help for a diabetic

I am a type one with no hope of coming off my insulin, but with the hopes of decreasing it with weight loss. My question is about lows. If you have a low sugar of say 50, do you count the calories you consume to raise your sugar back to normal levels. I have heard arguements both ways and wanted to know what you all think. Feel free to add me if you wish! always on the look out for more friends!



  • Hey! I'm a type 1 diabetic as well. I've also wondered if we should add the cals from the glucose tabs to raise our sugar. I came to the conclusion to not add the calories. It's for my safety so I'd need those calories anyways and I don't want to sacrifice the calories coming from a nutritious meal just because I logged my glucose tabs! Most of the glucose tabs are under 100 cals too so I'm sure it doesn't make or break your healthy eating.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Yes I do count them. I count everything. I figure the extra calories wont hurt me occasionally. If you are having too frequent of lows then maybe you need to think about your ratio...I know I had to decrease my all my settings (I use a pump) as I have lost weight. The insulin resistance that I had built up started getting better and my insulin needs did drop considerably.
  • beckarini
    beckarini Posts: 78 Member
    I count everything - but if I go over on the days where I have to correct a hypo, then at least I have a reason and I remember why it happened :)
    Like you say, glucotabs usually come to just under 100 cals.
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    I am T2 but a med I have can make me go low. I count everything I consume, sugar tabs, orange juice, everything. I don't go low often thankfully.
  • shortxtina
    shortxtina Posts: 9 Member
    I always count the juice or glucose tabs I take for a low. I figure it is still calories going into my body. I hate that it eats into my daily calorie/carb count but as people with diabetes we have that added burden to losing weight. But it's still possible. I agree that if you are having frequent lows to talk to you doctor and recheck your insulin dose.
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    Thanks everyone! I don't have too many lows but was just wondering what everyone here thought!