Not really sure what to do at this point

I need some motivation for sure. Not only have I been sick for the past week and been unable to work out, but It has been 7 weeks of hard work before that, and I haven't lost a single pound. I take Anti-Psychotic and Anti-Anxiety medication every night and it has caused me to put on A LOT of weight. I feel like I am stuck in a rut because I am not losing weight.
I guess on the bright side, me working out is preventing me from Gaining anymore weight.
Any advice on how I should go about this motivation wise?
At first the whole "just think about why you started in the first place" was enough. Because of my weight it is hard to do things that normal active people can do, and I feel like I am going no where. I've talked to my therapist about it and until I can get a doctors appointment next week, it's a waiting game.
How do you handle being in a rut, fitness wise?
Any advice or tips on staying motivated would be nice.
(No, getting off of my medication is not an option so please don't be snarky about it, or make fun of me for it.)


  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    I gained a ton of weight on anti-psychotics. 100 lbs to be exact! It's good that you're doing something about it before it gets too out of hand. The problem that I had was that I just didn't care about my appearance. But it's great that it isn't affecting you this way. I'm not on them anymore and now I'm beginning to lose the weight. Keep reminding yourself that you cannot just let go because you'll be like me and gain 100 lbs or more. Wish I could be more help. :flowerforyou:
  • kms1320
    kms1320 Posts: 599 Member
    Yes the medicine makes it harder, but it can't change laws of physics. When I get in a rut, I change my food and exercise. Not completely, but I go from weight lifting focused to cardio focused. I'll go back to a basic chicken or fish plus vegetables and eggs diet. Sugar and salt are my enemies. I add food back in once then weight starts moving again. My weight loss has never been steady. It ratchets down. Nothing for a week, then 4 the next week, etc.

    As far as motivation goes, I use music. I keep my dumb bells by the computer, and I turn on music. Loud. Then I get a little angry. I pace a bit. Then, bam, I grab the weights and get started. My desktop wallpaper is motivational. I have a few youtube videos bookmarked for motivation.

    I hope you get lots of replies and ideas because my way isn't the only way we all have to find what pushes our buttons!
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    For motivation try some more fun activity, like dancing or running/walking in a pleasant natural environment.
    For more long term motivation, why you may not be losing weight

    Firstly ditch the Dr Pepper. If you can't drink straight water flavour it with citrus. Drink a little fruit juice (I will be cained for that but it's better than Dr Pepper). If you are addicted to the caffeine swap to black tea or coffee. Apples can give you an energy lift too.

    Also change your diary to track sodium. I'm thinking you are having too much sodium.

    The fresher the food the better you'll feel.

    Spoil yourself this week by cooking for yourself all your favorite food, fruit, vegies meat, dairy and breads (except the Dr Pepper)
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    CAN U do 7 weeks for the rest of your life? If you cannot see yourself doing it for 70 not do it. I think that no matter how good you are and how well you do it, this includes head.............. unless you can see a sustainable life expectancy...don't do it. Enjoy what you do, how well you do it and figure it out as you go along.............DO NOT be afraid to try new things....on every level.
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    To deal with the rut I spoke to fitness and health professionals. Luckily I work with them. My motivation for being fit and healthy was being around for when my 7 year old son is my age and also not wanting all of the illness associated with being unhealthy. I like feeling good. As Jaxxie said find something you can do for the rest of your life. If you enjoy your exercise you are more likely to be committed to good health.
  • Thanks. And I hope I get a lot of replies too Lol I will take any advice I can get..
  • For motivation try some more fun activity, like dancing or running/walking in a pleasant natural environment.
    For more long term motivation, why you may not be losing weight

    Firstly ditch the Dr Pepper. If you can't drink straight water flavour it with citrus. Drink a little fruit juice (I will be cained for that but it's better than Dr Pepper). If you are addicted to the caffeine swap to black tea or coffee. Apples can give you an energy lift too.

    Also change your diary to track sodium. I'm thinking you are having too much sodium.

    The fresher the food the better you'll feel.

    Spoil yourself this week by cooking for yourself all your favorite food, fruit, vegies meat, dairy and breads (except the Dr Pepper)

    Yeah, I've had a Caffeine Dependency for a long time. I've actually cut down A LOT. I used to drink like, a 24 pack a day of Dr Pepper. I'm thinking I will only have one of my cheat day and just drink water, Tea and Juice on the other days. Hopefully it will help.
  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    Another thing that helps is to add something like Mio to water. I also use the clear sodas like you get at wal mart. They are caffeine and sodium free. Stay just under your calories goal and get as much exercise as you can. I am gradually working up to 3ltrs of water a day. Staying hydrated helps everything function at optimum levels. Your brain and especially your liver which is key to fat metabolizing
  • nhughes1864
    nhughes1864 Posts: 102 Member
    Have you checked your measurements and/or % body fat to see if that has changed at all? I have gone for stretches at a time with no weight loss but inches lost or body fat lost, seeing that change helps even when the scale doesn't move. Also, are your clothes fitting different, do you have anymore energy? Those are also good! Remember to keep moving, even if it is not "working out" just move in someway every day :)
  • babyskunkles
    babyskunkles Posts: 86 Member
    I recently read that some doctors are prescribing a drug called "metformin" to help their patients lose weight caused by taking antipsychotics. The drug is usually prescribed for type 2 diabetes. For some reason the metformin works against whatever it is that makes people gain weight from antipsychotics. Would certainly be worth asking about! :)
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    You gotta keep at it & tweak something little every couple of months if you don't see any results. I was on anti-depressants & anti-anxiety meds for a long time too & know how much it sux. I spent most of last year getting off of my prescriptions & getting to a better place where I can start doing some things I wasn't able to do before. It is discouraging when you don't see the numbers on the scale go down when you're working, but it's only going to get much worse if you stop.
  • prtvera
    prtvera Posts: 5 Member
    Measure inches not weight. If your working out you may not notice what you are losing because muscle weighs more than fat. Eat lots of protein, keep sugar levels balanced and drink lots of water. We all reach a plateau so get get discouraged. As soon as you feel better challenge yourself on your exercises. Good Luck!
  • Hopelessone
    Hopelessone Posts: 270 Member
  • I agree with a lot of the comments already made. I dont take any perscritions like you do, but I do tend to get stressed a lot, I was told to try meditation, also I have been better about portioning my meals and chekcing lables. also have you talked to your dr about how you feel? maybe he/she can help you with the weight side of things. I also for my stress and such I write in a journal, everyday. I do this excerise where I list the pros and cons of my day, and what I ate(I am tracking here but also on paper too) . Water I like it but it can get borning I use crystal light packets, I have cut out soda which has helped a lot. ( I dont feel bloated or blahh)

    Also, you may want to give up, trust me I have done it many times. But keep pushing, and keep using your tools that you have.

    Hang in there, we are all in this for the same reason :)
  • I wish I could click "like" to those responses you got! There are so many good pointers left here. I know you will be able to get past this rut. Concentrate on your "wellness". That is really what matters. :flowerforyou:
  • mikmurphy
    mikmurphy Posts: 57 Member
    I was on Seroquel (atypical anti-psych) at one point, so I feel your pain. Some meds will just keep some weight on you it's true. But what I see in your food diary (unless you're having a bad week, they happen) is soda, taco bell, and other stuff that's high in fat grams. Those damn sodas can pack on pounds really fast. Maybe cut at least one of your cans a day out. I'd hunt around in the fitness and nutrition area here and get some ideas for healthy meals that are do-able for you. Even small changes can count, knock out a soda a day, a pastry, whatever your thing is. Even 10 minutes of exercise is better than none if that all you do.
    As someone else stated this is a lifestyle change unless you want the weight right back and maybe more, I've done that!
    You may have to work a little harder than others due to your meds. But as you're already dealing with that stuff I'm sure you're tough enough to deal with that.
    Add me if you want :-)
  • lovechicagobears
    lovechicagobears Posts: 289 Member
    I recently read that some doctors are prescribing a drug called "metformin" to help their patients lose weight caused by taking antipsychotics. The drug is usually prescribed for type 2 diabetes. For some reason the metformin works against whatever it is that makes people gain weight from antipsychotics. Would certainly be worth asking about! :)

    Metformin isn't a weight loss drug. I started taking it four months ago, and I've lost six pounds. It *does not* help with weight loss. It helps to control blood sugar, but even on medication, you still have to watch your carbs and sugar. I'm on it for insulin resistance, not diabetes. Insulin resistance slows weight loss BIG time and causes weight gain if not treated/medicated.

    Metformin can cause low blood sugar in people who don't have diabetes, so I doubt anyone's doctor would prescribe it unless necessary.
  • mikmurphy
    mikmurphy Posts: 57 Member
    Oh yeah I looked at your before and after comparison pic and there appears to be a difference to me. Are you taking measurements along with weight? Some folks lose inches, not pounds
  • I'm personally in love with the Daily Motivation post The Berry puts out. Here's the link for the one from this morning: I've saved a bunch of pictures from past posts to my laptop and phone, so that I can peek at them later. They put them up early in the morning, so it's a good motivator for the day.
  • LK0321
    LK0321 Posts: 25
    Start with little steps, I would start by phasing out your Dr pepper, try to get down to a can a day if you can. Then start phasing in more whole foods. Try to work in fresh fruits and veggies. Maybe start with some that you really like and experiment with others. So many processed foods and preservatives are not good. Do you not like to cook? If not try looking up quick recipes and maybe try 1 new recipe a week. Small steps to start.