Hello...I'm new

Hey everyone, I just accidentally found this site so I joined just this week. I have 122 pounds to lose to be within a healthy BMI, a big goal but I'll make small goals along the way just haven't gotten that far. I have lost 10 pounds this week not by starving so I'm sure it was water or whatever. Well I guess that's it for now :)


  • blankcanvas
    blankcanvas Posts: 177
    You'll be surprised at how well you do:happy: Good luck!
  • Sebastiansmommy
    Congrats on the 10lbs and welcome aboard:flowerforyou:
  • kelscross
    kelscross Posts: 11
    thank you, yes the tools and counters are a real eyeopener. Sometimes you have no clue what you have been putting in your mouth until you see it right there in print! I know since I've been watching what I eat what the numbers are I cringe to think what they were before, sometimes I think for a test I would try to put what a "normal" eating day was for me and just see, I don't know might make me sick...ha!
  • pmortlip
    pmortlip Posts: 16 Member
    I also just joined this week . exercised 5 days this week and stayed on a 1200-1500 cal diet tomorrow is weigh in day. I want to lose 90 lbs and have 20 lb goals. 90 may be unrealistic but I am going to try have not seen that number since I was a teenager. keep up the great work:
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    Hi Welcome! I have 60lbs to lose! You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • KatsKelsey
    I have about the same amount to lose. I actually was on this website before, but got frustrated with myself and deleted the account. I'm back now and ready to lose. I'm looking for some weight loss partners who are needing to lose over 100 pounds. Anyone interested?
  • eiffel
    eiffel Posts: 2
    Hello everyone,
    I just joined today. I really need some motivation to keep me on track. Every week I start off really gun ho and then by Friday I slip down the slippery slop. I can't afford to continue to do that. I really need to stay focued for the next four weeks. I feel that if I can do it for four straight weeks then hopefully I'll see some results to help me continue on.
    Good for you on your 10 lbs. That is great!
  • mincarol
    mincarol Posts: 5
    Hi everyone, I am Carol. My friend Judy introduced me to this website. I am a life-time Weight Watchers member. However, I have not been faithful to the program, and to diary on-line there is a fee. Since this is free I am giving it a whirl. I just started Thursday and it is a challenge so far. I like doing this on-line opposed to writing it in my daily journal. I have never counted calories before, just points and food exchanges. If I loose a lb this week, I will be excited. You all have a blessed day.:flowerforyou:
  • mincarol
    mincarol Posts: 5
    Way to go with your 10 lb loss! Keep up the good work! :laugh:
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    10 pounds lost is 10 pounds lost!!!!
  • desireebutts
    WELCOME! YOU can do it!
  • kelscross
    kelscross Posts: 11
    Thanks everyone for the welcome! I guess getting closer to 40 and the fact that my b/f is 24 (lol..yes I AM a cougar this time around) has made me realize that I need to get healthier period. I like the support so far..thanks so much again!