Oops. Chocolate! I need support

I'm already at my fat and carb limit then I go for a sees candy... Turns into 5 sees candy... And jelly beans! I used to have 29 percent body fat and weight 115lbs... I'm scared of gaining this back now. Any friends I can make.... Do any of you do this too??


  • donnamfreitagross
    I am having the hardest time staying away from the sweets, always have :)
  • misskriistina
    Thank goodness! There sooo yummy. When you eat them do you tend to overdo it? Once I start I can't stop lol!
  • ChrisC_77
    ChrisC_77 Posts: 271 Member
    We usually have a good quality dark chocolate bar in the pantry. When we want a piece, we take it out, break fo a square and put it away. Dark chocolate has less sugar so it's less likely to eat the whole thing. It will last us about a week. a family of 4. Usually with movie night and popcorn. We portion it out and put it away.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I have Hershey's milk choc. kisses or bliss every day. Every day. Every day.
    But then again, I'm not concerned over carbs or fat. I just stay w/in my cal. goal, and try to make most of those calories good ones.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    We usually have a good quality dark chocolate bar in the pantry. When we want a piece, we take it out, break fo a square and put it away. Dark chocolate has less sugar so it's less likely to eat the whole thing. It will last us about a week. a family of 4. Usually with movie night and popcorn. We portion it out and put it away.

    Oh yeah there is nothing like really GOOD chocolate! And the darker the better. A single square can take a horrible day and make it so much better. :)
  • misskriistina
    I have pretty good self control but once I pick up chocolate. I want more and more then I go through this thought like I already ate one.... Lets eat more. Same with cookies. It must be a deprivation thing. I don't get how it's deprivation though because I bought dark chocolate biscotti bars with a good nutrition label and I still went for my candy leftover from christmas! I have a serious binge eating problem!
  • misskriistina
    That's so great to hear someone say they don't have a limit of fats and carbs and eat chocolate everyday. Puts my mind at ease! Thank you!!
  • hollylonzo
    I'm the same way too.. I get these chocolate striped shortbread cookies. Sometimes I would eat two in the evening with some tea. But then I would eat another... And another. I don't buy them anymore. I just can't. lol

    Edited because of my silly spelling.
  • misskriistina
    I'm the same way too.. I get these chocolate striped shortbread cookies. Sometimes I would eat two in the evening with some tea. But then I would eat another... And another. I don't buy them anymore. I just can't. lol

    Edited because of my silly spelling.

    Yesss! I'm like that too. I try not to buy. But if I limit myself I eat even more if I get a hold of chocolates or muffins! I buy these biscotti dark chocolate things and it somewhat helps because I don't find them all that sweet! But sees cookies and pizza anything sweet I always go back for more! Such a horrid feeling!
  • nadia_in_mtl
    Last week, I picked up a jar of a store brand chocolate hazelnut spread- very similar to Nutella (but cheaper). I thought I could use it to satisfy my sweet cravings by having one or two (at the most) tablespoons per day. AND I would save money this way!! (so my thinking went).

    Yeah right. A jar that was supposed to last me a couple of weeks was finished in 4 days. I live alone. :embarassed: I felt like such a glutton when I added those spoonfuls to my MFP diary, but it was a wake up call.

    Lesson learned: I won't buy anything in bulk. Chocolate and chips are my triggers. If I am craving something sweet or salty, I will buy a suitable packet size. That's what I get for sneaking a delicious Nutella knockoff into my house under the guise of saving money and being practical :ohwell:

    I am hoping to build up will power eventually. I am not halfway through my weight loss journey yet and I am terrified of falling off the wagon early on (that's what usually happens, I get excited then life etc. gets in the way). I can't deal with temptations in my house at the moment!

    So, misskriistina, is there any way you can avoid seeing these candies and jelly beans you're fond of? Or maybe introducing small amounts that you account for in your food diary without going overboard?
  • misskriistina
    Last week, I picked up a jar of a store brand chocolate hazelnut spread- very similar to Nutella (but cheaper). I thought I could use it to satisfy my sweet cravings by having one or two (at the most) tablespoons per day. AND I would save money this way!! (so my thinking went).

    Yeah right. A jar that was supposed to last me a couple of weeks was finished in 4 days. I live alone. :embarassed: I felt like such a glutton when I added those spoonfuls to my MFP diary, but it was a wake up call.

    Lesson learned: I won't buy anything in bulk. Chocolate and chips are my triggers. If I am craving something sweet or salty, I will buy a suitable packet size. That's what I get for sneaking a delicious Nutella knockoff into my house under the guise of saving money and being practical :ohwell:

    I am hoping to build up will power eventually. I am not halfway through my weight loss journey yet and I am terrified of falling off the wagon early on (that's what usually happens, I get excited then life etc. gets in the way). I can't deal with temptations in my house at the moment!

    So, misskriistina, is there any way you can avoid seeing these candies and jelly beans you're fond of? Or maybe introducing small amounts that you account for in your food diary without going overboard?

    Oh I feel ya! Smaller quantities do not seem to help me... As if I grab one candy or cookie...il find another!! Once I start its hard to stop! I try to buy string cheese and almonds to munch on instead of sweets!! Or even yogurt. After I ate 5 sees candys and took a bite out of all of them in the box I'm throwing them out!!!!
  • gianamicole
    gianamicole Posts: 39 Member
    I was like 5 mins away from eating a cupcake and then i logged on here to see how much I would be over and decided to check out the message boards which I have never done before tonight, and looking at all of the success stories really helped, looking at their before and after pics made me want to stick to the plan and not eat the cupcake, so i didn't, hope this helped, good luck :)
  • misskriistina
    I was like 5 mins away from eating a cupcake and then i logged on here to see how much I would be over and decided to check out the message boards which I have never done before tonight, and looking at all of the success stories really helped, looking at their before and after pics made me want to stick to the plan and not eat the cupcake, so i didn't, hope this helped, good luck :)

    I am new to these boards too! I never even thought about going through these before touching the chocolates. It always goes to show think before you do something you'll regret! Thanks for the tip!!
  • whitesox56
    I love chocolate as well. Try eating a banana or an apple or fruit cups if you get a sweet tooth. Or a chocolate chip granola bar. That does it for me. Good luck :)
  • misskriistina
    I love chocolate as well. Try eating a banana or an apple or fruit cups if you get a sweet tooth. Or a chocolate chip granola bar. That does it for me. Good luck :)

    Good idea! Granola bars are not to sweet so I tend not to overdue it with those! Going to try that more often! Thanks!
  • littlebre33
    As easy as it is to say.. moderation is key. I'm currently trying to lose 40lbs and I have found that allowing myself to have a little piece of my favorite chocolate or a hamburger won't kill me. I either do a little more exercise or be alittle more cautious the next few days. I must say though, when I'm really craving something sweet I go for either banana chips or dried mango (they have alot of sugar but I guess better than a whole box of chocolates?) Good luck!!
  • misskriistina
    As easy as it is to say.. moderation is key. I'm currently trying to lose 40lbs and I have found that allowing myself to have a little piece of my favorite chocolate or a hamburger won't kill me. I either do a little more exercise or be alittle more cautious the next few days. I must say though, when I'm really craving something sweet I go for either banana chips or dried mango (they have alot of sugar but I guess better than a whole box of chocolates?) Good luck!!

    I never buy banana chips but that sounds delicious! My problem is the moderation. I do treat myself once a week to restraunt foods... But that does not help. I'm trying those banana chips!
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    Yes, you're totally not alone. I've been binging horribly since mid December. I think I've come to the realization that I can not have chocolate for a while, it is triggering massive binges for me. I made my husband take all of the Christmas junk out to his man cave in our garage just yesterday actually, I have to get it out of the house. Once I have one, it's over for me. I never used to be like this before MFP, I think I need to reevaluate my goals because what I've been doing is not working for me anymore. No advice, just know you're not alone.
  • misskriistina
    Yes, you're totally not alone. I've been binging horribly since mid December. I think I've come to the realization that I can not have chocolate for a while, it is triggering massive binges for me. I made my husband take all of the Christmas junk out to his man cave in our garage just yesterday actually, I have to get it out of the house. Once I have one, it's over for me. I never used to be like this before MFP, I think I need to reevaluate my goals because what I've been doing is not working for me anymore. No advice, just know you're not alone.

    That is good enough for me!!! Knowing I'm not alone! I totally feel you on that. We should eat way more healthy foods we love to stop the bingeing. Although it is easier said then done. It's something we have to do!!!!! I'm still trying to learn moderation is key!!!! Yet it just takes one chocolate or cookie for me to go overboard!