Need some motivation here

So i posted just a few days ago as a "success story" because I FINALLY got below 162, for the first time in years, and was consistently weighing in at under 160.

Yesterday morning I was delighted to find my scale saying I was 154.5...less than ten pounds away from my goal! Yes yes yes! Unfortunately, within the hour, I was hauled off to the ER. Apparently I was very dehydrated. They gave me three bags of fluids. I didn't get to eat at all until about four, and I was so hungry I ate about 1200 cals (which is my daily calorie thingy and I needed it so I don't feel bad about that). But today, the scale is saying 161!!! 161?!?! It's like all this hard work has really only earned me a pound!!! I'm so frustrated!!!!! (and i say only "one pound" because for the last 6 years my scale has been unwilling to go below 162, though, honestly, last december I was at 174, so I should recognize it's given me 13 lbs....but let a girl be grumpy!)

I know water intake is important. I haven't been ignoring it on purpose, i'm just very busy and I guess for three days I just didn't have a chance? Or if I did, I didn't take it. It's weird. I was thinking about it in the ER and remembered how i took at "water break" at my aerialist class and ended up using it to check in on my kid instead of drinking any water.

But my problem is the pyschology of being only 10 lbs away from my goal one day, to being 16 lbs away. That's a major bummer. And honestly, I'm not all that psyched about all this hard work (honestly) landing me at 161. I'm hoping they over pumped me or something and it'll all even out around 158 by tomorrow. I can handle 158. I just can't handle being in the 160's... again. Also, I was 165 at the end of February when I started MFP, and at 1.1 lbs a week, I should be more like 157.

sw: 174
cw: 161 Grrrrrrrrrrrr!
Goal range: 135-145

P.S. Drinking water as we speak!
p.p.s. My measurements are still what they were yesterday, so I know it's hydration and not fat (as if I could put on 6 lbs of fat) but STILL> I PUT ON 6 LBS IN ONE FLIPPIN' DAY!!! I want to be 154! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! *cries like a baby*


  • kawade80
    kawade80 Posts: 44
    I have so been there. In fact the last 2 weeks I have been going through the same thing, minus the er trip. It is hard. But you have to remember you didn't get to that weight overnight and it's not going to come off overnight. Yes it feels like you have been busting you hump for nothing, but your body is getting healthier and stronger. Have you done measurements? I know that with me personally the first time I tried to lose weight, I got really frustrated when I got stuck at 17 pounds, but I had lost 36 inches all over. Either 9 or 11 off my waist. So just hang in there it will come off.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    You just threw your body for a loop with dehydration. Give it a few days and continue eating well and hydrating yourself.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    You just threw your body for a loop with dehydration. Give it a few days and continue eating well and hydrating yourself.

    agreed. it may show in numbers now. but it will go away. so dont stress or frustrate yourself to much on it. :)
    you are doing great :)
  • TIFFANY1686
    Just keep drinking tons of water!! Your body will retain it until it's reassured that you will continue to give it more water :) In a few days the numbers should go back down.
  • acakeforawife
    Well, it sounds like the only reason you hit the 154 was because you WERE super dehydrated -- and how eff'ed up is it to get excited about weight loss when it puts you in the hospital?!?!?! I'm not saying YOU are personally crazy but just this whole world we live in! That we prize weight loss more than health?? It's SO MESSED UP. I'm sorry but my only advice is to stop worrying about being 'overpumped' (WHAT?) and be thankful that you haven't done more serious damage. Drink water and eat healthy and you know what? If your body wants to stay at 161 for awhile, maybe you need to make peace with that. :smile:
  • ndnlou
    ndnlou Posts: 29
    each liter of fluid they gave you is a kilogram or 2.2 pounds. So if you got 3 liters that is 6.6 pounds and your body is going to hold on to all that water. Go low sodium and drink lots of water for the next couple of days and it should stablize out. Good luck, NDNLOU
  • Murdog
    Murdog Posts: 70
    Don't be so frustrated. I know this frustration, however. Last week, I weighed in and I gained 4 pounds. Then I went on a run that night. Got up the next morning and lo-and-behold... I lost 6 pounds. I should be happy, right? Well, I know that that type of weight loss usually is water. So, yeah--I was pretty bummed.
    But, really--it looks like you're ok. And, you're out of the hospital. I know about distractions, too. However, our kids need us and they are the priority. But, we can watch out for ourselves health-wise along the way.
    I'm glad you're alright, keep at it.
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    Don't even stress that. Your body just needs to adjust
  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    I agree, your body is just holding the water and once you are back up to the level where you should be, your body will pass all teh water no longer needed.
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    Agreed, you just got through being dehydrated.....and it was obviously pretty serious. Your body is going to hold on to that water as long as possible unless you get into the routine of drinking what you're supposed to. DRINK DRINK DRINK!!!
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Just wanted to let y'all know that as of today the scale is at 155. And, yes, I've been drinking lots and lots of water!