What do you eat for lunch at work?



  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I grill chicken or pork tenderloing on Sunday and slice it and use it all week for either a wrap with a La Tortiall Factory tortilla that is high in fiber, add spinach, onions, some mustard. Eat that along with some cherry tomoatos and an apple. Or I used the chicken in a spinach salad, not much difference in the two, but it seems to keep me from getting too bored. Another on is egg salad, use one or two whole eggs and a couple of egg whites mixed with olive oil and mustard...and I add celery and onion for crunch. It keeps me pretty full.
  • GeneveSparkles
    GeneveSparkles Posts: 283 Member
    On Sunday I made black bean burritos with zuchinni, bell pepper, and lots of yummy spices, salsa and just a sprinkiling of cheese wrapped in a 90-cal tortilla. I made enough for the week and wrapped them in tin foil so I could just pop them in the toaster oven at lunch. They were less than 300 calories!! I did a little side salad too: romaine, red bell, jalepeno, cilantro and a squezze of lime juice (no dressing).

    I try to pre make my lunches for the week on Sundays so I don't have to worry about it during the week. Sometimes that plan doesn't work out and I too fall into the Smart Ones trap, but the Santa Fe Style Rice and Beans is soooooo good for being a frozen meal!!!
  • frankyk89
    frankyk89 Posts: 173 Member
    i just started cooking on Sunday's for my lunch for the week.... I bake chicken breast or tilipia or both. and bake some asparagus and sweet potatoes. then i get out 5 containers and pack them for the week. so nice to grab and go in the morning on my way to work. also, i have cans of tuna in the pantry so i can fall back on that also. oh, and i boil eggs on sunday for the week also. just some ideas...
  • KatieD060982
    KatieD060982 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for this thread. I am in the exact same place, I'm sick of my boring Lean Cuisines. I think I'm going to grab some low sodium soups and get some tortillas for some wrap sandwiches..... again thanks!
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member

    Eat Some Sushi!

    mmm. You evil little she-devil. <drools>
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I usually eat leftover from dinner. Sometimes I make up rice, lentils, add salsa, lettuce, and if you eat cheese you can add that for a yummy filling lunch you can make ahead. I also slice up cucumber and make up some chicken salad or tuna to eat togethor. That was a great lunch. Sometimes I have breakfast as well.

    Recently another member suggested taking ham or other meat and putting them in a cupcake pan, adding the vegies you like and then egg.. Bake for about 25 to 30 minutes and you have a tasty breakfast or lunch.
  • Corkline
    Corkline Posts: 107
    Why are you against leftovers? Especially if you do frozen meals, it's the same concept.

    I do a lot of leftovers, from dinner, or weekend cooking. I don't mind eating the same thing twice, but like to mix it up for the third day. Plenty of left over pasta with veggies, PB&J, cut vegetables/fruit, string cheese...

    I make my lunch the night before, and it all sits in a specific place in the fridge. Then I just throw in the bag and move on...
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    I usually have a wholemeal pita bread, stuffed with salad leaves, tomato and some cheddar cheese. And a hard boiled egg. I really like bread so this is a way of getting my 'fix' for the day.

    I'd then usually have an apple and some almonds for a late afternoon snack.
  • bren998
    bren998 Posts: 92 Member
    Progresso Light Zesty Santa Fe Chicken
    Oscar Mayer turkey breast on Flatout Foldit Flatbread with spicy mustard & spinach
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I'm pretty boring as I'll eat the same thing for ages. 1/2 a tuna on whole wheat sandwich and mixed fresh fruit salad.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I'm also a leftovers person.

    But sometimes I bring some Aidells chicken sausage (my favorite is the pineapple bacon), brown rice, and baby kale. I cut the sausage into small slices and microwave it with the brown rice, then stir in the baby kale (or spinach, whatever floats your boat) until it wilts a little bit. It's tasty and hearty.

    A nice salad with some lean protein is another go-to for me.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    Just a note: I had a trainer that told me if you have to have a frozen dinner like smart ones for lunch, eat some extra vegetables with it, like a salad or a serving of frozen veggies you can microwave.
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    whatever I have for dinner, make extra, put in individual containers, and put in freezer or fridge. Ready to take to work and reheat. Done.
  • capnlizard
    capnlizard Posts: 73 Member
    Chicken salad sandwich made with Greek yogurt instead of mayo, full of fresh herbs, and an apple, yogurt, etc.

    Another easy make-ahead meal is to cook up a big batch of black beans and rice (recipe found on the back of a can of Goya black beans). Ends up being about 230 calories for 1/3 of the recipe. Eat that and a can of soup for a good meal :)
  • schlagers
    I'm all about the Green Giant Steamers. They have a bunch of different kinds and it's enough to fill me up at lunch.
  • erinpooh
    Usually a Weight Watchers Steamers and some extra veggies. Today it was peppercorn beef and extra broccoli. Also, a four-pack of Nutter Butters, which is my daily treat for the day.
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    Usually I prepare a salad with loads of veggies and salmon or tuna. Or veggies with 1% cottage cheese and salmon. If I wasn't organized the night before and am rushing the next a.m. for work I'll throw various veggies and fruit with a soy cheese. Like today lunch is grape tomatoes, 2 baby cucumbers and Lasantti jalapeno cheese...its Friday.
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    I usually cooked 2 or 3 meals on the weeknds portion them out into individual containers and freeze them - then I choose whatever I want to eat for lunch or dinner. I know they are healthy because I cooked them, and I have a little bit of variety - I dont mind eating the same thing for a few days during the week. And it saves on buying lunch. Occassionally I will get a lean cuisine or healthy choice meal, but I prefer my own cooked food - I am not a huge fan of the lean cuisine/healthy choice options these days. I also pre-pack snacks for the work day so that I know they fit into my calorie goals by the end of the day.
  • lovethebeach16
    Next week I'm having mini pizzas on English muffins with a salad.

    Some other ideas:
    Soup: chicken noodle, vegetable, beef and barley, minestrone
    Wraps: fajitas, tacos, veggie, enchiladas, blt, caprese, roast beef and cheddar
    Other: chili, sloppy joes, mac and cheese, sliders, etc.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member