I hate myself right now



  • shlevon
    shlevon Posts: 30 Member
    Even people who have never had weight or eating issues, binge sometimes. Though they probably don't refer to it as a binge. They think to themselves, 'ugh, not doing that again in a hurry' and carry on with life.

    Everyone has overeaten at some point in their lives, and a lot of people call it 'binging' but there is a difference. Taken from another post, it's pretty simplified but it's a start:

    Good post. The other thing I'd offer is that the desire to over-indulge (probably a better term than binging, as per the graphic above) frequently can have something to do with how you're going about dieting. I.e. if you're eating in a way that leaves you consistently somewhat hungry, it's probably only a matter of time before you go bananas, so to speak. Dieting like this is tantamount to holding your breath - you will occasionally have to resurface.

    If there is a trick to permanent body recomposition, it's figuring out a way to eat that leaves you full and satisfied in general while still representing a lower intake of calories. This is where food choice and quality becomes a factor - vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish and such are all very nutrient dense, but not very calorie dense. You can eat ad libitum (as much as you freely want) of foods like this within reason and you'll still eat a level of calories that will tend to move you towards the body composition you want.

    Getting to very low body fat levels (for you) may require comparatively greater feats of mental strength, but really shouldn't be the goal for the average person, in my opinion. To me, it's a lot more important to get to that place of balance, a place where you maintain healthy levels of body composition/fat and know you can eat happily for the rest of your days.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    It's understandable that you're disappointed in your lack of control, but it won't even be a blip in your whole weight loss story if you let it go now and get back on track. It's only when we mistakenly convince ourselves that one little momentary lapse in behavior means we're not worth it, we've ruined everything and we'll never get where we're going that we fail. That's a lot of power to assign one lapse...
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Even people who have never had weight or eating issues, binge sometimes. Though they probably don't refer to it as a binge. They think to themselves, 'ugh, not doing that again in a hurry' and carry on with life.

    Everyone has overeaten at some point in their lives, and a lot of people call it 'binging' but there is a difference. Taken from another post, it's pretty simplified but it's a start:

    As someone who has suffered both anorexia and bulimia on and off for over two decades, and who has had binges totalling 7000 calories, I am fully aware of what is classified as a binge, my dear, so I don't need your classroom instruction.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    As someone who has suffered both anorexia and bulimia on and off for over two decades, and who has had binges totalling 7000 calories, I am fully aware of what is classified as a binge, my dear, so I don't need your classroom instruction.

    Huh? I quoted you to expand on your point with a helpful article for the OP and anyone else who identifies with his post. Either you or I need to improve on our reading comprehension skills, and *spoiler alert* it isn't me, my dear. Have a nice day! :flowerforyou:
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I have been doing this program for over 3 months now and i just had my 1st real binge episode. I have gone over my calories a few times but never out of bingeing. I went to McDonalds for dinner and i was getting one sandwich or one medium fry which would have been in my calorie range. I ate that and then proceeded to go out to my car and go through the drive thru and order a bunch more stuff. I feel so stuffed right now, and so ashamed for doing that. Fast food was always my weakness; it was like a drug to me. I thought i could handle having it every couple weeks since before MFP, i would have it once or twice a day. I even went to the gym today. I did not see this coming, that's what scares me because before, my binges/compulsive overeating was always planned. I know in my head, i will get back on track tomorrow. I hope this is an isolated incident, but i do worry that my "addiction" is just looking over my shoulder waiting for me to fail. Without me failing, my addiction cannot exist. I can't let it "win". I have worked too hard to lose what i have lost so far. Thank you all for your feedback and support

    Don't get back on track tomorrow, get back on track TODAY with your next meal or snack. IMO see that as a learning experience, something that will help you move forwards and make this change for life. Nobody is perfect all the time, it's not even healthy to be that obsessed, but too many people see one binge as a whole failed day, a whole failed week a whole failed diet instead of ONE isolated binge. They use it as an excuse to stay off the wagon.

    Think how many days and how many meals you did NOT binge - you've had maybe 90 successful no binge days days, maybe 270 successful no binge breakfast lunches and dinners, of that ONE binge meal is just 0.004% 'failure' rate. Are you saying you hate yourself for not being perfect? Am I wrong to be impressed by your 99.99% success rate?
  • itstimetoeat
    itstimetoeat Posts: 63 Member
    You've slipped and it happens. We've all been there. Food is a great thing in life but if your focus it to stay on track with weight loss and healthy living, a treat or binge every now and then won't kill. You don't gain weight overnight and you can't lose it overnight so this is just one of those days.

    Brush it off as an off day then do even better tomorrow. Keep yourself focused! Keep it together!!
  • gvheintz
    gvheintz Posts: 138 Member
    I remember when I was on the "Carbohydrate Addict's Diet" about 15 years ago... the end of it was one midnight I got off work and the car drove me to McDonald's! I remember afterwards a coworker telling me she was always jealous of the salads I had been packing for lunch. Me? I loathed the salads! The deprivation drove me bezerk and the failure was just too much for me. Now I'm trying to eat a more balanced lifestyle including fast food that fits into my calories (like you). Some days you have a craving ... Hopefully you have a better day tomorrow.
  • ChrisC_77
    ChrisC_77 Posts: 271 Member
    It happens man! We all have our weaknesses. Next time you feel like going over board, know that we support you. And we are watching! lol!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    It happens. I feel self-indulgent and had Mexican for lunch and pizza for dinner. Thank goodness my stomach doesn't hold as much as it used to! I'm probably not too far outside of my calories for the day.

    Then again, I might be.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    They should have support groups and sponsors just like AA and NA. Seriously binging can be dangerous just like drugs and alcohol and people need help. You should see if they have any support groups for bingers.
  • floopysandi
    floopysandi Posts: 138 Member
    We have all done this. I have gotten better about logging things before I will eat them. It makes me think about if it is really worth it. I also work out a heck of a lot more than I used to and eat a lot more because I am working out and moving about so much (about 11 hours on average a week... have to fuel the body too!).

    Do not beat yourself up over it. Log it, own it, and move forward. Add some extra walking or cardio over the next week to burn it off if that makes you feel better. It is a process that we all have to relearn how to properly fuel our own bodies.

    If you really like the taste of McD's, allow yourself a drive thru once a week for a small snack (put it in your calories) and wait until you get home or to work to eat it. :)
  • the_stephinator
    the_stephinator Posts: 39 Member
    They should have support groups and sponsors just like AA and NA. Seriously binging can be dangerous just like drugs and alcohol and people need help. You should see if they have any support groups for bingers.

    They do honey. Google "OverEaters Anonymous" and "Food Addicts Anonymous." Both are based on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

    If there aren't any meetings in your area you should be able to find meetings online (chat room or via web cam) or phone meetings (conference calls).

    If you think you have a problem you probably do. People who occasionally overindulge don't see it as a pattern in their lives. Be careful to stay out of the guilt, shame, repeat behavior pattern and seek help in one form or another. Don't beat yourself up, recognize it for what it was and make a DECISION (not hope) to change. Hugs!
  • nins11065
    nins11065 Posts: 29 Member
    I try no to dig into my feeling about the way I look and that is my advise to all who hate the way they look right now. I am just ditermine this time to lose the extra pounds that I carrying around. Too OLD to carry that much weight.
    What helps me is that a co-worker lost more than 50 pounds using a similar appplication; now I believe that it is possible. I am happy to have a supportive friend.
  • MiTime2016
    MiTime2016 Posts: 50 Member
    You've lost 50 lbs and you just ate 4000 calories. That's about a pound of gain plus the few lbs of water weight you'll gain from the carbs and sodium.

    Be realistic. No hating yourself. No throwing of pity parties of any size. It happened. It won't destroy your progress. You are in control.

    Back on the horse, cowboy.

    Nice post.
    3 months? I'd be thrilled to go three months without a binge.
    Be proud of your accomplishments; don't dwell on one negative.
  • ebonyrose316266
    ebonyrose316266 Posts: 48 Member
    I totally feel you. I ate too much ice cream today.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Dude...your disgusted reaction is a step in a positive reaction.
    There's nothing you can do about what is already done...So worrying about it isn't going to do anything constructive.
    Plan your next outing to eat that delicious garbage as a cheat meal when you lose 5 lbs or something.

    Whatever you do...don't use this as an excuse to throw in the towel.