Who has KIDS? How many? Ages



  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    I have 4 kids - 18, 16, 13, and my baby is 11 today! My neice also lived with me for a couple of years so we had 5 then. GYM is my me-time. I also have a dear friend who I get up at the crack of dawn to walk 3 miles with every weekday morning. We have done this for a decade now!! No health benefits anymore but LOTS of mental benefits!! LOL I am a branch manager and loan officer at a community bank. I just finished a 4 year stint on our local school board. I teach Sunday school, write and direct plays and skits for our church kids, coach a church league basketball team and do the basketball devotions for the league. I also host a small group bible study in my home each week. I am very busy and very fulfilled. God has blessed me and I praise HIM for it!! :heart:
  • been married for 12 years and have 3 kids. A 10yr, 8yr and 7yr. My 8yr old has autism. I'm so busy with taking my boys to Taekwondo 3 days out the week. Helping them with their homework and also helping my daughter with autism basic life skills. I'm now taking time for myself and losing weight. I think as mothers we should set aside time to work on us.
  • itali614
    itali614 Posts: 53 Member
    I have 3 kids. They are 14 months, 32months, and 44 months. The ;youngest is our only boy. I also babysit for a 6month old and a 4 year old three days per week. Our house is pretty busy!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Expecting my first currently. He's due February 17th.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    2 boys - age 4 and 6, expecting my third in June. I also have a 17 year old stepdaughter ( I am older than her dad, and old enough to have had a child this old too!)
  • Trich25
    Trich25 Posts: 20 Member
    You have alooooottttt going on. I am married with 5 kids also, only 3 that live with us though. 3 boys, ages: 16, 14 and 7. I thought my schedule was tight, but I don't see how you do it. My kids aren't in half as many activities as your kids, and I'll be complaining about always having stuff to do, and no time for myself. I take my hat off to you, you have def mastered being Supermom!
  • Clhumpal
    Clhumpal Posts: 38 Member
    3 girls, 9, 7, & 4 and I'm right with a lot of you and the hectic schedule - swim team practice and meets, basketball, classes at church, tai kwon do, my youngest wants to sign up for gymnastics and my 7 yo is signing up for a 'fit kids' boot camp - my oldest may be wise beyond her years, when I asked her about boot camp, she said, "it would be nice to have one night I could just stay home and relax..."
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    I'm now taking time for myself and losing weight. I think as mothers we should set aside time to work on us.

    Trying to get to that me time now..
  • FitbeTMF
    FitbeTMF Posts: 251
    Expecting my first currently. He's due February 17th.

    Yay. My boy was Jan 17th :) Bet you're ready to get it over with. I hated being preggers!
  • mamawoz
    mamawoz Posts: 31 Member
    I got 2 -- An almost 16 year old boy and an almost 13 year old girl. The boy plays basketball and baseball and maybe even volleyball this year. My daughter sings in the choir and now will be taking up swimming. I work a 9 - 5 and go to school at night (hopefully graduating this year). Talk about out of time and out of energy! Just before I turned 40 I lost 30+ pounds on Weight Watchers. I worked part time back then and worked out 2x a day. Now 4 years later I gained those pounds and more and don't have the engery to do it like that again. I'm hoping something will give and I will get that motivation -- or at least be able to wake up early -- again.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    Proud mom of 2 furbabies - 8 year old boy and 4 year old girl. And yes, they DO count!!! :wink:
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    I have 2 girls ages 4 and 5. They are my pride and joy, and also the reason I gained 60lbs. LOL
    I have a rule in my house called "quite time" they dont have to be asleep, but its mommy's time to relax.
    I work full time 8-5 M-F, have a fiance, and two dogs. Its so much work being a parent, I mean even using the bathroom they wait outside the door for you. *ugh* LOL

    Quiet time... ah those were the days! I did the same method with mine. An hour before "lights out" they had to be in their own rooms quietly reading or playing a constructive game alone like memory or building blocks or something of that nature. No Video games or TV, no rough housing around with one another. It worked great. 10 minutes before lights out it was brush teeth, go potty, and get water; when lights were out any child who left their bed was grounded for one day to the house; this helped avoid the nightly "mommy, I'm thirsty, I need to potty..." excuses that are so normal.

    Ah I really miss those days. Now I am lucky if the Teen Queen is home when I go to bed LOL
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    when I asked her about boot camp, she said, "it would be nice to have one night I could just stay home and relax..."

    awww how sweet..
  • espy1975
    espy1975 Posts: 18 Member
    I have 2 boys ages 17 and 9 :happy:
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    LauriesTrying2BeFit Posts: 414 Member
    i have 3 kids boy aged 5, boy aged 2 and girl aged 18months and im 19 weeks pregnant with another girl :)
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    I mean even using the bathroom they wait outside the door for you. *ugh* LOL

    Quiet time... ah those were the days!
    "mommy, I'm thirsty, I need to potty..." excuses that are so normal.

    Ah I really miss those days. Now I am lucky if the Teen Queen is home when I go to bed LOL

    oh i love it!! especially the bathroom!!LOL
  • buckleten
    buckleten Posts: 205 Member
    I have two girls, 7 and 5, I would love another but husband not keen! I work full time, so finding time to work out is tricky!
  • monariC
    monariC Posts: 3 Member
    2 boys 6yrs. and 19 mos. one girl 4 mos. and oh yes I ask where's the me time everyday! I think they should attach the description of no more us time to the back of the "Don't shake the baby" paper in the hospital. I think we already know not to shake the baby it's the other stuff we'd like to be warned about (lol....).
  • kodibear123
    kodibear123 Posts: 185 Member
    I have a daughter who is 21 and a son who just tuned 11. :happy:
  • di1428
    di1428 Posts: 165 Member
    Married with 5!!! Yes 5! 3boys and 2 girls. Boys are 17, 13 and 12. Girls are 16 and 10.
    You would think with all the running around I do, I should be dropping off pounds everywhere. NOT..LOL It's working from 8-5. Mon.thru Friday then little league football practice from 6-8 with games on Saturdays. Then its jazz, ballet, tap etc. For my 10 yr.old on Mon.and Wed. Plus Bible study on Wednesdays. Football games on Tuesday's for my 13 yr.old. Mime and praise and worship on Thursday and Saturday. Thank goodness no one wanted to play basketball. Which brings us into track season for 4out of 5 kids. Oops almost forgot a child at band practice..gotta go and support the 16 yr.old at her dance recital. Did I mention I still have to cook, oh wait..let me think..is it a fastfood night. Hubby works evenings dang still gotta cook!! I don't remember signing up for this..I think it was in the fine print of BEING A PARENT!! Where's my ME TIME?! LOL Now I guess.

    i got tired just reading this LOL
    i have two daughters 14 and 20 and one grand son who just turned 2.