minimum 1700 cal diet.. advice on what to eat please?

Hi guys,

I've just read this post...

which was very interesting and informative!! Based on BMR/body fat %/and total daily energy expenditure, too long to explain further lol, i've decided to follow all the steps and up my calorie intake from 1400 (less than my BMR) to between 1700 and 2100 a day.

My problem is, I'm only eating 3 times a day as i've found healthy snacking leads to unhealthy snacking, binging, weight gain etc. and is not always possible in my lifestyle. But i'm not quite sure what kind of things to eat so as not to eat too little :/

For example, today i've eaten:

Breakfast - 2 weetabix, cup of half fat milk, orange juice (no added sugar)
Lunch - Turkey salad sandwich & a banana
Dinner- Vegetarian kiev with pasta, sundried tomato sauce, peppers and more salad.

This only came to 1395 calories and i was 'under' for carbs, protein, and fat but waaay over on sugar (always am!!)

I had peanut butter on toast this evening to up the calories but it still wasn't enough.

I'm worried i'm eating too many starchy carbs?? and does it matter if you're over your sugar allowance if it only comes from fruit?
What other healthy things could I add to meal times?

Extra info: i'm 22, F, 5ft 7, weigh 163lbs, 31%BF, goal weight 133lbs.

Sorry this was long, thanks in advance :) x


  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Just based on what you've entered, I don't see enough fruits and vegetables. Carrots and hummus or homemade bean dip (mashed beans and some spices) are a good way to get some vegetables and protein. Nuts are really calorie dense; it's easy to get up to your calorie goal by adding nuts and seeds to your diet.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Add lean meats and fish, even tinned fish. Avacado, 0% greek yoghurt, nuts and peanut butter all help to get your calorie levels up.

    Also increase the portions of the food you are already having and maybe add additional vegetables. Do you drink tea/coffee etc as you need to add these in too which will take your total up,
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Is there no way at all you can include snacks in your diet, like fresh or dried fruit, nuts, dark chocolate, yogurts, veggies with hummus or salsa etc etc?

    I find it very easy to hit 1700 per day by using olive oil in salads, having a larger serving of oats at breakfast...etc etc etc. However, it IS okay to treat yourself while losing weight...I frequently have Starbucks Cappuccinos, homemade cookies & PLENTY of carbs. The carb fear really needs to be banished. If you are eating enough protein to aid your workouts, it doesn't matter how much carbs/fats you consume, although fats will satiate you, as will protein. Carbs, however, MENTALLY satiate you and I'd never recommend cutting them or worrying about them. You can manually adjust your macros on MFP, or simply ignore the red.

    Calories, water, activity, sleep. REPEAT!
  • The day's food you posted here looks too low in good fats, which, like the above poster mentioned, will bring your calorie count up no problem and make you feel fuller and happier! Drizzle olive oil on your salads, fatty fish (salmon, etc.), nuts and seeds as mentioned above, avocado, peanut/almond butter.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I eat a lot more than you, about double, but look at my diary. My first three meals equal about your goal. I do not snack, I just eat 4 times a day. My largest meal (45%) of my calories is my last meal. Typically 8:30-9:30 pm then right to bed. (Please not crap on meal timing.)
  • nicleed
    nicleed Posts: 247 Member
    Avocado, dairy, nuts,yoghurt etc etc.

    My diary is always open if you want to check it out - I'm maintaining now but was on about 1700/day when losing weight. And, quite frankly, the main difference now and then is wine and chocolate have been added (whooppeee!!!)

    (Also, I am a snacker)
  • essentials2x7wl
    essentials2x7wl Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for all the feed back!! :) i'll definately be adding more fruit and veg to the daily diet.

    It's food shopping day today so i'll be buying yogurt, nuts, seeds, dried fruit and dark chocolate!!! :happy: :happy: along with other suggestions. And i'll give that hummus thing a go :/

    Thanks again xx
  • essentials2x7wl
    essentials2x7wl Posts: 11 Member
    I'm still a little anxious about eating more to lose more! but hopefully it works and i don't just maintain my current flubber. hating my body at the moment, want all the excess gone!
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    I'm still a little anxious about eating more to lose more! but hopefully it works and i don't just maintain my current flubber. hating my body at the moment, want all the excess gone!

    Try upping it 100 or 150 cals a week rather than jumping straight up. Also I have just started lifting weights and in just under 2 weeks I can see a difference, it does seem to be 'sucking' the flab away. Definitely need to tone as we lose