Body Combat

joanna_marie Posts: 17
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask (sorry).

Does anybody here do body combat and if so, approx how many calories do you put in the exercise tracker, as the site doesn't seem to recognise it.

Thank you.


  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    When I did krav maga, I just chose a similar type workout from the database. Like one of the asian martial arts. The calories aren't spot on in the database anyhow. I'd just use it as an approximation. See what it gives you back and how you think you really performed. For example, my krav class was about an hour long and I had a pretty good sweat going, so I estimated about 400Cal for me (I'm not a teeny girl).
  • Thank you.
    What is krav maga?
    I know its all approximate but its nice to have a vague idea to put into the box!
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Krav maga is Israeli martial arts. It's taught to the military. Police forces use it as well. Good self-defense and a skill set to kick butt! Plus, a great workout. I miss doing it horribly. I'm actually trying to figure out how to work it back into my schedule.
  • betzyrama
    betzyrama Posts: 26 Member
    Isn't Body Combat an aerobics class with a kickboxing feel to it? I would say list it under Aerobics, High Impact.
  • Yeah, that pretty much sums it out. Cool - will look forward to inputting that tomorrow.
  • jadenjo
    jadenjo Posts: 13
    Finally! Another Les Mills fan! At my gym they calculate it by your weight multipied by .05 multiplied by 55 (minutes). Example

    150*.05*55= 412.5

    BodyPump is .04
    BodyStep and RPM is .06
    BodyJam is .05
    BodyFlow is .03
  • betzyrama
    betzyrama Posts: 26 Member
    What about BodyAttack? That nearly killed me once, I swear!
  • Finally! Another Les Mills fan! At my gym they calculate it by your weight multipied by .05 multiplied by 55 (minutes). Example

    150*.05*55= 412.5

    BodyPump is .04
    BodyStep and RPM is .06
    BodyJam is .05
    BodyFlow is .03

    Are we few and far between?
    Which Les Mills programmes do you do?
    I adore combat but get bored by pump. RPM is good but I find I can cheat too easily by lowering my resistance! :o/
    Is bodyflow the same as vive?
    I struggled with jam when my gym did it - too dancey for me, and I have never had the chance to do bodystep which is a shame as I love normal step.
  • What about BodyAttack? That nearly killed me once, I swear!

    I did that for a few weeks but was too jumpy for me!
    Not that I am fussy or anything! :o/
  • jadenjo
    jadenjo Posts: 13
    My gym doesn't have BodyAttack so that wasn't listed but if it's similar to Combat i would use the same formula. I'm four weeks into a biggest loser contest at my gym and we have to try all the classes as assignments. I've done Pump and Flow for a year (Flow is a combination of Tai Chi, Yoga and Pilates), just started doing Combat, Jam, RPM, Vive, and Step. I like RPM but it kills my a**! I keep telling them I need a big butt seat but they don't listen, lol! Vive is okay but I'd rather do my strenghth training with Pump. I'm trying to do Jam but unfortunately, I have clown feet. Yes, it's quite a sight. Step is too complicated for me right now so I might try to focus on Combat but the class times aren't as good for me. BUT, even through all my complaining, I do like all the classes but they always keep me moving and boy do I need it. I do like Pump a lot but it's also really helped my arthritis so it's going to be a permanent part of life. Nice to finally find some people on the boards to talk to! Jo
  • I mainly do combat with step once a week.
    I am loving the new combat routine - especially the Pirates of the Carribean track. :o)
    I am starting training with a pt tomorrow and she is going to sort out my training routine and mix it up a bit.
    The biggest loser contest at your gym sounds great - mine never does anything like that!
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