What my boyfriend did to me!



  • Tishy78
    Tishy78 Posts: 108 Member
    Good grief. Some of you really need a sense of humor.

    I know what you mean, OP. My now hubby was pretty picky before we started our battle to lose. We went out to eat and had many drinks, the Pizza guy knew us on a first name basis... and yeah, when I cooked, I was catering to his tastes because I wanted to make him happy. Ahhh, love :)

    It didn't help that I work a desk job. In IT. With ALL guys. So, I was eating like one of the guys for lunch too.

    I am so thankful that the hubby decided it was time for him to get healthy. I was ready previously, but I'm the type of person who would always put everyone else first, so it would have been very difficult for me to do it with him still wanting all of the bad stuff.

    Anyway, good for you in making the decision to get healthy. You are obviously in a good relationship, so I am sure you will continue to be supported. Keep up with the great attitude :)
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Ah, the Love Chub. It definitely happens. My fiance, when we first met, went to dinner and got drinks almost every time we had a date. It'll catch up with you!
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I totally understand your predicament. I have been with my guy for a little over a year. I gained about 30 pounds during that time because I was happy and eating the same things he did... and he is not overweight... So I got back into the swing of things October 30, 2012.... I have lost 22 of those 30 pounds. I still have a significant amount to lose mind you.. but I still have 10 pounds left just to get back to where I was a year ago... Its a battle..
  • Lovett123
    Lovett123 Posts: 54 Member
    I think some people here are missing a sense of humour :s

    I put on 2 stone when I'd been with my boyfriend for a year! He doesn't like to eat veg so we ended up on takeaways and meals out a lot. It is my fault for putting it in my mouth but I still joke about how his diet made me fat!

    To the OP - good luck with your weight loss :)
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    The same thing happened to me but not quite as drastic. Although I'll say that when I met my now husband at 19 years old I was suffering from at least some symptoms of an eating disorder, or at least a severe obsession. Some of the weight I gained initially I believe was from his ever present support and help. He helped me remember who I was before I lost confidence and had to be as skinny as I could starve myself to be.
    Then after a really healthy period I got a car and got comfy with him and my couch :) I've been fighting the buldge ever since.
    Friend me if you like :flowerforyou:
  • syddiane09
    syddiane09 Posts: 8 Member
    I understand this completely =) Many life changed cause us to gain weight (eat more). I was married, had a baby, moved away from home, divorced, and now I am in a new relationship. All of which have not been good on my body. Just keep your wedding in mind! You'll be beautiful to everyone no matter what, but you want to be beautiful to yourself also! Good luck! Hopefully we can push each other!
  • FionaDFair
    FionaDFair Posts: 125 Member
    I must be the only weirdo that loses weight and gets more fit when I'm in a relationship.

    That's where my husband and I are now. We got married in November 2011. In 2012 we both lost between 15 and 20 pounds. We've both still got a ways to go, but we're doing it for ourselves and for each other. We want to be there for each other for years to come, so starting healthy habits now seemed like a good way to go. Having his support has also made it easier for me, except when I try to wake up early to go to the gym and he tries to talk me into sleeping in. :)
  • lilysmama08
    lilysmama08 Posts: 60 Member
    I know how you feel! I've gained 40 in 2 1/2 years. We were eating out all the time and my portions just kept getting bigger! And i was going to the gym 5 days a week. I definitely dont blame him though, he's lost 22 pounds since we've been together.
  • CDeRuyter
    CDeRuyter Posts: 75 Member
    Yep, "evil" boyfriends/fiance/husbands! DAMN them! I have been battling mine for almost 25 years. He is a FABULOUS cook and makes everything exactly how I like it. How could he be so cruel?! :grumble:

    However, after almost a quarter of a century (GOD that sounds long), I have learned to ask him WHAT spectacular meal he is making for dinner...Then I plot my eating and exercise for the day.

    Yep, currently, I'm a 6/8 at the bottom - 10/12 on top. (Genetics)...Two years ago I was a 1X - 2X. 40 lbs gone! Muscle is replacing fat. Enjoy your food! But EARN it! :drinker:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    At least you have a boyfriend...

    i lost a lot of weight and i am still single :sad:

    you and me both. we should be friends. :flowerforyou:
  • bdotshaw
    bdotshaw Posts: 90 Member
    SMH, why all the snark? I do believe she's aware that she gained the weight by eating too much. Sometimes you people are just a hot boiling mess.

    Anyway, OP, totally feel your pain! Going on two years with my man and he's just now getting into the gym with me. His eating habits still suck but I am FINALLY taking it upon myself to practice willpower and hold myself accountable for what goes in my body. Last night he came home with Chipotle (after I'd already eaten my dinner, mind you) and I was able to turn it away (huge NSV for me, btw).

    I just take it one day/meal at a time. Good luck. You got this!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Weight gain sucks. How long have you been together with your boyfriend?

    4 years.
    So a while, it just crept on. And i tried getting rid of it a few times, but always half arsed
    The exact same thing happened to me! Been together almost 4 years. I gained 10lbs within a few months of dating him the rest had slowly piled on. When I met him I worked at hooters, and was a size 1 in jeans. Over 3 and a half years I've gained 25lbs! He didn't do it to me, but his influence didn't help. He eats fast food a lot and tries to offer me some of everything he eats. I've now put my foot down, he knows I'm on a diet and I can not eat what he eats and not gain weight. You have to take accountability because you can't control what he eats, only what you eat. Good luck!

    lol! This sounds like me. I was a size 2 when we first started dating 4 years ago. I'd say i've steadily gained about 5lbs a year, a small number, but 4 years later and 20lbs heavier it's not a trend I want to continue! He didn't do it to me, but all of the yummy dinners out, lazy Sunday breakfasts at the local diner,snacks at the movies etc that I didn't do when I was on my own certainly contributed, I just didn't realize what was happening because it was a slow gain. I'm ok with the number on the scale, but the muffin top has got to go so now i'm here getting healthy and strong and learning better habits! Goodluck!!
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    It makes me giggle a little how many ppl don't know sarcasm when they see it LOL. OP is obviously not blaming her bf for her eating habits, it's just a little *haha* way of putting it....
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    I've been with my now husband for 15 years. We met my freshman year of High School. Granted that was also 15 years ago but I've put on almost 100 pounds. (maybe more I really don't remember what I weighed back then) But I noticed it all creeping up. When broke up for 1 month when I was 18 and I lost 15 pounds. Got back with him and put the pounds back on. Hubby loves me for me but like you I'm doing this for myself. Good luck!
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    He didnt do it to you! Its genetics!

    It's not genetics, it's eating too much.

    lol... correct!
  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    I gained a few pounds but I have lost it all now. I have 4 kids and my youngest is 6 months. I am now at my college weight. I have only 3 pounds to go until I reach my high school weight of 125. You can do it. We just tend to get used to our guys and we just kind of stop trying to look hot for him. But don't worry. You can get yourself to your HOT self again. That is what we are here for. I find my MFP pals are the best. They are soo supportive both in fitness and personal things. I love them and if you need me I am here. I didn't really put on weight until I started to get pregnant and pop out these beautiful babies. You can do it.
  • srl32000
    srl32000 Posts: 29 Member
    Ha !
  • Sirref0275
    Sirref0275 Posts: 31 Member
    You can add me
  • Sirref0275
    Sirref0275 Posts: 31 Member
    Impressive you can add me
  • dresha41
    dresha41 Posts: 7 Member
    yes you are correct there are studies that have shown that being in a relationship rather good or bad can cause weight gain, but it is up to you to drop those pounds I can relate i have gain /lost, gain/lost, I have decided the yoyoing stops my focouc clerly has to be on my health and getting and staying fit. So with being said droping the fork and spoon and plate and getting healthy.
  • I was in a mentally/emotionally abusive relationship with my ex husband. He didn't let me work, go to college, or even volunteer. I had two kids with him back to back..(now 3 and 4) and I gained 100 pounds. It was horrible. I am in a wonderful, fulfilling relationship now and my fiance and I are working hard to eat healthier. We are working out and eating good and learning along the way. It's exciting to do that with someone who cares. He loves my curves, and loves me as I am "plus sized" but understands I want to lose weight for my personal goals of joining the military and police academy.

    Don't give up, keep moving forward. Don't worry about the rude and snarky comments. You were brave to post here and explain your situation. Be my friend if you would like : )
  • I put on weight after my marriage ended, does a little more than 1 ½ years, 8 months and I met someone else and now I'm engaged, I need to lose weight to feel good
  • BeccaLevine
    BeccaLevine Posts: 315 Member
    I gained my weight when my BF & I got together! I don't blame him, we just enjoyed spending our time together eating! And well, he's a dude with a fast metabolism and I shoulda known I couldn't eat like him...but hey, I gained the 50lbs, now I've lost almost 75, now we're engaged. Good trade I think :happy:
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    I know how you feel OP :flowerforyou: Been with my husband going on 4 years and I've put on 50lbs since we 1st met. He's skinny and has an awesome metabolism and I unfortunately don't LOL I don't blame him for the weight gain, but on occasion he's told me "oh you don't need to count the calories, you look great! Here have some pizza and beer" :drinker: I'm glad he loves me for who I am, but I made sure he knows its important to me that I want to become healthier; now we work together to try and eat better and take walks. It's hard to do it alone, especially if he's sitting there with a plate of fries and I have some granola or something not fried lol

    Btw, I love how quick people are to attack OPs on this site. They're just sitting there looking for threads to misinterpret, threads that will give them a chance to show everyone how smart, witty and funny they are, but it also shows how ignorant, loud-mouthed and judgmental they are too :laugh: We have a very unique and diverse group of people on mfp :smile:

    edit: forgot to add: feel free to friend me if you'd like
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    I gained my weight when my BF & I got together! I don't blame him, we just enjoyed spending our time together eating! And well, he's a dude with a fast metabolism and I shoulda known I couldn't eat like him...but hey, I gained the 50lbs, now I've lost almost 75, now we're engaged. Good trade I think :happy:

    Awesome! :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    love is one of the greatest motivators.
  • Kissah
    Kissah Posts: 33 Member
    He didnt do it to you! Its genetics!

    It's not genetics, it's eating too much.

    I would not say he did it to you but comfort did.... We all get comfortable in a relationship and stop trying but I always try and keep a state of mine that no matter what, I have to be healthy for me. I personally do not like how I feel not able to wear the cute dress or feeling fat. I also gained a lot of weight with my daughter when I was only 125 before I got pregnant and I noticed it changed me. It changed how I carried my self, how I interacted, my mood, energy and intimacy... I did not like it so I am on a quest to achieve my goal and feel my best this year... You just need to get strong, dedicated and a little selfish... Making "me" time and no matter what sticking with it and you will see your motivation will increase as you loose those pounds... You can do it girl... Do it for you first of all... No excuses!!!
  • What's important is not how you got there. It's what you do now and in the future to prevent it from happening again ;-) Great luck to you, to all of us.
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    What's important is not how you got there. It's what you do now and in the future to prevent it from happening again ;-) Great luck to you, to all of us.
    Yes whats impotant is that you realized you need to make a change, No your boyfriend did not force feed you but you got comfortable in your relationship and sometimes we get lost. We are all on this website because it helps us. Ignore mean comments not everyone will agree with you and your choices so stay positive and do the damn thing!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I hear that miserable crack addicts generally don't have weight problems.
    What about happy crack addicts?

    Aren't they models?

    spits out drink
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