5:2 Diet - Anyone out there doing this? x

After much consideration and reading into this an awful lot, I have decided to give the 5:2 diet a go. A few ladies I know are doing it but are only in the 2nd week so far so I wondered if there was anyone out there who has been doing it for longer. How do you feel? How much weight have you lost so far? How do you cope on fast days? And do you have any suggestions for low calorie meals and snacks on fast days?

I've decided that I'm gonna give it a go and see how I feel after 4 weeks. If I don't like it then at least it may kick start my weight loss a bit and I will return to what I'm doing now. But after reading a lot about intermittent 'fasting', the health benefits just appear to be so great so I definately want to give it a try x


  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
  • Hi Emma, I've just read Kate Harrison's book on the subject and decided to try it. I've just joined this website today as she recommends it in the book, and there certainly seems to be plenty of information on here. I'm rubbish at diets - no willpower at all when it comes to food - so I'm really going to try to find some good recipes to make it bearable, even though it's only for one day at a time.

    I'm going to do two meals a day, and I thought I'd start with a spicy lentil and vegetable soup (home made) and a big green salad with some low-calorie greek salad cheese. According to the book it gets easier as you get used to the fast days, but this is day one and I've got a headache already! Heading for Tesco's next to find some low calorie stuff, wish me luck as I pass the bakery!

    I think I'm going to miss cups of tea the most, I drink a lot of it, but even the small amount of milk in tea soon adds up of course. So I'm going to buy some herbal teas. I'm very interested in the health benefits - losing a few pounds will be an added bonus! I wish I'd seen the TV programme about the diet, but I missed it and it isn't on YouTube any more... did you see it?
  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
    Hi Emma, I've just read Kate Harrison's book on the subject and decided to try it. I've just joined this website today as she recommends it in the book, and there certainly seems to be plenty of information on here. I'm rubbish at diets - no willpower at all when it comes to food - so I'm really going to try to find some good recipes to make it bearable, even though it's only for one day at a time.

    I'm going to do two meals a day, and I thought I'd start with a spicy lentil and vegetable soup (home made) and a big green salad with some low-calorie greek salad cheese. According to the book it gets easier as you get used to the fast days, but this is day one and I've got a headache already! Heading for Tesco's next to find some low calorie stuff, wish me luck as I pass the bakery!

    I think I'm going to miss cups of tea the most, I drink a lot of it, but even the small amount of milk in tea soon adds up of course. So I'm going to buy some herbal teas. I'm very interested in the health benefits - losing a few pounds will be an added bonus! I wish I'd seen the TV programme about the diet, but I missed it and it isn't on YouTube any more... did you see it?

    Hi there :-) thanks so much for your reply - I too have decided to do two small low calorie meals on the fast days because I just don't think I could cope otherwise as I have two very young and active children who keep me very, very busy and I need to have some energy to keep up with them. I've also decided that I am gonna have two rest days per week with regards to exercise and those will coincide with my fast days so that I don't use all of the small amount of energy that I consume if that makes sense. I have ordered Kate Harrisons book as it has been recommended to me by friends. I have a link for the BBC Horizon documentary so I'll try and find it now and send it to you - it's absolutely fascinating and basically what won me over because all of the evidence put forth in the documentary is supported by strong scientific research. I'll send you a friend request and hopefully we can support each other through this - oh and good luck walking past that bakery lol :-) xx
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I did it for a couple of months last year and it worked initially but other factors (my liking for wine and my birth control) seem to have scuppered my weightloss and I stalled again. I may go back to this however as I felt GREAT on it. hunger wasn't an issue reall and i had bags more energy.

  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I've been doing this with great results (almost at goal weight now) since August although I "cheat" a bit by exercising and eating back exercise calories on the fast days.
    My wife has lost more than me in the same time by sticking more accurately to the plan.

    Has helped me gain more self-control over eating when I'm not really hungry.
  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
    I did it for a couple of months last year and it worked initially but other factors (my liking for wine and my birth control) seem to have scuppered my weightloss and I stalled again. I may go back to this however as I felt GREAT on it. hunger wasn't an issue reall and i had bags more energy.


    Thanks for your reply and for sharing your experience. Let us know if you decide to restart it - would be great to get a little group together of people doing 5:2 (unless there's already one on here of course - I'm pretty new to this site lol) x
  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
    I've been doing this with great results (almost at goal weight now) since August although I "cheat" a bit by exercising and eating back exercise calories on the fast days.
    My wife has lost more than me in the same time by sticking more accurately to the plan.

    Has helped me gain more self-control over eating when I'm not really hungry.

    Thanks so much for your reply - your success has made me more determined that ever to give this a shot. I havn't really come across anything negative with regards to this diet/regime so far so it's definately worth trying :-) x
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Someone on my FL told me about his modified version of this plan. He's lost over 100 lb (can't remember the exact amount) and he said this broke him out of a 6 month plateau.

    Find your TDEE.

    Eat at your TDEE one day
    Eat TDEE x 0.60 the next

    And alternate.

    To me that sounds much more manageable than the 2 x 500 calorie days they suggest. If I ate that little, even for only two days a week, I'd be awful to live with.
  • lts42uk
    lts42uk Posts: 162 Member
    I started this at the beginning of December. I find it gets easier on your low days as you get into it. I lost about 3.5lbs in the first 3 weeks, but then got into Christmas. I only missed 1 low day over the Christmas period, new year's eve, as I wanted a drink, but still put on 5 lbs over the whole Christmas period. I'm back to it now properly. I have my maintenance calorie allowance on my eat days and 500 on my low days spread over 3 meals, although lunch is just a cuppa soup. When I get tempted or really hungry I remind my self that it's only today, I can have that (whatever it is) tomorrow. The hunger comes in waves and if you drink water and distract yourself, it passes! I exercise as normal as I find it makes no difference to my energy levels, although I do exercise first thing in the morning so that probably helps!
  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
    Thank you all so much for your replies - I really appreciate it :-)
  • I don't know what 5:2 is but I fasted and lost 25 lbs 2 years ago but Gaines 35 bac in 2 years time of u fast watch what u eat very very well when u get to u goal
  • lts42uk
    lts42uk Posts: 162 Member
    I'm planning to do this as a lifestyle change not just as a tool to lose weight. It has many health benefits - weight loss is a bonus!
  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
    Same here - if this works for me then it's something that I always plan to do because the apparent health benefits are astounding. I have a long history of Breast Cancer in my family and I'm in the high risk category of getting it myself so when I saw the documentary and they said that doing this as a lifestyle choice could halve your chances of developing cancer, strokes and heart disease I was sold, because I have a son with special needs and I want to be around for a very long time yet :-) xx
  • Triinu31
    Triinu31 Posts: 7 Member
    I started this week as well, doing it for health reasons as well as weight. I'm doing it on Tuesday's and Thursdays, Day 2 is going ok, just about to leave office, have had 1 boiled egg with 1/2 ryvita type of bread for breakfast (100 cal), 1/2 carton of New Covent Garden soup (96 cal), 1/2 pot of Graze Love Mix (55 cal) and will have home made veggie casserole for dinner 250 cal = 500 cal.
  • kit8kat
    kit8kat Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Emma,

    I have started the 5:2 and my first fast is today! It's going well so far. I've had a banana, a satsuma and am planning to have soup tonight with 5 water crackers. Would definitely love more 5:2 friends to keep me motivated and I'm more than happy to do the same for you.

    Also, I'm half way through the Kate Harrison 5:2 book and it is brilliant! Really helpful advice and easy to read. :flowerforyou:

    I've sent a request just in case you need more buddies.

    Kat x
  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
    I started this week as well, doing it for health reasons as well as weight. I'm doing it on Tuesday's and Thursdays, Day 2 is going ok, just about to leave office, have had 1 boiled egg with 1/2 ryvita type of bread for breakfast (100 cal), 1/2 carton of New Covent Garden soup (96 cal), 1/2 pot of Graze Love Mix (55 cal) and will have home made veggie casserole for dinner 250 cal = 500 cal.

    Ooooh your meal plan for today sounds lovely - think I could manage that quite easily - thank you for sharing :-) xx
  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
    Thanks for your reply and I've accepted your friend request - I'm not starting mine until Sunday and will be throwing myself in at the deep end with a fast day - have decided to do my fast days on the two days that I work because it isn't particularly energetic work but busy enough that I wont really think about food lol :-) x
  • Well, my first day went better than I expected, I haven't really felt unbearably hungry, although headachey and very tired - but that might be more to do with the non-stop week I've just had, rather than the fast day. I picked a quiet day to start so I have been able to relax more than I usually would, which was just as well. My next fast day is going to be Sunday so I'll see how I feel then. Thanks Emma for sending the links, going to have an early night now & looking forward to eating whatever I like tomorrow!
    Jan x
  • HapThompson
    HapThompson Posts: 48 Member
    So I've been doing a version of this since the end of September. I only started weighing myself in mid November and have lost 20lbs since then. I reckon I lost at least a stone, maybe more before that (went down two dress sizes between September and November).

    Here is what I do:
    I fast Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I eat between 500 and 600 calories on those days and I eat them all in one meal because I prefer it that way.
    On Tuesdays (my day off) and Saturdays i eat exactly what I like. For example, this week for dinner on Tuesday I got a kebab and chips from the chippy, as well as a fresh cream apple turnover. It's important for me to know I can do this if I want to, because that feels more sustainable long term. Sometimes I eat healthily on those days, sometimes I eat chips it really varies depending on how I feel (which for me is the point). I like that the "extra" fast day give me slightly more wriggle room on my non fast days if i want to. That works for me.

    On Thursdays and Sundays I eat fairly healthily and try to keep to a reasonable calorie amount. I try to keep my calories overall for the week to a sensible average, and it usually evens out overall.

    I know this isn't the exact 5:2 fasting plan, but it works for me and I think the important thing with any change of lifestyle like this is to find what really works for you and what is sustainable long term for you. When I get to wanting to maintain, I can step down my regime easily (only fast twice, eat more on Thursdays and Sundays etc) to find a program that works well for me for maintenance.

    In addition to this, I try to do a longish walk at least three times a week and eat back my exercise calories.

    Hope this helps and shows that fasting type diets can and do work... I find it really easy to maintain this fasting regime and it feels like something that can be kept up long term for me in the future.
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    I do JUDDD, or the Alternate Day Diet. I have been doing it over a year and have lost over 100 pounds doing it. It's basically 5:2, but fasting/semi-fasting on alternating days instead of just 2 days per week. I feel great on it, have no problems with energy, my labs are fantastic, and the fasting days are really a breeze once you figure out what works for you. I need a good mixture of protein and bulk, so I might have fish and veggies, or chili, or something like that twice per day. Some find it easier to not eat at all, and some need 3 small meals, or several even smaller snacks throughout the day. Experiment and see how your body reacts to different combinations.

    I also exercise (now that I'm not so fat--ha! I didn't exercise until recently) on my feasting days, and my fasting days as well. I don't notice any real difference in performance. I'm now heading into maintenance and will be increasing my fasting days calories to around 800, and my feasting days are at 1800. It's really a great way to live!