1 stone to lose and its so hard :-(

Ive stuggled for years now. I'm petite at 5ft 2" which makes me look bigger than i am, at almost 10stones. Ive been 9 stones before and that is perfect. I just cannot shift this one stone - it makes a massive difference to my confidence, how i look and feel - but I'm struggling to do this . I'm good for a week then I binge and go right back to where I started :-( Anyone in the same/similar situation? xx


  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    In the nicest way possible - man up! I lost 5 stone last year, in 10 months. I know it's hard, but it can be done. Make a plan and stick to it, you'll get there! x
  • chljlleal
    chljlleal Posts: 230 Member
    You have to take it one step at a time. I am 2 inches shorter than you and a good half a stone heavier.

    My advice to you is to break that stone down into smaller steps, maybe aim for 1lb per week (I am attempting this) and don't punish yourself for the odd blow out, just dust yourself off and try again. It took time to put on the excess weight, it wont come off over night (my mantra)

    Send me a friend request if you want support and encouragement. xx
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    Why are you bingeing? Are you hungry? If so, eat more calories, but still less than TDEE, and aim to lose weight more slowly so that you're not hungry.

    If it's emotional eating - I don't think any of us can help with that! You need to tackle the source of unhappiness.

    It can be done, you just have to stick with it and not give up after a week. It only took me from April to September last year to lose 2 stone at the rate of approx 1lb per week.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Ive stuggled for years now. I'm petite at 5ft 2" which makes me look bigger than i am, at almost 10stones. Ive been 9 stones before and that is perfect. I just cannot shift this one stone - it makes a massive difference to my confidence, how i look and feel - but I'm struggling to do this . I'm good for a week then I binge and go right back to where I started :-( Anyone in the same/similar situation? xx

    Was in that situation, but just sucked it up, ate good food and worked out. I took joy in finding healthy alternatives for favourite 'unhealthy' foods, homemade curries, etc.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you probably have your calorie intake set too low.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Without knowing what your diary looks like, what your calorie intake is, and what your level of activity is, it's hard to offer a helpful suggestion.

    I will say this: Stop bingeing. That's a no brainer.

    Also, like a previous poster said, man-up. Weight loss is not hard. Trust me, that's the easy part. Maintaining your weight loss is the hard part.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    If it were super easy, there would be no fat people.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I'm good for a week then I binge and go right back to where I started

    It takes more than a week. Figure out what you should be eating and eat it. Do it for more than a week. Don't binge.
  • mayhr3
    mayhr3 Posts: 12
    OH MY GOD I am totally the same 27 5ft2". i want to be 10stone and stuck at 10stone 12 for the last year or so.
    I'm always good for a week or so and then go completely mental and have a high fat and carb binge which then sets me right back to the beginning.
    But I am 100% determined this year and want to get to my goal weight of 10Stone or lower if I can.

    I totally undertsnd how you feel and in the same situation x
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Ive stuggled for years now. I'm petite at 5ft 2" which makes me look bigger than i am, at almost 10stones. Ive been 9 stones before and that is perfect. I just cannot shift this one stone - it makes a massive difference to my confidence, how i look and feel - but I'm struggling to do this . I'm good for a week then I binge and go right back to where I started :-( Anyone in the same/similar situation? xx

    nope sorry, ive never been there. i only have problems with pounds.

    hey maybe try exercising more often though and making that a bigger priority than eating crap :flowerforyou: its easier to eat less out of boredom when you are more active.
  • gorgeousness999
    gorgeousness999 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks all - I've taken alot of your advice on board. Particularly to man up and suck this up - I am going to do this ! 1 measly stone won't continue to beat me !!!! xx
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    14lbs is not a lot to lose - make sure you have MFP set up to lose 1/2lb a week. This should give you a reasonable amount of calories so that you can eat enough each day without feeling deprived and therefore having the urge to binge.

    Also, if you exercise, make sure you weat some, if not all of those calories back.
  • ic3co0l
    ic3co0l Posts: 57 Member
    I know how you feel! and for me it boils down to your support system. I don't have any family or friends who support me on my weightloss goals. I basically feel so alone on this. I KNOW fitness forums/web can help a lot. But in terms of relationships on a daily basis.. I'm by myself on this.

    And since on the topic of binging.. I must say "IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT, YOU CAN'T EAT IT". don't buy foods that you shouldn't be eating for starters.. and if you are going to have a treat.. buy it in small portions 1 at a time. For example, buy 1 chocolate bar as a dessert for the day... instead of a 10 pack of chocolate bars for the whole week.. because we ALL know, that we'll be eating MORE than 1 chocolate bar for the day because WE HAVE MORE IN THE KITCHEN! Same thing goes for everything else... i.e icecream.. don't buy a large tub... buy a single serving cup... and ONLY 1 until you make your next grocery trip. (QUICK TIP).

    Do you have a workout partner? that may help significantly .. !

    I am also good for one week.. and then somehow things fall apart and I lose it. It's also difficult to get back on track again. It's a nasty cycle but the first step is admitting that there is a cycle! just remember.. IT'S A MARATHON, NOT A SPRINT,, if you want this body in the long haul, you're going to be thinking LONG TERM... It may take some time, but that's more than okay! I've accepted this recently, and it has helped me.