lose weight. If you have any advice please do let me know.

    I'd really just for once like to look at myself in the mirror and think,.daym! :)

    good luck to you
  • piratemerdi
    piratemerdi Posts: 212 Member
    I'm on Welbutrin XL now, since many of the SSRI's have been known to cause weight gain, and this med is in a different category. Been on it for about 2 months, and the weight's still staying on, despite me working out every day. I kind of need anti-depressants right now to help me get through school, since I've been dealing with depression since I was about 14. (I'm 21 now). I agree with what you said, imtutucrazy, that gaining weight actually worsens depression.

    ChocolateAddi, I've been on birth control since I was 18, but haven't gained any weight from it. I'm on a very low estrogen-dose pill, though, so that may have something to do with it. Maybe talk to your doctor and see if you could switch to something with less weight-gain side effects? I only gained weight since I've been on anti-depressants, none from birth control. Hope this helps!
  • terracotti
    terracotti Posts: 101 Member
    I see you're on a different med now, I, too, gained weight on Zoloft + Abilify, it's definitely the meds, I lost 13 pounds after stopping the meds cold turkey. I'm now on Saphris and fortunately, no noticeable weight gain.

    what I know is that it's not just your metabolism, the meds do something with the chemicals in your brain that regulate appetite. try to recognize which one is craving and which one is hunger and drink more water.
  • Oh yeah I gained weight on zolft, hated it, now i get depressed over being over weight which stops me from losing weight, its a vicious cycle! lol I rather manage my depression by myself than be on zolft and so far so good! because being on that med and gaining weight only made me more miserable, and it didnt make me happy either just numb to everything I HATED IT. been on and off of meds since i was 15 :) but so far i think getting older has made me realize not to sweat the small stuff. But i know everyone is different. I started this week on a diet, so far so good! so there is hope! :D
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Wow sorry about all the weight gain, gals. Ive been on Lexapro (escitalopram) and Klonopin for four months now at first I couldnt lose weight no matter what (although I also didnt gain weight) but since then I've lost 34 pounds. My doctor did tell me Lexapro is a very clean drug that agrees with most people's systems and has few substantially adverse side effects. IDK if its a matter of the drug or just my body chemistry, but I seem to be doing OK on it.

    Good luck all :(
  • MartyCzar
    MartyCzar Posts: 5 Member
    I was on prozac for a year and put on about 30lbs. My doctor wasn't too concerned with the weight gain, but I was. You just have to really watch what you eat because its easy to veg out and eat especially on the meds. I decided to manage depression by therapy and got off the meds completely, now Im doing the Fitness Pal, and back to exercising. I have really noticed a change in my attitude, as well as losing weight. My therapist says its because the exercise increases your endorphins and causes you to be happy about things. Just set your sights on your goal and don't give up!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I have been on seven different medications, from anti-depressant to antipsychotic, from benzo to sedative to mood stabilizer. All of them have put on weight. Some were worse than others. It does change your body.

    But it doesn't mean it's hopeless. It just might take a little longer. Amitryptiline helped put on 35 pounds on me in 10 months, but it's coming off pretty quick now that I've decided to do something about it.

    There's hope. Take care of your mental space. Take whatever meds you need and be kind to yourself. Losing weight will do you no good if your head is a mess.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I gained weight really fast on Abilify. It worked great but I felt physically miserable because I gained weight so fast. It's really hit or miss as to how you will react to a medicine so it's one of those things you have to try and see. I'm on Lamictal now (for bi-polar). I'm up a couple lbs but I've also been sick and surviving on poptarts this week lol
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I was on Prozac (gained 35 pounds) switched to Zoloft (gained 17 pounds) switched to Celexa (lost 23 pounds) health insurance got dropped and didnt take anymore meds and didnt lose any weight either so I can't say whether its the meds or the lifestyle.
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    I gained a pretty substantial 40 pounds in about 3 months when I was taking slurroquel (seroquel, but if you've ever taken it you'll know why I refer to it as 'slurroquel'). It was a godsend for my mind, and I'm glad I had it when I needed it. I'm also quite glad to not need it anymore.

    All the research I've seen on med-induced weight gain says tracking caloric intake is a significant intervention to reduce med-induced weight gain. For some people adding metformin has also helped.
  • Been there and have done that too! I went from a size 8 to a size 16 in 5 months. From 170lbs to 218lbs in the same time frame. There was a med that made me gain like 15lbs in a week (don't remember what the name of it is though :?) Anywho I have done pretty well since being here on mfp with logging and actually watching what I put in my mouth and exercising at least 3 times per week. The big problem is keeping it off especially for those of us that are emotional eaters and find comfort in over indulging. It IS possible to lose the weight. It just takes a lot of dedication and a little more effort than the rest of the population that doesn't have to deal with emotional/mental issues/disorders. Good Luck!!
  • I gained a lot of weight by starting pristine and birth control at once! Dropped them both and went on a small dose f celexa....still a gain. Dropped that too and started working out to channel my issues. That, diet and good sleep ave helped so much.
  • sphyxy
    sphyxy Posts: 202 Member
    I gained 100+ pounds when I was 15 and on 100mg of Paxil by a psychiatrist. I was a zombie for a year and overmedicated. When I went for my yearly physical, my family doctor told me I wasn't supposed to be taking anymore than 30mg a day at my age and he promptly weened me off of it. The weight stuck into my 20's.

    Then, when I was 22, I was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder and put on Depakote. I gained another 75 pounds, lost a lot of my hair, and could have had seizures from the damn medicine. The weight stuck and my hair is really thin in some spots.

    I just relapsed again (major depressive disorder) and told my family doctor to put me on Welbutrin, the only thing that has ever really worked for me and made me feel like myself and tame some of my ADD problems like issues focusing and getting aggravated easily. I have been on it a week now and feel an improvement already. I am actually having trouble eating and feeling hungry! The past couple of days I have been throwing out the last 1/4 of my meals. I like that I won't be gaining weight, but I don't want to deprive myself of nutrients and fuel so I will have to keep an eye on things
  • I gained about 60 lbs while I was on Abilify. It's a nasty one. I did just find this article in the Huffington Post that gives some tips on how to keep from gaining on ADs.

    However, getting the lbs off is hard. I"m still on Zoloft and it's been a lot harder to lose but it is possible. Just keep at it and remember that you didn't gain the weight overnight. It's not going to come off overnight. Good luck. Hope this helps.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I gained some after going on Celexa. It wasn't much, and it was totally worth it.
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    I am on effexor and wellbutrin xl and haven't gained anything, when I first went on them I googled them and they actually said could lose weight, but I didn't lose any either, not until I started exercising and eating better
  • I was on 20mg of Paxil from February 2011 until September 2012 and gained 40lbs during that time. In addition to reducing my metabolism I had absolutely no energy to go to the gym or work out at home. And I still felt emotionally like crap so I ate like crap. Therapy and support from my partner allowed me to kick the Paxil, and things have improved considerably. I hated being medicated and I'm more balanced now than I was while being treated. Go figure.

    Since September I've lost 12 lbs with healthier eating and minimal exercising. Working on getting more active and eating better to lose the remaining 30.
  • I have been on amitryptiline (only 25mg) for over a year for IBS and have gained 25 lbs. When I first gained 10 lbs I told my doctor and he insisted it wasn't the medication. He put me on topamax to help me lose weight and immediately I started having suicidal thoughts so I got off of it. I have been eating healthier than I ever have in my entire life and I have been working hard to stay as active as possible but my weight doesn't seem to move down ever. If anything it has either stayed stabile or climbed. I can definitely relate to the fatigue and the coma that I am in the morning. I used to wake up very easily, but my husband literally can't wake me up in the mornings. Eating healthier has helped me gain enough energy to start exercising again and I am slowly working on weaning off of the medication. As much as I don't want to be in pain all the time again, I am trying to get healthy so that I can have a baby and I really don't feel like this is going to help.
  • feelin_gr_8
    feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member
    Don't remember the drug that I tried that really worked for me but I suppose that it was helpful for weight loss too....because the nausea was so bad the first couple weeks that I didn't eat