Parents and School.

I don't know how to feel right now. My parents were talking to me today and they have noticed that I have gotten significantly bigger. Their friends have noticed too. I saw 5 text messages and 3 facebook messages concerning my weight all from different people. And they said THEY were embarrassed by it. I was threatened to be pulled out of school if I didn't start TRYING HARDER and showing improvement. I have been trying, to the point I throw up after I work out some days. I have a really hard time losing weight. And to think. I got excited because I lost half a pound.


  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Just take a deep breath, and relax.

    Now, follow the guidelines on this site, eat how much it tells you to (number of calories is most important for weight loss, quality of food is most important for overall health).

    Make sure you get some regular exercise. Making yourself sick (Biggest Loser style) will not help you in the long run. Just go for a decent walk every day, run around playing some sport - just get off your butt whenever you have the chance.

    It sounds like your parents are concerned about you, that's a good thing - even if it doesn't seem like it now. Have an honest talk with them, tell them about MFP, and that you need their support with food choices (if you still live at home).

    Do it sensibly over time, you will see some improvements. You won't reach your goal in 2 weeks, but do it right and you WILL get there, and stay there, in good time.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Girl I feel ya! I have a real hard time dropping the weight too. It's hard when you have parents that can never say anything nice as well. My parents are like that....I now ignore them and just laugh at their stupidity. Don't loose weight to please others do it for yourself and to be happy. I started my journey to help a friend out, she wanted to loose weight and when I was loosing faster she got insanely jealous and we even stopped talking for several month. We have patched things since but we are no where near as close as we used to be. So my advice to you is just keep at it and laugh it off and throw some sarcasm back in your negative friends and family's face. Put a smile on your beautiful face and keep exercising, try and stay with your diet. We're human so you will slip up, but tomorrow is another day.

    PS. That's crazy they want to pull you out of school for not being an anorexic toothpick! It doesn't happen over night, Hell it's taken me a year just to drop 40 pounds!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Are your parents supportive? Are they taking you to a doctor and/or a nutritionist? Paying for your gym membership? Buying you the right foods? Without their help and support, you probably won't do very well. If they're not on board, they're part of the problem too. But if they are onboard and you're the one struggling, then you probably need to sit down with some kind of therapist or counselor or nutritionist and work out your food issues.
  • Thank you all for your honesty and kind words. I know they probably mean well, but to say they were embarrassed by me kind of hurt. I am trying really hard to stay up and moving constantly, but when the rest of my household lives a sedentary lifestyle when I'm home for breaks is just depressing.

    Not to mention, my parents like to keep me TRAPPED here under their roof during breaks from school so I am allowed to go NO WHERE. It's sketchy around here, and not very safe to walk, so I am usually stuck walking circles in my yard.

    PLUS, I come from your stereotypical poor southern home. Everything is bad for you. It's cheap and easy to fix or grab and go. I am limiting what I eat, not to the point I am starved though.

    I don't know what to do about not being able to lose weight, though. I have struggled through years, been to a nutritionist more than once, and every time I get a steady pace going and losing weight- either I hit a depressive bump (which I just got off of the last of my medication, so things should HOPEFULLY be a little easier now :) ), or I get sick and I gain the weight back.

    Any suggestions on how to boost my metabolism?
  • CatAriSal
    CatAriSal Posts: 18 Member
    When you're home for breaks and they're being couch potatoes, do some stationary exercises. Do jumping jacks, knee lifts, push ups, etc. Take breaks when you need to but keep doing it and keep going. If you need privacy, do your pushups in the bathroom.

    Even in a stereotypical poor southern home there are going to be some decent foods. Chicken, canned vegetables, greens.

    When trying to boost your metabolism, eating small meals frequently really helps. I get snack-y. I'll have a cup of grapes and a cup of baby carrots. Two hours later I'm having a cup of shredded chicken with a cup of broccoli. Three hours later I'm munching on a few strawberries. Two hours later I'm having kale wrapped chicken and onions and so on. This keeps me powered up all day without feeling hungry.
  • hannahsteveeee
    I have problems with my parents too- you're not alone. Mine are also the type that you really can't talk to about deeper issues and just scowl when you eat chocolate, so I know talking it out isn't always an option. I am so sorry that they said they were embarrassed for you- they should realise that your weight is about you and not them!

    Firstly, if you lose weight think about how it will benefit you. I've decided that screw them, I'm not losing weight to please them, it's about ME ME ME. But if they're threatening to pull you out of school, they're making it about them and that's not constructive in any way. Maybe explain to them that you do plan to lose weight but you know to keep it off it will take time- aim for something like 1lb per week or maybe less to reduce the pressure on you.
  • minikhan95
    minikhan95 Posts: 52 Member
    I can empathize. :( Don't feel like you should give up. Limit your exercises or look up some workouts on Youtube. I know the there are some on jillian michaels 30DS. I'm on day 5, ouch! But I promise, if you give up now, you will totes regret it! Add me if you would like, I will provide support and motivate you :)