One week on here, I looked at my scale & said HUH?!

Hey all, I joined myfitnesspal approx a week ago when I found out I had high cholesterol...I decided to go gung-ho and eliminate meat and dairy from my diet until I get my levels under control...I also followed this site's recommendation as far as calorie intake goes but I checked my weight tonite and it appears I have gained a few lbs?!?!? how is this possible? my body is accustomed to eating meat and not all these beans/grains etc but that cant be the reason why the scale is budging in the wrong direction can it?? I have a long way to go already and adding more lbs is very discouraging.....:( help!


  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    I know it is discouraging when you don't see immediate results. Give it a couple weeks, you will see progress! Your body has to adjust to changes, you could be retaining water, etc. Don't give up! :flowerforyou:
  • heather4stars
    I did the South Beach diet back in January and lost 11 lbs in 10 days whoo talk about immediate results...but later learned I had to watch the meat/dairy so that kinda threw me off the No/Low Carb boat a bit.True, I might be retaining water..didnt think of that. What are u doing for urself to get to ur goal? :)
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Check out Dr Barry Sears Zone Diet books. He explains it very clearly. It's all in the insulin reaction.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Did you originally weigh yourself at night? There was just a post on there last night about weighing 2 lb more at night and I guess that's the average. I never count any of my weights except my weigh in on Fridays at Weight Watchers. I weight myself daily (I know, that's a no no) but more for motivation or information then anything else. I can weigh 199 tonight and 194 tomorrow morning. Water is a huge key though, drink lots of it and you will see results.