Question for women

tlilly80 Posts: 27
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have trouble sticking to my diet when I get my period. I get hungry and lazy. I also suffer from bad cramps so I really have to dig deep to get myself to excersize. Anyone found any helpful tips to get through the week?


  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    All I can offer is sympathy. I really struggle during that time, too! :(
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    Oh, but I have to say, if I force myself to drink lots of water, my cramps are much less severe.
  • I have noticed that I do a lot better as long as I am drinking my water. I was the person who never drank water, ever! Now I have seen all the good things it has done for my body and I do not miss at least 6 glasses a day, sometimes I have to flavor it. But even if I don't work out, I find that I make better food choices, so .... drink that water! :wink:
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi sweetie,

    I can relate to the cramps...surprisingly enough I have found that exercise helps them go away.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I agree- I think exercise helps ease my cramps. Even if it doesn't really- telling myself that helps to get me to the gym!
  • shalma
    shalma Posts: 80
    Excercise is what makes my cramps go away too. I usually only do walking, as much more takes too much out of me during my period. Plus walking/excercising makes it lighter and not last as long.
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    Definitely keep digging deep. Light exercise has a tendency to reduce cramps, so even though its hard to get started, it can end up landing you in a much better place than if you don't go.
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm going through that right now. I always have the munchies and want junk. And it doesn't help that I feel bloated and gain about 2 pounds during that time. This makes me discouraged and want to eat more because of the emotional feeling of seeing a higher number on the scale and feeling fatter even though I know the reason behind it and I know it will drop back down in a week.

    Wish I could help with some strategies but I have not found any yet. So I will stay plugged in to this thread in hopes of finding a strategy from someone else.
  • molly94
    molly94 Posts: 2
    I feel your pain, sister!!! I have that same problem exercising during that time. I just seem to get really tired along with the cramps. If I can get past the first two days, then i'm fine.
  • ank5
    ank5 Posts: 12
    I have the same problem! I always get VERY moody/emotional, tired, bad cramps....all of that. This last week I actually went through all that and ATE HORRIBLE. When I get emotional/moody the only way I can seem to get through the week is to eat back junk food. I know it probably doesn't actually make it makes it worse in the long run, because then I get so mad at myself for what I ate and for gaining weight.
  • tlilly80
    tlilly80 Posts: 27
    At least it is comforting knowing I am not the only one! Did some excersize today (not as much as usual) and it did seem to help. Tomorrow I need to get back to getting my water in and push the excersize and we will see how it goes. :happy:
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Aleeve and lots of water will take care of cramps and bloating for me. Also cardio workout helps tame the cramps as well.
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I no longer have this problem:wink: but as a young woman I did suffer with really bad cramps and PMS symptoms. I noticed if I ate a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit and stayed hydrated before I had the symptoms it seemed to make a difference. I found a low impact walk also was a big help with the cramps and with my moods :sad:
  • I get a craving for sweet food, so during that time I keep some small squares of dark chocolate in the house - 55 cals a square. Treat myself to a couple of squares. It helps me and won't forfeit all the hard work I've been doing.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I have bad cramps too, but light exercise helps to alleviate them (or at least take my mind off of them for a while)
  • laradean
    laradean Posts: 6
    Motrin and tea. Buy some chocolate Vitamuffins-- only 100 calories and make you feel full and STOP noshing! Satifies that chocolate craving.
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    Ugh!!! I just did it again! All was well all day. Then I got the munchies tonight and had popcorn. Not too bad only I ate the whole bag. That put me over my calories and that mde me mad so I ate a cupcake laying around from my son's sleepover this weekend. I feel horrible!!!
  • keshmo88
    keshmo88 Posts: 8
    hey there,
    i know exactly how you feel, i always crave chocolate during TTOM, which is weird because regularly I'm not that fussed for it. I always prepare by having some sugarless chocolate on hand or making a hot chocolate with cocoa (unsweetened), hot water & a tsp of artificial sweetener with a dash of milk. And I ALWAYS weigh more. I weighed myself this morning and my weight is exactly the same as it was 8 days ago, but it must be because of TTOM because I've been so good!
    Don't beat urself up about it, just make sure you have things on hand that are low cal - air popped popcorn is really low calorie, so you could have that as a snack if you like it, there's usually healthier versions of our favorite things, you just have to find them :) And in the future, make sure there are NO cupcakes lying around. I know sometimse other family members get annoyed, but you need to explain that you need their support, and that means NO cupcakes or naughty foods, after all, if it isn't good for you, most likely it's not good for anyone in the family!
    Hope it gets easier on you, don't get angry at yourself, just ask "what have I learned?" and prepare for next time so it doens't happen again :)
  • aedfit
    aedfit Posts: 65 Member
    Exercise and water pills do the trick for me!
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