Starting Over...

I started on here a year ago and was really progressing with my weight loss, but lost the motivation and started to put on more pounds. So now I'm back and working towards my goal again. I refuse to give up this time. I could really use some support and motivated people to join me. So feel free to add me... :smile:


  • alasouthern
    Good luck to you! I'm starting over again too. It's a new year with all new possibilities!!
  • llpaq
    llpaq Posts: 263 Member
    GOOD LUCK! You can do it - don't lose it this time!! Easy for me to say I've started over a hundred times but this is the last- I'm pushing 40 years old and I will be as fit as can be for the rest of my life! I know you can do it too! Welcome aboard! You can add me if you want!
  • DakotaDame69
    hello.....starting over here as well......lost 80 lbs and put 40 back on!! :( so I am also working at not giving up.....we can do this we just have to remember to never give up....we are worth it....and its a lifestyle change not a diet!! Lets motivate each other to be the best we can be.....heres to us! CHEERS :)