Looking for 20-ish year old friends eating 1200 cals!



  • zx0810r
    zx0810r Posts: 62 Member
    Would forever be starving
  • I think 1,200 is a bit low. Do you eat your exercise cals back?

    I am 20 years of age, 5'6 and eat 1,600 as a base amount. I will usually eat back atleast half my exercise cals also!
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    Hey there :) Feel free to add me, 23 and eating around 1300 calories! I'm on here every day!
  • I am about 3 weeks in and i have already lost 10 pounds. Supposed to be eating 1,330 calories a day but I am coming in around 1,000. I am also having the help of a doctor prescribe pill. The pill makes me so thirsty and it doesn't make me crave anything at all. I just started yoga and wasn't quite sure how hard it was till i tried.
    This is a lifestyle change. I am a southern girl that is grown up on potatoes and a full table or meat. When i moved in with my boyfriend it was a rude awakening when i gained 30 pounds in 3 years.
  • ylor89
    ylor89 Posts: 105 Member
    Hey! Here's my info:

    Age: 23
    Height: 5'2"
    Current Weight 138.2 lb
    Goal: 115 lb
    Calories: 1330 (although I've been going over...)

    1200 is a bit low for me, and even 1330 is a struggle at the moment. I used to eat between 2000-2500 calories a day, but that's when I walked EVERYWHERE (3+ hours a day). I need to get exercise back into my schedule. I tried doing Zumba in my apartment, but the neighbor below doesn't appreciate it... I usually only log on to update my food diary or I'll get too distracted on my computer. Feel free to add me if you want! :)
  • hellooo feel free to add .. i dont quite consume 1,200 calories but am being told i should (usually below) the more friends on here i think the better ill do ! btw im 20
  • lunajes
    lunajes Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm 27. 5'3.5". CW (as of today..): 145. I'm looking to lose 15 more lbs. so GW: 130. Medium frame. Love MFP. I'm having a hard time keeping exercise apart of my day. Add me if you like.
  • lunajes
    lunajes Posts: 23 Member
    Oh. And my recommended caloric intake is 1200.
  • nettieluvstzu
    nettieluvstzu Posts: 8 Member
    You can do it!! I did it with this app a few years ago... anything is possible! :)