Any people who just started? like as in 2013?

Just wondering if there are people who have just started this process, anyone who started at the end 2012( Nov,Dec) Just curious as to how your 3 months is going? as I am looking to loose 30lbs by the end of March( my husband has been away for work he left 2 weeks ago comes back March 31st) I am hoping by then, I will be happy if I even loose 20( but 30 is ideal lol )


Determined Momma~


  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I just started on December 26th. I've lost 6 lbs now. This site is actually really helpful; I've learned a lot about changing my habits and working out effectively.

    Good luck!
  • Just started too! Feel free to add me if you'd like, i'm looking for encouragement!
  • I just started 5 days ago! So far so good! I have used this site in the past and I do love it... just never stuck to it.. but it is time!
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i set a start date of january 1st. i finished off my year like a naughty girl and ate and drank it up new years eve. now 10 days in ive lost 15 pounds!
  • GettingHealthy2013
    GettingHealthy2013 Posts: 56 Member
    just started recently! Feel free to add me!
  • purplecharm
    purplecharm Posts: 446 Member
    I just started this month. My goal is to lose 75 lbs. I weigh around 225 now. I am 5'8 and have a large frame. I think 150 lbs will be a good weight for me.

    I wish you all the best on your weight loss journey.
  • Kithera
    Kithera Posts: 10 Member
    I've started January 1. I sat down after Christmas and did a family history of health issues. It was freaking terrifying! 75% of my family have either cancer or heart problems. That was the HUGE extended family I counted. Including a very large cluster of colon cancer. So Jan 1 I started back on here seriously and started a blog that I'm going to try to keep up for a whole year. I'm down 10.4 pounds. Gone mostly vegetarian and cutting back on wheat where I can. But not starving myself or "dieting" just tracking everything and being conscious of what I eat and dumping all my dirty laundry into the blog.. :) So good luck and happy focus to you to me and to all of us!
  • wow thats awsome, lol
  • I started on the 1st of this month and am now down 10 lbs! I do 1250-1500 cals and 1 hr of gym per day, also doing the 10k steps a day challenge :D
  • jeansgirl
    jeansgirl Posts: 99 Member
    I just started too...I need to lose 15 but would be happy with 10. You would think a gramma of 22 would be able to run it off with the kids...but I swear they sit more than
    I do. Heres for us and 2013!!!
  • HandyASH
    HandyASH Posts: 109 Member
    I am new here and I really need this program to work. I was involved in the program almost a year ago (where does the time go?). I am to the point where I am tired of being unhappy with myself and I am tired of being nauseated every time I look in the mirror. I need encouragement and support from everyone and anyone. I have an amazing husband to support me but, like many he has never had a weight problem.
    Please request me to be a friend any support is welcomed.
    Thank you
  • Hi there! I've been on here for a few months & have lost around 20 lbs... your goal is completely do~able! :smile:
  • I just started today. I'm 190ish, looking for 140ish in 6 months. Good luck! Feel free to add me!
  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member
    :flowerforyou: you can add me too-Day 6 here! whoo hoo-I am a WW life-timer too-so I KNOW WHAT I NEED TO DO!!!! I just have to get on the wagon & take the ride-
  • Hey. I just started also. Good luck to you :)
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I just started 2 days ago! Doing cals, good food, & trying to exercise 30min/6xs a week. :) I eat pretty healthy anyway, it's just making sure it's the right amounts of things & mostly getting up to exercise every day now.
  • simply_yoshi
    simply_yoshi Posts: 2 Member
    I just started out on Monday!!! Feel free to add me :) I'm looking for some encouragement!
  • I have been on this website before but never really understood it and got into it that much. I dont really track on here, I do it in a notebook at home here. I have got the book fat chance, and am following the food pyramid. I have been doing it for a week now and made a halfpie attempt this week and lost 1.1kgs. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • I just joined the site today and started workign out this week...So I am just getting started. Would love any and all encouragement...
  • I just started January 3rd. Weighed 281 that night. Dropped to 273 by the 7th. My next official weigh-in is tomorrow morning. I'm hoping to break into the 260's.....probably going to be realistic and be 271-274ish. Goal weight is 215ish.

    We can do this!!!