Ever have a workout go wrong?

Just a silly little rant here --but I bet many people have great stories.

Mistake #1 - I ate 5 strawberries this morning and then went snowshoeing at 11am.

Mistake #2- It is warm today and I forgot to wear something waterproof. My Costco yoga pants are not advertised as snowpants so I really shouldn't be surprised that they got soaked in the wet snow. Not a good idea to try to make a new trail today.

Mistake #3 - I wore everyday average socks. Needless to say I kept blowing a sock. I had to take off my boot, and stand balancing like a stork while I fished said sock out of my boot still attached to a snowshoe, 3 TIMES! I eventually gave up and carried on with a barefoot and a sock ball at my toes grumpy, wet and ravenously hungry.

Mistake #4 - oooohhhh an interesting animal track! Perhaps a wolf, coyote? So I used my suede glove (another poor wardrobe choice) to cut like a knife around a nice print and successfully carried a nice chunk of icy snow for the next 15 minutes to show captain crutch ( hubby with a broken leg). Add in wet gloves now.

I trudge on atleast trying to be happy on a nice warm day, getting some extra MFP exercise points, wet, hungry and a touch grrrrrrumpy. Finally after 50 minutes I have almost sockball snowshoed my way home and I see captain crutches truck is gone. He went to town. I chucked that snow really far. Like 2 feet. I guess I am to tired to throw now too.


  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    Glad you can laugh about it. Once, I had a race go wrong.

    It was a duathlon, had just finished the first run, and got on my bike. Of course, after I got out of transition and settled on my bike, I grabbed my water bottle for a drink. When I returned it to the cage it didn't quite go in, so it fell into the road and rolled into the curb on the opposite side of the road.

    Knowing that there wasn't any water on the bike course for 22 miles and it was my only water bottle, I decided to stop, get off the bike, and run across the road to retrieve it. However, my chain came off somehow and I ended up with the gear teeth cutting into the back of my calf.

    After I limped across the road and grabbed the water bottle, I had to put the chain back on. First, though, I took off my sunglasses so I could see better.

    Got the chain back on, water bottle back in the cage, off I went on my bike. I almost immediately realized that I didn't have my sunglasses on. I figured, what the heck, I've already lost a bunch of time and they are prescription sunglasses. I better go back.

    Well, wouldn't you know it, after walking back and forth about four times looking on the grassy boulevard, I could NOT find them.

    Needless to say, I spent the remainder of the race pedalling as fast as I could passing the mountain bikers and "Sunday drive" racers. In hindsight, I should have just been thirsty the rest of the bike course.

    In case you are wondering, yes, I did get my sunglasses back after I returned the next day. Some kind person found them and had placed them on top of an electrical box in the area.
  • noelr56
    noelr56 Posts: 107 Member
    Here's some general advice: If you ever take a trampoline workout class, pee IMMEDIATELY before.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    Not being the most coordinated being in the world, I decided to try the hold the bars on the treadmill and jump to the sides. One foot missed the stationary part, whole body got pulled down while twisting. I then slide off and ran my bum into the bottom support bar and had promptly had a bruise the size of a grapefruit on the cheek.
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    Thank you for sharing that. After the last couple of days I've had with horrible sleep and dreams of crashing airplanes in my front yard (kids awake at varying hours) and sitting here digesting the over abundance of food that I consumed, trying ot motivate myself to workout, but really just being crabby, I needed a good laugh.

    Sorry that I'm not so sympathetic, but I truly do appreciate the belly laugh! (not that the digestion process like it as much though).
  • zubittiny
    I hear you on that one. jumping jacks are my nemesis.
  • zubittiny
    Great story! I would totally look for my prescription sunglasses. I ran my first 10k race about 6 years ago post first baby. I was totally peeing a little! Black spandex - worked out luckly. Did finish in under an hour which was good for a trail run through a forest!!!!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    So OP: are you ever going snow showing again?
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Great story! I would totally look for my prescription sunglasses. I ran my first 10k race about 6 years ago post first baby. I was totally peeing a little! Black spandex - worked out luckly. Did finish in under an hour which was good for a trail run through a forest!!!!

    Shoot! I wear dark shorts or yoga pants, pee before the treadmill AND before I go in the strength area...but still have taken to wearing a panty liner on the days I leg press.
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    Emptying the bladder before starting any exercise is good advice and often forgotten until you start.
    I found myself totally laughing and wishing I could hide when I was using a treadmill. I have a bad habit of zoning out when doing cardio and unaware of my time so with that in mind.... setting the timer on it seemed like a great idea but I was unaware in a way that meant it would stop and well I didn't and with that transition I managed to fall off the treadmill and had to be carried out because I had rolled the ankle enough I needed an x-ray and crutches for 6 weeks. Worst part is this was also the place I worked. Want me to show you how to workout?
  • halzuzu
    halzuzu Posts: 60 Member
    Got a bad leg cramp during a standing pose in a Yoga class and fell back on my bum and hit my head on the mirror. Most people laughed (nice!) but when I couldn't get up due to said leg still cramping some people including the instructor rushed to my aid. I really couldnt believe that people outright laughed without caring whether or not I was seriously injured. I was physically okay but my ego was bruised :(

    The elastic band on a pair of running pants snapped during a 5K and I didnt notice them falling down until they were almost around my knees and I flashed everyone behind me. Good thing I wore cute undies that day. I had to laugh at this one :D

    Made the mistake of buying a light color yoga pant (i.e., light grey) and during a group class the inner thigh sweat stains made it look like I had either shat or peed myself. Only Black from now on. Haha.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    let's just say intestinal issues. in the middle of a 10K race :(

    i was able to make it to the end (there were no bathrooms along the course!!!) needless to say i finished the second half quicker than the first.

    it's amazing how fast you can run when you think you're going to *kitten* your pants in the middle of manhattan :laugh:
  • zubittiny
    Loving these stories!

    And yes Jennieb37 I went snowshoeing again yesterday and decided to take my 6 and 8 yr olds for a game of snowshoe chase on our property.

    It wasn't as much fun as planned.

    They had a head start but the little one keep going of the trail so she was as easy catch. I left her with the walkie talkie and chased the 8yr old (he is a fit little hockey player) and gave me a good workout - he got far! Once I caught him I could see little one in a heap and hear her crying in the distance. I thought she had blown a shoeshow, but she couldn't see us and was freakin out. I has to break a new path though the deep wet snow talking to her through the walkie talkie. Such silliness - if she had bothered to turn around and LOOK it might have helped.or she could have used the walkie talkie. She was also staring at the house, only about 300 metres away. She is so not invited next time. GREAT WORKOUT though!

    I did get taken out at hockey last night, and the impact of the fall totally made me pee a little. I hate that!
  • IDCY843
    IDCY843 Posts: 78 Member
    Oh yeah, stepping and playing play station at the same time.....got carried away in a battle and missed a step, whoopsie lol. Luckliy i caught myself before i fell on my booty. :laugh: