Binge eating!

Anyone else with this problem????? I tend to do it all the time and cannot stop! Why??? With chocolate... Muffins.... Even with healthy foods. What is my problem. It's constantly bringing me down


  • misskriistina
    Seriously! I hate myself for it!!! I don't know anyone else who does this. I love food!
  • misskriistina
  • whetu
    whetu Posts: 14 Member
    Know what you mean, as soon as i open the cupboards im looking for sugar treats! i know i dont need it and im full enough but for some reason i keep going
  • misskriistina
    Right! I even have the thought process like I don't need it. Il have a full 400 cal meal.... And still binge! Even with things like string cheese and almonds... And of course sugar. It's such a down feelingm
  • themutineer
    themutineer Posts: 117 Member
    I've struggled a lot with binge-eating. I really found the book Intuitive Eating to be helpful. It delves into the reasons why we binge, and how to make peace with food and ourselves.

    10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

    1. Reject the Diet Mentality
    2. Honor Your Hunger
    3. Make Peace with Food
    4. Challenge the Food Police
    5. Respect Your Fullness
    6. Discover the Satisfaction Factor
    7. Honor Your Feelings Without Using Food
    8. Respect Your Body
    9. Exercise--Feel the Difference
    10 Honor Your Health

    Read more here:
  • whetu
    whetu Posts: 14 Member
    yeah an its hard to get out of. the killer for me is butter sounds weird to some but i put it on like cheese lol i even have it on my weet bix for breaky. an the other is peanutbutter an jam sandwich i can bang 5 an still look for something to top it off. im in the cant stop eating phase at the mo, its hard to stop but i just dont eat if for a week an im back on track
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    1- Hating yourself doesn't accomplish anything. Learn to recognize your faults (which enables you to search for and find solutions) and simply deal with them (or accept them) instead of making value judgments about whether or not your faults make you a good or bad person.

    2- Learn how to distract yourself when you are faced with an impulse. If you have an impulse to eat something specific, if you really can't find anything to distract you until the impulse is gone, then start out by telling yourself, "ok I can have it, but not for another (for example) 15 minutes." This makes it easier to resist the impulse in the short term and focus on something else for at least as long as your attention span is.

    Once the 15 minute (or whatever) wait is really easy for you to do, if the impulse is lasting longer than that, increase the wait time again. Keep extending the wait times, and eventually what you will find is that when an impulse hits, you will be able to simply wave it aside and it won't come back.

    3- In addition to practicing impulse control, to help minimize the size of binges, another thing is to measure out however much you're going to eat before you sit down with it.

    4- You will probably still do it sometimes. As long as it isn't often enough to undo an otherwise healthy lifestyle, just accept that you aren't perfect and move on.
  • misskriistina
    Yes!!! Peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches il down them! Same with pasta.... Anything with carbs! Lol oh and cereal!!! It's just so easy to have like eight servings of all of em
  • misskriistina
    Thank you!! I'm still trying to accept the fact that it happens... Even if it happens two or three times a week I'm not perfect! It sucks that it is such a fall back which brings me down! Thank you!
  • misskriistina
    I'm going to try #2. Thanks for the tips!!!
  • velvetboxed
    I know how you feel! I've struggled many years with binge-eating. I was even diagnosed with binge-eating disorder. I can eat EVERYTHING, 2-3 servings at a time very easily. It's an uphill battle. :P
  • scarlet_afire
    I do the same thing. I've been known to sit down and blow through 1200-1800 calories at a sitting when that's what I should be eating ALL DAY. It's insanity. I've had a really unhealthy relationship with food. A trick that I've used that helps me is that I'll go and brush my teeth after I eat whatever I've portioned out. That way I'm not as tempted to binge.
  • misskriistina
    I'm pretty sure I have binge eating disorder. Did you seek professional help? I'm starting to go crazy from all of this. I just don't get full! Once I start... I can't stop. I just recently noticed the fact I was binge eating when I gained 20lbs in 3 weeks. Once that occurred I finally realized I have a problem!
  • misskriistina
    I totally know that feeling of going through 2000 calories in one sitting! I had ice cream cake chocolate pasta lasagna and three cookies 18g of fat per cookie in one setting. And then straight to bed... So glad I'm not alone!
  • haylzz135
    I have this problem really bad. It's really hard to not give into my urges, and when I do I say to myself "what the hell, I already started so I'm gonna keep going" and literally eat a scary amount. I have done this for years now and realized it was a problem when i used to wait until my parents left the house to make a ton of food and eat it all.
  • misskriistina
    At haylzz135 .... Totally can relate! I'm like "okay just one" which turns into five.... Then i go for another food! Then after I'm like what was the point I ate so much that it doesn't even taste good anymore lyou know??? But it was so yummy to begin with!!
  • sasu27
    sasu27 Posts: 51
    I have a lot of trouble with binge eating. I have tried eating 6 small meals a day, as recommended by a trainer, and all it did was make it worse. Every time I ate I binged. Just trying to count calories didn't work for me either, because I would be through my calories within 4 hours of being awake, so I just gave up for the rest of the day. What I have recently started doing, is just eating 3 meals a day that are around 600 calories. I do not eat snacks, and I do not eat seconds. I tell myself that whatever is on my plate is all I'm getting. I have tried every diet and trick out there it feels like, and this is the one that works for me so far. My advice for you is to keep trying. You might have to try 100 different things before you find the one that works, it's not a one sizes fits all thing. Good Luck!
  • velvetboxed
    I'm pretty sure I have binge eating disorder. Did you seek professional help? I'm starting to go crazy from all of this. I just don't get full! Once I start... I can't stop. I just recently noticed the fact I was binge eating when I gained 20lbs in 3 weeks. Once that occurred I finally realized I have a problem!

    I did but I again fell into a depression and just never went back. I am thinking of heading back to just look into dietitians because they can help you plan meals. Someone even told me they give you appetite suppressants, but I'm not sure if that's true. And that is just what I went through. I gained 5 pounds from the day of Christmas Eve until the day after New Years.
  • misskriistina
    I have a lot of trouble with binge eating. I have tried eating 6 small meals a day, as recommended by a trainer, and all it did was make it worse. Every time I ate I binged. Just trying to count calories didn't work for me either, because I would be through my calories within 4 hours of being awake, so I just gave up for the rest of the day. What I have recently started doing, is just eating 3 meals a day that are around 600 calories. I do not eat snacks, and I do not eat seconds. I tell myself that whatever is on my plate is all I'm getting. I have tried every diet and trick out there it feels like, and this is the one that works for me so far. My advice for you is to keep trying. You might have to try 100 different things before you find the one that works, it's not a one sizes fits all thing. Good Luck!

    I know what you mean by going through a days worth of food within the first four hours of waking up!!! Not necessarily my calories. But my carbs through the roof within the first two hours of waking up il hit about 200 carbs! I'm going to try the larger meals!
  • misskriistina
    I'm pretty sure I have binge eating disorder. Did you seek professional help? I'm starting to go crazy from all of this. I just don't get full! Once I start... I can't stop. I just recently noticed the fact I was binge eating when I gained 20lbs in 3 weeks. Once that occurred I finally realized I have a problem!

    I did but I again fell into a depression and just never went back. I am thinking of heading back to just look into dietitians because they can help you plan meals. Someone even told me they give you appetite suppressants, but I'm not sure if that's true. And that is just what I went through. I gained 5 pounds from the day of Christmas Eve until the day after New Years.

    Understandable!! Dieticens can help but it's all up to yourself in the end so I understand why you fell into a depression. It's just so hard to stop. I have faith in all of us who have this problem.