I can't wait to prove her wrong this time!



  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    That's my mother; she's a little shorter than me, a lot skinnier, and a LOT b*tchier. Ignore Amy and focus on you - and don't forget that once you get down below her, take the high road and tell her she's "aging well" instead of fat.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    For what it's worth, I think you're a beautiful mommy! Remember beauty and strength come from the inside... it's just a matter of letting them work their way to the outside, too ;)
  • sblim
    sblim Posts: 99
    that's no kind of friend. I can think of one way for you to lose 145lbs real quick....

    This is the best response ! :) Your "friend" will tell you that you are "too skinny" when you get to a healthy weight and ridicule you all the same.

    You will find out real fast all of the people who are supporting you and who will be sabotaging you. I've flat out told people to not offer me desserts, etc and they'll continue to actively try to get you to "be bad". It is the misery loves company psychology. Some people don't really want you to succeed. It is quite sad and I hope that you find the internal will power to do it for yourself.
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    YES!! I feel your pain!!!! I have a frenemy that outweighs me by almost 200lbs and the other day we were at rehearsal dinner for a wedding and she stood up from the table with her back to me and was like "oh I thought my dress was gonna come up, so I turned to you cause you know what it looks like under there when you're fat!" and she is my bfs best friends gf....UGH! Then we were all walking by stores the other day and I was like.."oh that top is cute" and she goes..."GIRL! you know nothing in that store will fit either one of us!!!"....okay...seriously??? She talks to me like we're close in size and my mom says it's because she wants to feel better about herself but omg. I know what it feels like to be overweight but dont drag me down and be a jerk just because you are not motivated enough to do something about it!!!!!!! I cried for so long about that. It hurts, no matter if the person is smaller, the same size, or bigger!! IT HURTS!!
  • molly94
    molly94 Posts: 2
    I swear, some people can be so rude! I definately think that she says those things to make herself feel better about how she looks. One thing that's for sure about life....what comes around, goes around. I think you should NEVER judge or make fun of someone. It will ALWAYS come back to bite you in the booty! I have a sister who always had a 'problem' with overweight people. She was always a skinny kid and didn't have the best eating habits but never gained an ounce from it. I always have struggled with my weight since puberty! I lost about 70 pounds after I had my second child and her bad eating habits (and metabolism) have caught up with her and now weighs around 180-185. She's become what she has always hated, judged and made fun of. She now realizes (the hard way) that losing weight is not as easy as it seems. The best way to shut your 'friend' up is to make her eat her own words and prove her wrong. Good luck!!!
  • robslady
    robslady Posts: 17
    I have a sister in law just like that!! Now that I've dropped 10 lbs. and still loosing I can tell she's truly just jealous. Maybe your friend knows that your prettier than her or have a better personality and this is the only way to bring you down or make you feel insecure!! Keep going and I'm sure she'll find something else to talk about!! Some people you just don't need around or maybe keep her for the motivation. Everybody is good for something I guess :) good luck on your weight loss goals.
  • txcwgirl
    txcwgirl Posts: 127 Member
    I know you have known her for a while but dang it I would dump her and only deal with her when you had to. No one needs to deal with that kind of negativity in their lives.

    You will find nothing but positive people and information here on this site and that is what we all need.

    Of course, as others have said being able to rub her face in your weight loss without saying a word will be good motivation.
    :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • spacie
    spacie Posts: 82
    Let her keep saying these things then one day turn up to pick up your child looking hot! When you weight the same as her you will look much slimmer because you are taller. Next time she says something rude about how you look, tell her it is the angle she is at down there!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Wow. I wouldn't even call this person a "frienemy"! She just sounds like an enemy, flat out. She sounds like a toxic person that you should cut out of your life as much as possible. Even if you can't avoid her completely, you don't need to pretend to tolerate her. By pretending to tolerate her, you are, at some level, encouraging her abusive behavior. I'm not blaming you or anything, but at some level she must think that her behavior is okay to you. Ick!
  • baric
    baric Posts: 10
    Toxic friends, cut them loose, you deserve better. And do this for yourself. your are worth it.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    What a rude b!tch!