Alcohol...My Weakness!



  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I hope this doesn't sound harsh but have you considered AA or similar organization if it's THAT difficult to stay away from. IMO the moment alcohol becomes a NEED and not a want it's time for help.

  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
    Thats funny, yesterday I was reading about the Thermogenic effect of protein, and the article said that Alcohol has almost as high an effect. I was thinking ... 'bonus', but still having too much is a problem. moderation rules.
  • Burlesque12
    Burlesque12 Posts: 177 Member
    I love my alcohol too during social gatherings. Ive been alternating it; Drink then Water (fill same drink glass with water). And drink both slowly. Good luck!
  • olyjok
    olyjok Posts: 133 Member
    Here too. I feel the pain. I now only drink one day a week. I will hit the gym in the Am. burn around 700 cals. Party at night. Back to the normal grind after that. It is hard to stay away from food when drinking. Enjoy life, You only live once... Just try to make good choices to live longer. When I get cravings for drinking during the week a V8 spicy does the trick.
  • dcurrie2964
    I love beer, but have mostly cut this out and drink white wine mixed 50/50 with water or soda. Sometimes I drine vodka with water/soda and a slice of lemon or lime when I just want a drink or two. When I drink beer, I drink Michelob Ultra, but I am avoiding the beer right now (too easy to drink too many!)
  • OptimisticlyOptimistic
    I hope this doesn't sound harsh but have you considered AA or similar organization if it's THAT difficult to stay away from. IMO the moment alcohol becomes a NEED and not a want it's time for help.

    Granted, people have real problems...but I don't think this is the case here. Drinking can be fun sometimes, and just because you have fun with it, doesn't make it a need? Is it so bad to want to cut loose and have a good time with friends? Hellz no! I ♥ beer...and there are so many to choose from. But they are so calorie dense (unless you want to drink the ones that taste like pisswater). I'd do vodka or gin and diet tonic. The clear hard liquor is more calorie friendly than the browns. Don't forget to have a couple of glasses of water when you're drinking...that will help slow your pace a little but. Most importantly HAVE FUN. It's not like it's a weekly occurance.
  • OptimisticlyOptimistic
    I opt for "diet" water, as I call it...

    MGD 64 or Bud Select 55.... they taste like water, but they do the trick when I am out being social and "need" to have a drink in my hand.

    I drink the Select 55 and think it is ok. Not Fat Tire, but ok.

    Mmmm....Fat Tire....
  • carolyn0613
    carolyn0613 Posts: 162 Member
    Think it has been said but saving up the calories and using them for drinks is probably the way to go. And remember to account for any snacks you might nibble on.
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    Well, for one thing, it's a party. Give yourself the night off. You aren't going to put on 10 lbs because of one night of drinking..

    In general, you don't need to stop drinkling, unless you have a problem where you feel like you can't, all you need to do is balance the rest of the week better, to account for the fact that one day a week you'll be having a big night.

    If you're drinking heavily more than 1 night a week though, you'll definitely need to cut back if you want to lose weight. Best thing is to have a pint of water for every pint of beer. It'll also help with hangovers ;)
  • susanp57
    susanp57 Posts: 409 Member
    I love my Friday evening cocktail and have been missing it the last couple of weeks. But I'm saving it as a reward for 5 pound increments.

    I also have a bottle of bubbly in the frig for when I hit goal.

    In the meantime, club soda or diet ginger ale.
  • tkastenhuber
    I disagree with the comments that say you may need AA. I have one drink every evening and when you get to a certain age that involves hormonal changes and the stress of children, work, etc, it does help take the edge off and induce sleep. Also, have you all read the study that middle-aged women who drink 1-2 drinks per day actually are healthier physically, emotionally, and cognitively? It was a huge study of 120,000 nurses. So the data is credible. Also, I have managed to lose 15 lbs in 7 months (I didn't have alot to lose to start with) even with my one drink per day. Beer is the worst and I stay away from it. It's usually one glass of wine (5-7 oz) or some hot herbal tea with flavored vodka or amaretto. If I have a night out, I opt for the skinny margaritas or skinny mojitos or request a low cal drink with a shot of something in it....rather than having beer. So, if you are set on beer, I'm sorry, but my post probably doesn't help you!!!
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I try to do an extra long workout if I know that I'll be partying. Try to alternate 1 alcoholic drink, 1 water/seltzer or diet pop. If you'd like, have the bartender add a lime so it'll just look like a cocktail to your friends. I've ended up just cutting out beer as a whole, and sticking to liquor with soda water because those are about 90 cals/drink whereas beer can be 100-200 cals depending on the darkness.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I wonder how many calories there are in whiskey....I mean, it is condensed beer (more or less)? Although I'm pretty sure suggesting someone drank neat whiskey in place of beer is not a 'healthy solution', but it might be fun.....
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    I find that if I get a drink I don't really like, I'll sip on it longer and stop at just one.

    I thought that once and switched to wine. I lost my car that night.............. found it the next day at a tow yard. True story - very long time ago. NOT BRAGGING!
  • maya88j
    maya88j Posts: 29
    Yess I happen to be a very social person and Fri and Sat I usually go out which involve drinking im sure I can limit myself but its better said so gd luck
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    And anyone who says AA has obviously never been to a frat party in college
  • dmurphy1975
    dmurphy1975 Posts: 45 Member
    I found that if I find a good bottle of something that I like (brandy or vodka) I will make myself space out the bottle over a couple of weeks (can't afford to buy another). If I keep cheap stuff in the house to make mixed drinks I will go overboard quickly. This has worked for me and I only have a couple of drinks a week now. During the summer I enjoy my beer but now only let myself have it on Friday nights after burning about 700 calories playing softball.
  • dblaacker
    dblaacker Posts: 153 Member
    I have the same problem. Plus, if I drink enough, I get the munchies. I find that it really helps to plan in advance for these things, so I take in less calories during the day, and then I also try to buy a few bottles of flavored sparkly water. You can get it at Kroger, WalMart, and probably a few other grocery stores. I usually mix that in with my normal serving of wine, and it helps me to feel like I'm drinking more wine because it lasts a little longer. If you're a beer or liquor drinker, then I'd recommend making sure to measure out shots, and to keep the bottles that you finish in front of you so that you know how many you've taken in. Plus, it helps to mix the liquor with diet soda. That helps to reduce the calories a little bit. A standard shot (1.5oz) of liquor typically rings in at about 97 calories. It also helps to be conscious of the fact that you'll have to enter it on MFP. I stopped after one glass of champagne the other day because I'd completed my entry for that day and only allowed myself one glass. It's all about planning and being conscious of your choices!
  • cherchechristine
    cherchechristine Posts: 84 Member
    I love my drink too, but often find I just need to be holding a glass of "something" when I am socializing. Since I tend to overdue it during the holidays, I have chosen to go "No Alchohol January" for the 3rd year in a row. It helps me: a) do a check to make sure I don't have a drinking problem", and, b) it helps me kick start my weight loss in the new year. Typically, without changing too much of my diet, I tend to drop 5 lbs pretty easily for just January.
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member
    I love a few pints myself, and there's NO harm in that.
    I find that the " Light " beers tend to taste like a waste of time.
    Best thing I did was switch to Vodka, soda water and lime. Very low cal, very refreshing and perfect for summer drinking.
    Just be glad it's only Stella you drink lad. 2 Guiness and I feel like I've had my dinner all over again.