grad students?

You know nobody really gets the late nights, too much coffee, and reading-until-your-eyes-fall-out (plus work, annoying undergrads in the classes you TA, 3 term papers due at once and time-wasting profs) life but other grad students. It's hard enough to just live through those 700 level classes, not to mention eat right and exercise!

Let's band together here-- we can do it! (3 weeks until winter break...)

Hi, I'm Meg. I'm working on an MA in Communication.

Let's be friends!


  • You said it Meg! Let's see if I can maintain a healthier diet this semester!

    I'm Paul, working on an MLA and an MCP out in California.
  • Add me!! I'm in my 2nd year of grad, going for my phd in physics.
  • ashley_NM
    ashley_NM Posts: 4 Member
    Add me! I'm a first year doctoral student in accounting.
  • Christina9876
    Christina9876 Posts: 3 Member
    Yep - halfway through a phd in religion. Add me!
  • PhD110
    PhD110 Posts: 7 Member
    phd in planning! 4th year!