Juicing or Nutriblast, Anybody Else Doing This?

So I saw this movie called "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead," and thought I'd try out juicing; then I saw an ad for the Nutribullet, and it looked like an easier/less messy way to juice. I am having a veggie/fruit combination every morning, and what's better, my kids are having 1-2 what we call "smoothies" a day. This is in addition to my basic diet of protein & lots of veggies.

Anybody else who is doing this, do you have any good recipes? I just had a pear/beet/carrot combo this morning with coconut water, a date and a small bit of frozen berries to sweeten it. It was kind of gnarly. :drinker:


  • linbert57
    linbert57 Posts: 154 Member
    I have been using my Nutribullet daily since I bought it at Target on Memorial Day 2012. I make a nutriblast every morning and couldn't start my day without it. I think it is better than juicing because there is no pulp to throw away----you drink everything you put in the cup!! There are lots of recipes and you can find them on facebook or nutribullet.com. My nutriblast this morning - 2 cups spinach, 6 baby carrots, one small apple, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 10 almonds, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 2 tbsp hemp protein and water.
  • Glad to find this post! I have been juicing for a while but I am looking into the Nutribullet too!
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    Why take it to the extremes, just eat healthy.
  • HKooner
    HKooner Posts: 28
    I've recently been introduced to Herbalife.....It's completed changed my life.
  • cindaboo1
    cindaboo1 Posts: 150 Member
    I have been looking into getting the Nutribullet myself. I think it looks like a God send. Can you use it for just your regular protein smoothies as well?? Either way, I'm getting it. It's a simple way to get in a good amount of fruits and veggies, which we all need. :drinker:
  • I got a Nutribullet 4 Christmas, by request.. I luv it!! I hav a hard time eating alot of fruit and veg cause of the texture, that and i just dont like em.. With the blasts i can drink my fruit and veg.. Helps me get it all in.. I needta get in a routine with it tho.. I will I just need a lil time. The short of it is I LUV IT!! :):)
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Sorry, but it drives me nuts when people refer to eating more vegetables and fruits as "extreme." If you read my post, you'd see I'm ADDING this to an already decent diet.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Sorry, but it drives me nuts when people refer to eating more vegetables and fruits as "extreme." If you read my post, you'd see I'm ADDING this to an already decent diet.

    Juicing is not adding more fruit and veggies, it's adding more of a produce extract. Juice counts as one serving per day towards your seven to nine servings, regardless of how much you drink. Nutrients are wasted in the pulp and sugar is concentrated by juicing.
  • Cordelle
    Cordelle Posts: 2 Member
    I just got my nutriblast for Christmas and I love it. I love the ease and hassle free "ness" of it. I am drinking one in the am with Chia seeds, spinach, 1/2 an orange, frozen peaches and 1/2 a cup of fage greek yogurt, along with some water and sometimes a stevia pack (although I've found the orange sweetens it up and I don't add Stevia now). I do it because I need something for breakfast and nothing else sounds good or easy to make that's healthy. It's about 260 calories, but it's healthy with no added sugar.... @Linbert57
    ...how do you fit all of that into your nutriblast without over flowing?
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    I don't have a nutribullet, but I have a Vitamix (and a juicer, which I use much less since the vitamix), and I love a good smoothie most days too! It's such a good way to ease hunger and it makes you feel SO good!

    (loved Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead!)
  • I'm thinking of starting to Juice. I just need a good, affordable juicer to start off with! Any ideas??
  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    I just got the Nutribullet as well. I am finally getting my hubby to drink a lot of veggies and fruit that he doesnt normally get. Our fave so far is spinach, kale, celery, cucumber, and apple. Mixed with almond milk. It does have a bright green color though.
  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    Nutribullet is usually about $100, but you can buy at Bed bath and Beyond with 20% off.
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    I'm thinking of starting to Juice. I just need a good, affordable juicer to start off with! Any ideas??

    the juicer I have is the Breville Compact Juicer. It's about $100, but it's great. I've never had any issues with it, and, as far as juicers go, it's pretty easy to clean. Both of my sisters also have the same one and they also love it.
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    The movie "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" was really inspirational for me. Although I don't have hundreds of pounds to lose like the men in the movie, it made me look at juicing differently.
    For the past month I have incorporated vegetable smoothies into my diet. Its been a great way to get several serving of dark green veggies in every day.
    I don't have a juicer but I do have a Cuisinart smoothie and soup maker. I love it! Best investment I ever made!

    Pineapple and kale and spinach go great together.
    Sour green apples are also great to add to veggies you may not like as well.
  • linbert57
    linbert57 Posts: 154 Member
    I just got my nutriblast for Christmas and I love it. I love the ease and hassle free "ness" of it. I am drinking one in the am with Chia seeds, spinach, 1/2 an orange, frozen peaches and 1/2 a cup of fage greek yogurt, along with some water and sometimes a stevia pack (although I've found the orange sweetens it up and I don't add Stevia now). I do it because I need something for breakfast and nothing else sounds good or easy to make that's healthy. It's about 260 calories, but it's healthy with no added sugar.... @Linbert57
    ...how do you fit all of that into your nutriblast without over flowing?

    I use baby spinach and cram it in the cup - might not be exactly 2 cups, but pretty close. The baby carrots don't take up a lot of room and I cut up the apple (not a big one) and wyman frozen blueberries are tiny. Almonds, chia seeds and protein powder are the last to go in cup before I add the liquid. The thing to remember is not to fill the liquid past the water line. The other ingredients can go above it.