PCOS & Success



  • I have PCOS as well.. and the only thing that worked for me was the Belly Fat Cure. I lost 3 inches off my waist in 2 weeks and had a normal period at the beginning of week 3 (I hadnt had a regular period for over 1.5 yrs by that time).. and well then I went to the Bahamas and it just went down the drain. I am desperately trying to have kids but with a kinked left tube (ectopic) and PCOS Ive had no luck. Ive been through 6 IUI's and a cancelled IVF due to lack of ovarian response to Gonal F. I know that if I lose the weight I can concieve on my own and thats something I want to do to prove it to myself thats its not impossible!!

    Im starting back on the Belly Fat Cure again and since it was the ONLY program that worked for me its exactly what Im going to do. I was eating between 1200-1500 calories per day and didnt really exercise.. however, now I'll be burning some fat walking/running while I diet -

    I'd love to get to know fellow PCOS'ers!
    Add me :)
  • girllovedcupcakes
    girllovedcupcakes Posts: 109 Member
    Hello all same story here PCOS and insulin resistance. I haven't taken metformin in years since I ate bad foods they would always just go right through me on the meds. eating right and working out for almost 7 months now, hoping to hit 70pds in 7 months.
  • lucy529
    lucy529 Posts: 127 Member
    I have severe PCOS and insulin resistance i had tried many other things to get me to lose weight especially now that am married and wanting to start a family, but nothing worked last Nov. I had an ectopic and that made me realize that I needed to do something but couldn't find out what, then i was told about Isagenix and it has done wonders for me. with in the first week i was off my insulin and all the diabetic meds my sugars are now steady, it such a great feeling being able to eat a meal and not worry about how much insulin you are going to need

    i had stopped taking metformin but my dr told me that it can help conceive and now i take a low dose of it all the other meds are also being monitored to see what might need to change, i also did a cycle of clomid since I don't have periods and don't ovulate on my own (i did ovulate on it) but after I lost 15 lbs my first month we made the decision that we wanted to wait a little longer until i lost more weight but last month I ovulated on my own and had a period so am happy that things are getting somewhere.

    feel free to add me am always looking for friends :) like the other above have said it is harder but it can be done you just have to set your mind to it good luck
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I find if I work twice as hard I lose half as much as someone else might. I lost 80 lbs in my first year on mfp, had a baby 3 months ago and I'm back on board

    Follow your calories
    Exercise till you can't anymore
  • lilmisstata
    lilmisstata Posts: 12 Member
    I have PCOS. I was diagnosed about 15 years ago. The only thing that has ever worked for me to lose weight was cutting out carbs and processed foods and a f*$kload of exercise. I kept the weight off for years. But when I stopped running 4-5xs a week because my hips were hurting. I started gaining weight (on average about 10-15lbs a year). I tried to see an endocrinologist because I wasn't really eating that much, but he basically made me feel like a fat pig that was looking for an excuse.

    I used to take Metformin but honestly, I didn't really see a difference and still had whacked menstrual cycles even while taking Met and being a normal weight. I actually got pregnant at my higher weight and weighed about 200lbs when I found out I was 8 weeks pregnant.

    Gained 25lbs and had hypothroidism while pregnant and have been struggling with taking the baby weight off ever since.

    My weight has basically stayed between 210-219 for the last 16 months, no matter how hard I try. Finally I have had it and decided to log my food and exercise like a madwoman again.
  • In 2012, I lost 26 lbs, an average of .5 lb per week, which was more often no weight loss for weeks then a few punds loss. It was/is tough, but, imo, the keys to success are monitoring intake, exercising hard, and increasing protein/lowering carbs (I'm Paleo with a fairly strict range of macros). Even with all that, the weight comes off in its own time, haha.

    I have not been diagnosed with PCOS because I do not have cysts, an irregular period, or diabetes, but I have other symptoms including carrying most of my fat abdominally, wide shoulders, acne, excess hair, and oily skin. All of which I argued prove I do, but to no end as my GP and Gyn just answer with lose weight and all will be OK. At this point, I'm just getting it done. I dont care how long it takes. Each week I feel my body getting stronger and I hope each pound lost puts distance between myself and the worst of the symptoms. <--The most amazing benefit. :o)

    For those on the same journey, feel free to add me.
  • Hi ladies :-)

    I have PCOS too. I am at the start of my journey so can't offer much advice but find like other PCOS people that carbs are my enemy, I love them so this is very unfortunate!

    I have read the book The Ultimate PCOS Handbook: Lose weight, boost fertility, clear skin and restore self-esteem by Collette Harris and Theresa Cheung. I found it really helpful, I need to dig my copy out actually. It's always good to refer back to.

    I will be sure to follow this thread as will be interesting to hear other stories :0)
  • GellisIndigo
    GellisIndigo Posts: 55 Member
    <snip>... I do not have cysts, an irregular period, or diabetes, but I have other symptoms including carrying most of my fat abdominally, wide shoulders, acne, excess hair, and oily skin.

    This is my story as well. I lost 45+ lbs last year before being diagnosed in September. My diagnosis was spurred by my A1C and cholesterol levels skyrocketing as a result of that weight loss. My GP sent me to a metabolic specialist as a result, and he diagnosed me with PCOS/Insulin Resistence. The weight loss continued until my "December of Excess 2012".
    Since getting back to my exercise program and getting my eating back on track at the beginning of this week, I've dropped 1/2 of the 3 lbs. that I gained.
    I truly believe exercise is the biggest piece of the puzzle. I started with walking 10 minutes at a time, a couple of times per day. Every little bit truly does help.
  • I am new to the site and have also been diagnosed with PCOS i have it for about 2 years but only got diagnosed in November last year. In the 2 years i had it i put on about 3 stone so its my goal to loose this and another 2 stone.

    I see from some post below that you were all prescribed metaformin - i had asked my doctor for this but he advised he wouldnt give me this until i lost some weight as its proven to work better for those who are on their way down with the weight. Did anyone else have this problem ?

    When i had went to see him i had been sticking to a strickt intake of 1500 calories a day and doing intense cardio etc 3 times a week from July 2011 and hadnt lost 1lb in the 4 months !! its all very frustrating ! so thought i would give this a try think it really helps that you can have a food diary and add in your excercise.

    Anyone with PCOS have any good suggestions on how to kick start my weight loss as i really want to give metaformin a go?
  • I have PCOS and I am gluten intolerant. Until I had my son I was very small. I did this fro a little while last year then forgot and I'm in it for the long haul this year. Metaformin made me too tired to do anything. BC pills help a little, I'm trying to go through all the steps to get a hysterectomy now.

    I was diagnosed at 14 with PCOS. It's been a life time battle, CARBS are the enemy if you eat them only eat complex ones (I say that knowing full well I am also drinking a Dr. Pepper for breakfast) easier said than done!
  • I have PCOS and have lost 43 (non baby weight) pounds since my second daughter was born.
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    skinnybitchbarbie27 Posts: 306 Member
    I was diagnosed with cysts on my ovaries at 16 and at 21 was told I had PCOS. I have slowly lost 100lbs and sure enough at about 75 pounds l got pregnant. Although the pregnancy didn't last it was a sliver of hope. Even though the weight loss is slow, something is happening inside my body. I no longer take any medication, have extreme cramping, or miserable periods. The doctor told me that as I lose weight It could only get better and better, and it has.
  • I was having a hard time for the past 6-7 years to lose weight, and I wasn't getting my menses. I went to the doctor last year, and he said I had PCOS. After my diagnosis, I was prescribed Metformin and began exercising and eating better. Since then, I have lost about 30lbs in a year and I am looking to lose more.

    I've also cut out the dairy and eggs in my diet because it bothers me a lot. I feel a lot better since then


    ** i've noticed how much exercise actually affects me! while exercising 4 months straight (july -november) i was getting my menses on the regular. I got extremely ill from november to december and i missed my period in december. Since this past week I've been back to exercising, my menses came back..and i couldn't be happier haha :D
  • wendyjane75
    wendyjane75 Posts: 45 Member
    I have PCOS and hypothyroid. I only took met when I was trying to get pregnant (had to do multiple Gonal-F IUI's but now have 3 kids) Currently not on any meds because I didn't like the way the BC pill made me feel. I've lost 42 lbs since July, and have 42 more to lose. It's been slow but consistant. I really watch what I eat keeping within my calories. I've found for me I have better success and less cravings when I try to stay away from white carbs. I exercise at least an hour a day, 5-6 days a week. It's going slow but it is working for me and I can see the results so I'm sticking with it!
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18. I am now 27. I lost 30 lbs doing a low carb diet and I felt great. I would like to have children very soon but before I do I have to get some of this weight off. My cycle has been here and there and everywhere since I was 14. I want to start swimming and exercising EVERYDAY (one of my goals) I just started this week and have lost 6lbs already. All I have done is changed my eating habits. I am super happy to be making this a lifestyle change. If anyone lives in my area and would like to work out or just need some encouragement then you can add me as a friend. GOOD LUCK LADIES!
  • I have pcos and my weight has bloomed over the last 8 to 9 months. Please help!
  • mariposaflutterby
    mariposaflutterby Posts: 17 Member
    Have PCOS too and MFP really helped me lose weight unfortunately I gained it back during the holidays :( I am back on track and now I know I need to keep on logging on everyday if possible. Having friends really helps with the motivation. Good luck to you!
  • XoCynthiaXo
    XoCynthiaXo Posts: 78 Member
    Newly diagnosed PCOS of 6 months now. Could use tons of support to help me understand better what i need to do and love hearing stories. Add me ladies =]
  • helengetshealthy
    helengetshealthy Posts: 171 Member
    I've recently cut back on carbs majorly and it's not only made my weight loss more successful (5lbs of Christmas excess gone + 2lbs more for good measure, off within a week!) but it has affected my mood greatly.

    What I would like to know from the successful PCOS ladies here is if your symptoms were alleviated with your weightloss? I have found my cycle has become regular again as soon as I started exercising, which was a great physical and emotional relief for me. However, I'm wondering about things like the hair loss - that is a major problem for me, and I wonder if any of you suffered with it and if it improved when the weight started coming off? It depresses me to just think about it!
  • goody2shews
    goody2shews Posts: 129 Member
    I've lost about 35 lbs 30 of it since Oct. I have PCOS. I've been metformin for 5 years but until MFP it wasn't budging.
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