Mom of a toddler, needing to make a change

Hi, I'm new to the site, and hoping this will help in my weight loss journey. I've always been overweight, and since I've had my son, its gotten worse. I'm a SAHM now and don't get near the exercise that I got when I was working. Getting family pictures taken, was a real wake up call as to how much weight I've gained. Plus chasing after a 15 month old and getting tired real fast, made me realize that I have GOT to make a lifestyle change.

Hoping to meet some new people that I can take this challenge with :smile:


  • Hi,
    I'm in the same boat. I have a 16 month old daughter and I can not believe how different my body is post baby. I'm looking to lose about 40lbs. It would be great to get to know people on the same journey.
  • caryn7780
    caryn7780 Posts: 54 Member
    I also have a 16 month old daughter and my wake up call came when I stepped on the scale and realized that I way more now than I did before I delivered her. I am doing this to make sure I am healthy for me and also set the example for my daughter of what a healthy lifestyle looks like. If you would like to add me, please feel free. That goes for anyone. I am all about supporting one another!
  • akj_25
    akj_25 Posts: 244 Member
    chasing after a little one quickly makes you realize how out of shape you really are. my dtr is now 2 years and i am trying to get in shape so i can keep up.

    you can add me as a friend if you want and we can encourage each other through this journey.

    this site is helpful - once you start logging every peice of food and realizing how much extra calories you really are taking in.
    i lost 25 # last year with the help of MFP but i fell off the weight loss wagon in the fall because of outside situations/ stress. but i am back on and ready to lose 25+ more this year.
  • MzAries252
    MzAries252 Posts: 4 Member
    I am also in the same situation as everybody else I have a 17 month old Son. I gained over 50 lbs with my pregnancy and I was already overweight before I got pregnant. I have gained more weight after having my Son from being on birth control. I had a c-section and I had a friend that is a personal trainer tell me that it will be a little harder for me to lose weight with all the scar tissue in my stomach area. But I am focused on losing the weight not only for myself but mainly for my Son. I hope everybody will be successful with their weight loss goals.:flowerforyou:
  • RevNimue
    RevNimue Posts: 66 Member
    My daughter is 8 and my son is 5 and I'm still trying to get the weight off. I've made great progress during my journey which has been going on for the past 8 years, however its only these past few years that I've been starting to take it seriously and this year I am going hardcore and not looking back at those pounds gained during pregnancy. Feel free to add me, I'm always up for support and willing to give support back, :)