Hey RUNNERS! Races/events you're aiming for this spring?



  • 416runner
    416runner Posts: 159
    My 2013 lineup so far:

    March 3 - Chilly Half (Burlington, Ontario)
    March 24 - Around the Bay 30K (Hamilton, Ontario)
    April 21 - Toronto Yonge Street 10K
    May 5 - Toronto Marathon Half

    Yay racers!
  • Going to attempt my first 5k this spring! And have already signed up for my first Warrior Dash in May! Super excited and little nervous. I just want to finish!
  • Chainbreaker
    Chainbreaker Posts: 124 Member
    I have an awesome assortment of events on the books for 2013, with more to surely be added.

    2013 (scheduled)-
    Feb 5hr Mountain Biking Adventure race
    Mar Trail/Adventure Race - course tbd
    April Copper Crawl Hill Run - 7 mile
    April Warrior Dash
    Mar St. Patricks Day Pub Crawl - 5 mile +/-, last man standing
    May Grand Canyon- Rim to Rim group race
    July Pikes Peak Trail Climb Race
    Sept Run for your Life- Phoenix
    Oct Bisbee 1000 Satir Run
    Oct Tough Mudder- San Diego
    Oct Zombie Buffet 5k (zombie)
    Oct Run w/ the Bulls- Cave Creek

    I am really hoping for generous Groupons to help subsidize my racing habit!
  • I'll be running a 10K in April, want to be sub 40 mins...I'll be looking at more like 45 mins. I ran 6.8 miles in 51 mins the other day, LOTS of training to go.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I just did my 2nd half last Sat. I have plans to do a 5k a 10k and then my 3rd half marathon on April 6th. In July Ill do my 4th half marathon. I also want to do my 1st full marathon in the year 1014. I'm addicted. I love challenging myself and keep wanting to improve my times. Happy running! :drinker:
  • EmilyG34
    EmilyG34 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm doing a race every month as well. I'm going to attempt to do a 1/2 marathon in June which will be in Chicago, so I'll be rewarded with a shopping trip after the race :) In Feb, I'm doing a 5k and then in March I'll be doing 2 10k's ... It helps me stay motivated and keeps me on track.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Heaven Help Me Here's my list so far for this year and I suspect I'll be adding more. And I ran 2 races on NewYears day

    This all comes out of my "Allowance" and not our house money.

    Boy, you sure do like races!

    I'm in a few running series. Gotta get the Jackets and the free beer :drinker:
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    First 5k ever March 9th. First 10k ever May 4th. I just got new shoes and I'm on week 6 of c25k. I'm pumped!
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    January: Resolution Run 5K and Rock N Roll Mini Marathon 5.4 Miles
    February: Diamondbacks 5K
    March: Ryn for Ryan House 5K and Kiss Me I'm Irish 8K
    April: Pat's Run 4.2 Miles

    Looking for another February and April run.

    Looking at a half in November.

    I just signed up today to do Pat's Run (Shadow). Love that one. I did one in AZ for the 5th anniversary.

    Tinker Bell 1/2 in 2 weeks
    April - 4.2 Pat's Run (Shadow)
    September - 10K
    November - Wine & Dine 1/2

    I'm planning a few others, but haven't decided for sure which ones to sign up for... they will be half marathons though.
  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    I plan on doing the Frederick Half Marathon in May and the Boilermaker(15k) in July. Debating doing either a 10k or 5k in April at Antietam Battlefield.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    There's a 5k in April I'm going to do or want to anyway. I thinkmit's called color me rad but I'm notmsure. They shoot paint at you as you run. Looks fun and it will help me with my issues with being dirty. (I hate being dirty)
  • Mr_Stephenson
    Mr_Stephenson Posts: 23 Member
    The reading half marathon here... still aiming for that 1h30 (I'll be happy with 2h though!)
  • julielittlefish
    julielittlefish Posts: 134 Member
    I'm doing the Color Run 5K on Sunday, the Rock n' Roll Half in February (around here, February is Spring!), a local 10K in March...not sure about the rest of the year yet.
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i am new on here. i have a lot of weight to lose. i own an elliptical and never used the thing until 10 days ago. well im in love with it. and i have built myself up to using it over an hour a day. i have seen a local 5k run advertised in april. is it crazy of me to think i could do this? what would you recommend i do to train for something like this?
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    completed my first two 10ks (march & Oct 2012) and my first two half marathons (Nov & dec 2012).....

    On the docket for this year ..... a 5k in april, a 10k in april.... a 10k in june.... tribal quest (obstacle course 5miler) in july .... and another blue & grey half marathon again in December. who knows what else will come up, but I'm planning my wedding for nov 2 so I don't want to take on too much.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    i am new on here. i have a lot of weight to lose. i own an elliptical and never used the thing until 10 days ago. well im in love with it. and i have built myself up to using it over an hour a day. i have seen a local 5k run advertised in april. is it crazy of me to think i could do this? what would you recommend i do to train for something like this?

    an elliptical is very different from running, especially when you're just starting running.... but it's great - go for the 5k! but start running, and do it outdoors!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    i am new on here. i have a lot of weight to lose. i own an elliptical and never used the thing until 10 days ago. well im in love with it. and i have built myself up to using it over an hour a day. i have seen a local 5k run advertised in april. is it crazy of me to think i could do this? what would you recommend i do to train for something like this?

    Not crazy at all! Very doable.
    Check out coach to 5k or C25K. It's a popular learn to run program. You can get free apps (all are pretty much based on the same idea with slight variances) or just search a plan online if you don't have a smartphone. There are usually a ton of people on this board starting it and often look for others to join.

    ETA - a great link for when you sign up

    I also agree with PP - run outside or a treadmill (it can be done but I find the treadmill much different than outside)
  • vickyg1
    vickyg1 Posts: 211 Member
    St.Paddys Day 5k then a 10k the following weekend. Cinco de miler in May and a fun run 5k in June.Then no more races till Fall.Im a wuss and I HATE running in the heat.:-)
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I have my first half in mid-April. I've been sidelined by an injury for the past few weeks (and can't run for 2 more), so I may end up walking a chunk of it. Last year I cheered my brother in law on from the sidelines while he ran it, not this year!
  • I started C25K today. I'm aiming for a local 5K on Memorial weekend sponsored by my old intern site, and then one at the beginning of July that runs through the small town I grew up in.