2 months in and not a single lb lost :(

Hi all.
I am new to the site and need some help/advice.
I have completely changed my lifestyle in the last three months. Before i would eat non stop... Healthy food and bad food.. It didnt matter. I just love food. And appart from running after two small boys i didnt do any excersice. I hated it. I weighed 12 wore a size 14, sometimes 16 and am 5'6.
So i hated it. I was always tired and suffer extremly bad migraines. So i got up and changed. I work out six days a week... Mostly jillian michaels dvds (i love her)and eat no more than 1200 calories a day. Everything healthy and loads of fruit and veg etc. I also drink green tea and 2ltr of water a day. I feel so much better in myself. Loads more energy and not as many migrains. My body is tonning up and i am slowly.. Very slowly... Going from a 14 to a 12... But the thing is.. I now weigh 12 stone 12 and i can not shift a single lb. I have waighed that for almost two months now and just can't shift it. And as i say.. The change in my cloathes is very slow . It is very disheartening at times and i was wondering if anyone has any advice or has been through the same.
Appreciate any feed back. Thanks :)


  • JasonsSoulMate
    JasonsSoulMate Posts: 115 Member
    Have you measured? Also if you open your diary, it gives others a chance to see what you are eating and help/offer advice.
  • victoriageorgina
    victoriageorgina Posts: 41 Member
    Nope.. I havent measured. Was actually thinking of doing it to see if there were changes there. I havent used my fitness pal since i began a while back so not logged much stuff on here. I will eat poridge for breakfast.. Skimed milk.. Graps and natural low fat yogart or healthy sandwhich.. Whole grainbread etc for lunch and a healthy tea veg, all fresh, potato/sweet potato/wild rice etc and a frush cut of meat with no skin or fat. I am not a big fan of snacking so tend not to do this anyway. I dont eat the same thing every day obviously that is just a general idea. :) i also don't afd salts or sugars to anything :)
  • Nenusky
    Nenusky Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome to the club!!!!! That was me 3 months ago. i almost quit i tell you cos i was really FRUSTRATED. But people kept telling me how toned i was looking and that my skin was glowing but i wasn't seeing it. After 2 months of being static, the scale started moving...albeit slowwwly!!!! But my measurements have changed. i lost 4 inches from my hips and waist. My advice: ditch the scale. Hide it. Put it away. Stick to your measurements. Good luck and hang in there. :-)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    you said you went from a size 14 to a size 12. that's great.

    what are you complaining about? your obviously losing fat which is good, so dont worry about the weight. it;s no like you walk through your life dragging a scale with you
  • some peoples bodies dont handle starchy carbs very well, i know i dont lose much when i eat potatoes and bread, try a few alternitives like a wrap instead of bread and not every day as well as using sweet potato instead of potatos, and limiting them as well
  • spirittrail
    spirittrail Posts: 238 Member
    LOL! I LOVE that! "It's not like you walk thru your life dragging your scale with you". AWESOME and TRUE visual! Have been telling people for MONTHS now that measurements and clothing sizes (preferably shrinking) are what is important! :)
  • victoriageorgina
    victoriageorgina Posts: 41 Member
    I defo need to ditch the scale... So right!! And i am taking my mesurements from now on. Still inbetween a 14 and 12... Very true tho, i dont take my scales with me through life "hi i am vicky and i waigh..."
    I feel better in myself so i should just be greatful for that and the fact i am tonning up and not focus on a number.
    Thanks :)
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    That doesn't mean you aren't losing weight. You are probably in a stage called the fat muscle shuffle. Keep in mind that muscle weights way more than fat so if you are lifting weights then that is a big possibility. Don't worry about weight for the first 3 months. Worry about your body fat percentage and your strength and energy levels.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    You may also find that you don't lose weight or drop sizes for a while and then all of a sudden you'll drop at once, then be steady again for a while and then drop. That happens to me. It sounds like you are making some great changes, especially if you have increased energy and people are noticing that you look healthier! Way to go! :)
  • mrsnecincy
    mrsnecincy Posts: 115 Member
    Cutting down on the carbs is helping me. I've been told a sandwich is far too much bread for me to cope with. But I don't like the idea that I'll never eat one again! I try to only have bread with lunch if I haven't had much in the way of carbs at breakfast If I was going out for lunch and a sandwich was the best option I'd only have yogurt for breakfast. And I'm eating half what I used to in the way of spuds and pasta or rice of an evening. I might try measuring too!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    At 5'6 you may not be eating enough and your body is going into starvation mode. You may want to try upping your calories by 3-400. Quite possible the pounds may start coming off after a few weeks of doing that.

    Especially if you're working our 6 days a week
  • YummyMummy2k13
    YummyMummy2k13 Posts: 8 Member
    You need to measure hun, you will have very little weight change at first because you are building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat, its a known fact. Keep doing what your doing, its obviously working, try and refrain from weighing yourself at the minute xx

    Well done xx
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Forget the scales and keep going :) You'll feel differences!
  • eresin
    eresin Posts: 104 Member
    Jillian Michaels is amazing, if you are following her then chances are you are building muscle and becoming leaner, perhaps thats why there is no difference in the actual weight yet, the fact that your clothes size went down is a great NSV though and you should be really happy with that!

    It's more than likely that your body shape is changing (for the better!)
  • Have you considered seeing the doc and having a thyroid function test? Google Hypo Thyroid and see if you have any symptoms. I myself am hypo and loosing weight is a nightmare, I have to try really hard. I see it coming off just really slowly :) Good idea to open your diary so we can see what you eat. Add me as a friend if you like and see my diary etc.
  • victoriageorgina
    victoriageorgina Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for all your feed back. Really appreciate it. I will try somethings suggested and see how that goes. I am thinking it may be a muscle v. Waight thing too like a few have said as i am developing definition lines in stomache from abb work outs and my other muscles on my body look more defind too.
    Will give a few things a try... Guess at the begining it is all about finding out what works best for our bodies. ;) going to take some will power but i will try stay off the scales ha :)
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    Please don't give up. This happened to me.

    I was 160 for 6 months. No loss no gain. I thought my scale was broke so I brought a new one. Nope still 160. I went to visit my family and they immediately took me to the mall. They all said I lost so much weight. My friends were saying it too but I didn't see it. I was used to wearing big clothes to hide my weight. Lets just say I walked in the mall wearing a 14/16 and walked out wearing a 9/10 and fitted shirts.

    I lost so many inches and you could see my arms and legs were toned. I was running, doing spin, weight lifting, and eating right.

    I learned that day that ill rather lose inches than pounds.

    Did I learn, nope. Last summer again wearing 9/10. Went home for my mom party and they all said I was getting too skinny but I didn't see it until I brought a size 7/8 and realized wow I havent wore shorts in years or a bathing suit. lets say I pulled off both this summer all while being 150lbs.

    My goal this year is to go back to a size 7/8 as I gained 15 pounds and am now a 9/10.
  • victoriageorgina
    victoriageorgina Posts: 41 Member
    Wow thats amazing. Well done you. Thanks for sharing your story. I am defo not giving up! :) well... I am on the scales.. But not on the being healthy. (i also bought new scales ha..)
  • 1Fizzle
    1Fizzle Posts: 241 Member
    Have you measured? Also if you open your diary, it gives others a chance to see what you are eating and help/offer advice.

    I agree, take measurements. And keep going, consistency is key!
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    The fact that you said you feel better in yourself. Is that not a great victory, Ditch scales and get a tape measure out. Imagine how bad you would feel if u went back to the old eating habbits. Keep up the good work x