how often do you weigh yourself



  • I NEVER wanted to weight my self but... started doing this every morning first thing. It keeps me from eating "things" during the day a I know I have to face up to this the next morning on the scale. DO NOT get upset if you see a 1-3 lb gain a this is water. Just keep it up and you will find this a great motivation technique!!!
  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member
    Once a week , I like to surprise myself :bigsmile:
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I sometimes weigh my nuts. Other times I just grab them and hope for the best. As for weighing myself, once a quarter.
  • I weigh myself once per month. As a woman I like to allow all of those nasty hormonal inconsistencies work themselves out. I have found a great deal of success with weighing one time per month. Keeps me from obsessing over the number on the scale and focusing on what and how much I am eating. Changing bad eating habits takes time. I think people have an unrealistic expectation of weight loss. That's why they are on the scale every day. Better to focus on changing your every day eating and not on a number which is not a complete tool/measure of one's success. :)
  • lkokot
    lkokot Posts: 80 Member
    Once a week; normally on Thursday or Friday AM.
  • sammiz1
    sammiz1 Posts: 54 Member
    I weigh myself daily as well....and I also log the loss and don't log the gain. That would set me back!! As long as I keep going down...that is what matters.
  • dsimmons107
    dsimmons107 Posts: 387 Member
    I actually weight my self every day three times a day. It helps because I manage by trends based on the exercise program I am doing and how much I am currently eating. I don't panic when my weight goes up because I expect it to based on the trend of calories in and calories out. I panic when the trend is off. If I expect my weight to go down, or stay the same and it goes up I look for what I have done differently so I can manage it. Sometimes certain foods will cause my weight to go up even though I am below my calorie count. Sometimes it goes down even though I am above my calorie count. I know what to expect in the morning based on my weight the night before. I can usually keep my weight in a two pound range. It has taken a long time and a lot of information to get this down for my body. I am sure it is different for each persons body. But I believe the more information you have the better decisions you can make.
  • VitVit18
    VitVit18 Posts: 103 Member
    About once a month. We don't own a scale at home, haven't for years. So occasionally I'll check it at the gym.
  • So many people are soooooo weight obsessed. I hit the scale once a month at the most. I use other bench marks to rate my progress like:

    * Change in Body Fat %
    * Increase in Cardiovascular and Muscular Strength and Endurance
    * Maintenance and/or improvement in my overall health and well-being
    * Are my clothes fitting better?
  • runningindigo
    runningindigo Posts: 63 Member
    I try not to weigh myself, but sometimes when I feel "lighter" or my belly doesn't feel as bloated, I'll hope on the scale just to see if there's been any changes (down not up lol!!) But over the past few weeks, I've been weighing every other day.
    I've read over the years of nutritionist, doctors, and trainers, and average everyday folks say it's good to weigh every day just to see what foods might trigger water retention and cause fluctuations in weight...along with stressors to see what makes you eat outside of your healthier eating. That's another reason I like to write down what I eat so I can see my "triggers" my fluctuations!

    good luck on your progress!! :smile:
  • Jeray421
    Jeray421 Posts: 9 Member
    i only do a weigh in once a week. your body weight can fluctuate a little bit day to day so i find that doing it weekly gives me a better idea of actual weight loss
  • Weighing every morning puts me on track for the day and also I am not suddenly surprised a week from now when I haven't lost as much as I was hoping for.:smile:
  • I used to always just go by how my clothes fit. It worked for awhile, but this year I need to try a different approach, because I lose the weight (usually 10-15 pounds) then put it back on. I never used the scale. I will now, cause I want to keep track and then STAY there !! I never counted calories before now either because if I go by my hunger level, I won't make good choices .
  • ToBeCountry
    ToBeCountry Posts: 81 Member
    To be honest I weigh myself every morning before I start the day, it keeps me motivated to know that if I eat bad at night (my biggest rough patch) I'll see it in the morning, but I only record my weight down every week so the overall progress comes through.

    Agree. Any small decrease in a weigh in keeps me motivated.
  • divaindy
    divaindy Posts: 108 Member
    When I am on a plan as now I weigh daily THE minute I am not weighing daily it because I DON"T want to know what it says and its going the wrong direction!!! So I am back to the daily,unless out of town ect. YES it is flustering sometimes but keeps me in line or OUT of my FAT pants!
  • denisek80
    denisek80 Posts: 82 Member
    Once, maybe twice a week at the very most if I think I can feel a difference in my clothes or don't feel as bloated, but once is usually enough. It would be so off-putting to see all of the little variances for me
  • peilover010202
    peilover010202 Posts: 32 Member
    I weigh myself about every other day. But, I only record my weight each week (on Wednesdays). The fluctuation sort of drives me crazy, but it keeps me motivated. =)