Weight Watchers?? Love it or no?

I'm thinking of trying Weight Watchers after hearing that it's the number 1 rated diet by the government (or something like that) on Kidd Krad****. But before I start forking over money I thought it'd be a good idea to hear your experiences first! Do you love it? Think it's overpriced? Find it easy to keep up with the points? Any info will be helpful :) Thanks!


  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I am a former WW user, I lost 45lbs on the old program in 2005. It was fantastic for me because I had 27pts and once my points were gone, that was it. For me, that was really helpful. I managed to keep the weight off for 4 years.

    Then I started back on the new program (currently being used by WW) and failed. Just failed miserably. Don't like the new program at all. it works for some, but the new program doesn't work at all for me. I don't know if it's because I'm so used to the old program or what, but the new one :sad:
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I think it's a decent program, but not worth the money. It doesn't do anything for you that you can't do for yourself.
  • chelcscarbrough
    chelcscarbrough Posts: 45 Member
    Do they still offer the old program or no? I'm not really familiar with the different options they currently offer. I've been hearing about WW 360 on TV and the radio and such and it sounds appealing because it's "built for human nature" haha but I'm not sure if you get to choose the program you want to do or if they just change the program from time to time and only offer one?
  • chelcscarbrough
    chelcscarbrough Posts: 45 Member
    I think it's a decent program, but not worth the money. It doesn't do anything for you that you can't do for yourself.

    So it's basically like counting calories only it's converted into points? There's nothing special about it?
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    my wife does WW, and I thought about not giving my opinion for fear that it would tick off my favorite MFP friend, but she already posted that she hates the new system (which my wife does).

    Lets just say there are things I don't like about it, especially for individuals doing lots of strength training. Just some foods I think are overpointed.

    For example, under the points plus system I ate 70 points yesterday...and if I ate everyday like yesterday I'd still be losing weight/fat.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I think it's a decent program, but not worth the money. It doesn't do anything for you that you can't do for yourself.

    So it's basically like counting calories only it's converted into points? There's nothing special about it?

    It's pretty much simplified calorie counting.
  • It worked for me for a while, and then I started gaining weight again even though I was following the program. Nobody could explain why so I just gave it up.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I think it's a decent program, but not worth the money. It doesn't do anything for you that you can't do for yourself.

    So it's basically like counting calories only it's converted into points? There's nothing special about it?

    Yes, all foods have a point conversion based on their calories, protein and fat content. For some people, it's easier to check off little boxes for veg, fruit, dairy, vitamin etc and keep track of points versus keeping track of calories. In 2005, I would've chosen WW over MFP any day of the week. But with the new program, I wouldn't choose WW over MFP. But then again, MFP hasn't really proven successful for me either so maybe I'm just a lost cause :)
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    I think it's a decent program, but not worth the money. It doesn't do anything for you that you can't do for yourself.

    So it's basically like counting calories only it's converted into points? There's nothing special about it?

    Yes, the program is basically couting points, instead of calories. they use fiber, protien, carbs, etc to give each food a 'point' value and then you get so many points a day with a weekly allowance also.

    The only thing, IMO, worth paying WW for is the meetings if you need face to face interaction and accountablilty and a group weigh in setting. Other than that, MFP calorie counting make life 300% easier than trying to figure out point values, and its free.
  • lmkaks
    lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
    I did it twice, lost 8 lbs then 6lbs.

    I find this site SO MUCH BETTER! Calories are straight-forward, points not so much (at least, for me).

    The MFP food database is also much, much better and I love the app where I can scan a food product with my phone and it instantly puts it into MFP.

    Don't waste your money.
  • It has the same foundation as MFP, calories in, calories out, but in points form. It can be educational for those that don't know about living a healthy lifestyle (good nutrition, how to cook healthy, how to eat out healthy, how to begin exercise). I am still a member and on here becuase I use the weekly weigh in as a way to stay accountable. The exercise resources are a little weak, but I have personal trainer friends that have helped me as I advanced beyond basics. I know others who join for a few months, once they've grabbed the basics they can do it on their own (or with the help of MFP, spark people etc.). I think if you want in person support it can be helpful, but if you are just doing online I don't know if it is that much different from MFP. I lost 25lbs via weight watchers but hit a mental/physical roadblock so switched up how I was tracking by joining MFP. You can always do a month trial, if you don't like it, super easy to cancel.

    It really works for some, others lose, gain and keep coming back, and others don't like it. You'll have to try for yourself. You could find stuff online to find the old programs but they've rolled out the new 360 program to help deal with your "environment," honestly to me it's common sense (carry healthy snacks with you, stock your house full of healthy things, try to pair produce with everymeal...tips you can get on here on other sound weight loss/health sites). If you follow the program truthfully, you will lose.
  • aprilslusher
    aprilslusher Posts: 127 Member
    I liked the old system. The new one is awful. I failed big time with it. But, I will stick with MFP. It's free, easy to use, and I seem to do better on it.
  • chelcscarbrough
    chelcscarbrough Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks guys! So far the general consensus is not worth it. So I think I'll stick to calorie counting :)
  • I think it's a decent program, but not worth the money. It doesn't do anything for you that you can't do for yourself.

    So it's basically like counting calories only it's converted into points? There's nothing special about it?

    It's pretty much simplified calorie counting.

    Yup- and the database on here is much larger. WW will help teach you fundamentals of living a healthy lifestyle if you don't have a clue- besides that its the same as MFP (except with option of in person support).
  • I think it's a decent program, but not worth the money. It doesn't do anything for you that you can't do for yourself.

    So it's basically like counting calories only it's converted into points? There's nothing special about it?
    Well when my mom was doing it, yeah, it's basically calorie counting.
    They do a group support thing too with meetings and weigh-ins.
    And you get to take home nifty swag like a fiber-protein-calorie-point conversion slider chart made of recycled cardboard and paper.

    Say what you will, but the point converter was neat.
  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    I pretty much agree with what has already been said. I'm not familiar with the new program, but on the old one I lost the 15 pounds I wanted to lose and became a lifetime member. I know some people enjoy the physical meetings and weekly accountability. I never really went to the meetings, just went in once a week to weigh in.
    I loved their online resources and spent lots of time logging what I ate, looking at recipes etc. That was worth the money to me at the time. After I was pregnant I read about this site and came here. The resources here are very close to what WW offered online so I am comfortable here and happy with what I can do on my own using this site.
    It really depends on how you are motivated and what will help you to stay motivated long-term. If you would be inspired by the meeting atmosphere and talking with others and with the leader then I would say spend the money. If that helps you keep on-track it's worth what you would pay for it.
    What I do like about this site and WW is that both are more about making a lifestyle change rather than just a diet. The food journal here or keeping track of points (or whatever they use now) with WW makes you aware of what you put in your mouth and forces you to make more intelligent choices without necessarily depriving yourself.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    If you are thinking of found WW online, just stick to MFP and save your money.

    If you will be going to meetings, some people need the monitored weigh ins to keep them honest and some people need face to face interactions to feel supported. If that is you, it is worth it.
  • I also did well on the old WW program and failed on the new program. The problem I had (I think) is that fruit is 0 points...so basically free. BUT with all the sugars in fruit, it shouldn't really be free...if you eat 5 servings of fruit in 1/2 a day it is going to affect your weight. So that is why I decided to not pay again and do MFP. Just my personal experience with the new plan and why it didn't work. Hope this helps!
  • madseasons
    madseasons Posts: 105 Member
    I have done WW for many years and a lot of the different programs over the years and all have worked for me, I just got lazy and back to old habits.

    Thats said, I started WW back in November 2009 after my son was born, and went back and forth on it and doing it in my head and since then I have lost around 85-90 pounds depending on the day. I also like counting calories so I use this site when I need to count calories instead of points to give me a break and switch it up.

    I love WW and once you know the program, you shouldn't have to pay for it anymore.
  • asaralee3
    asaralee3 Posts: 39 Member
    My two cents

    I had awesome success on WW - I lost 47 lbs on it in just around 4 months. I just did the online version. For me it was all about the food journaling and being accountable to what I put in my body.

    MFP seems to be doing the same thing...and it's FREE! Plus I still have a great community of folks for support, just as I did on WW. I'm only 4 lbs down in just under 2 weeks, and I'm not forking over all the money for WW (so really my wallet is a little heavier, but I'm ok with that)

    What you get out of it is all about what you put in. If you are looking for a way to track your food intake and exercise, then I'd say stick with MFP...you will get the same result.
