Horrible weekend..

Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
I did absolutley AWFUL this weekend!! I can't believe myself. Yesterday was the worst though! Seriously i ate sooooo much. Lets start from the top though.
So Friday. I went to Uno with friends had no intention on getting any drinks(which I didnt) and had no intention on eating..yuh well when my boyfriend ordered a pizza I lost control and I ordered a burger and fries...after I had ALREADY had a lean cuisine for dinner!
Saturday. I went out to Longhorn for dinner with my workout buddy. She ordered a steak salad. Me...I ordered chicken fingers and fries and had some bread.
And that Brings us to Sunday now. I really don't know what was wrong with me. I went crazy. Went to dinner with the boy and his mom. I got a seafood pasta dish. Ate more than I ever have of it. Almost finished it. Had like seriously a loaf of their italian bread. Ate 2 pieces of pizza. OHHH EMMM GEEEEHH! lol. Yikes I know.
*Note: I did go to the gym on Friday and Saturday though.
This wednesday is my 2 year annivasary with the boy so we'll prob be going out to dinner and we both have the day off after so we'll prob do something then too. OYE But I am planning on going to the gym as normal all week.

To sum it all up I probably gained some weight I'd say lol. We will find out on tuesay. :blushing:

I just needed to admit this. I am so ashamed!


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Just drink a lot of water and eat healthy the next couple of days. You'll be fine.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    You admitted it and now it's time to move on. The best part about this - you can "restart" at anytime! Keep positive! You're ok! We all have these. I had almost a whole bag of cheddar popcorn this weekend watching a movie with my man. I knew better than to eat out of the bag! But it was so good!!!

    You're doing great!!! Just hit the gym and try to do your best in your food choices this week. :flowerforyou:
  • trina33
    trina33 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm glad to see I'm not alone. I tell myself how I plan on eating and I even plan healthy meals, and it all goes down the drain when faced with a choice. There is no point in being ashamed, though. Today is a new day and you have to just keep trying. See if you can choose what you are going to eat from an online menu ahead of time and then don't even look at the menu when you get to the restaurant. You won't be so tempted to choose something less healthy then. Good luck and just do the best that you can do!
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I did absolutley AWFUL this weekend!! I can't believe myself. Yesterday was the worst though! Seriously i ate sooooo much. Lets start from the top though.
    So Friday. I went to Uno with friends had no intention on getting any drinks(which I didnt) and had no intention on eating..yuh well when my boyfriend ordered a pizza I lost control and I ordered a burger and fries...after I had ALREADY had a lean cuisine for dinner!
    Saturday. I went out to Longhorn for dinner with my workout buddy. She ordered a steak salad. Me...I ordered chicken fingers and fries and had some bread.
    And that Brings us to Sunday now. I really don't know what was wrong with me. I went crazy. Went to dinner with the boy and his mom. I got a seafood pasta dish. Ate more than I ever have of it. Almost finished it. Had like seriously a loaf of their italian bread. Ate 2 pieces of pizza. OHHH EMMM GEEEEHH! lol. Yikes I know.
    *Note: I did go to the gym on Friday and Saturday though.
    This wednesday is my 2 year annivasary with the boy so we'll prob be going out to dinner and we both have the day off after so we'll prob do something then too. OYE But I am planning on going to the gym as normal all week.

    To sum it all up I probably gained some weight I'd say lol. We will find out on tuesay. :blushing:

    I just needed to admit this. I am so ashamed!

    HAHAHA I totally forgot about breakfast yesterday. Ya know the bagel, cream cheese, cornbeef hash, and homefries i Had lol
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    Today is a new day, don't let the week-end define this week. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move forward. :happy:
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I know how you feel. I did so good Friday until we got home from work decided to use a GC and ate real bad bar food. Sat we ate out again. Sunday we went to a play so had a bad breakfast w/his family and then ate a very very bad dinner w/my family.

    Well now I'm up 3.5 pounds!!!

    Its going to be yogurt, beans, tofu and vegetables all week to get rid of my cravings! (It doesnt help that we have BBQ Chicken/Bacon pizza left over)
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    He, you and me both sister, gained 3 1/2 lbs over the weekend too, but at least you can admit, write it down, and move on....I think the other post is right, drink lots of water and flush that junk out of your system. That's a big part of my plan, I realize that the majority of it is junk weight that can be taken off just as quickly, but with tons of effort....ugh.....also, I can tell you that Jimmy John's (didn't feel too bad about that one), Popeye's restaurant (Lake Geneva WI), Mill Creek restaurant, and Culver's definitely got my business....and I'm paying for it both ways...at the scale and out of my wallet!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Ugh, girl, so did I - but I have a good excuse (message me)... I didn't track and I don't know if I'll remember it all to track it and see how I really did. *wince* All I know is it's Monday, it's a new day, a new week, and I'm going to start over!
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    I don't want to sound not nice but it seems more and more recently you're posting about how bad of a day, night, weekend, week, or whatever you've just had. Maybe it's time to step back and look at why you're trying to do this. What's motivating you to want to lose weight or get healthy. What made you come here in the first place? Having one "bad day" here and there is fine but over and over then regretting it but doing it again and again isn't going to help you out. I don't know if your motivation is weight because you're certainly not overweight... so what is it? Put it our there. Sometimes it's all we need to do to refocus ourself.

    *side note - I don't believe in bad days. Life happens. It's just a day where you ate less healthy than you could have.
  • mhoss101
    mhoss101 Posts: 49 Member
    glad to know that i am not the only one with a weakness for the weekends.. weekends are awful for me too! just stay positive and like a lot of people stated, today is a new day. hit the reset button and dont get stuck in the "i'm a failure" mindset.. i would suggest writing down what triggers this behavior and try to avoid them. for me, its whenever i am bored and watch tv.. like yesterday, i watched tv for 7 hours!! my workout schedule is 5 days a week with 2 days off and one of those 2 days off is sunday.. i realize now, after two sundays of food failure, that taking sunday as a day off is not good for me because i get lazy and i eat all day.. so i need 2 days off during the week as to not lose complete control..

    its good that you are facing your "weekend demons" and realizing that what you did was not healthy.. keep on truckin and good job on the Friday and Saturday gym!