(Paleo or Primal lifestyle) Anyone else?

Hi everyone! I have PCOS but I'm having great results with a paleo lifestyle and I was wondering if anybody else was following paleo or primal?


  • SkyFire1
    Started Primal last Sunday, so far so good.
    Was already doing a whole food diet but didn't eat much bread so it hasn't been too bad changing my eating habits, except for tortillas & tortilla chips. :-(
  • thinfitme
    I am trying to be 100% Paleo but I want to start slow. I am currently trying to maintain a 50% Paleo diet while doing Insanity. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. Good luck to all.
  • london1811
    london1811 Posts: 13 Member
    I've been eating paleo for a couple of weeks now, and feel so good! Lots of energy and sleeping really well. I've also lost a few lbs too which is nice! I am allowing myself a small amount of milk because I still need my coffees though....figured it can't hurt toooo much. Other than that pretty much 100%, I haven't eaten any grains at all in that time and although it was hard for a few days at the start I don't have any cravings now.
  • ssparks5849
    I am on day three of paleo and I'm doing okay. A little slip here and there, but overall, it's going well. Anyone have good websites to refer to? I have a hard time figuring out what grains I can have and specifics like that.
  • hothotpot
    I am on day three of paleo and I'm doing okay. A little slip here and there, but overall, it's going well. Anyone have good websites to refer to? I have a hard time figuring out what grains I can have and specifics like that.

    Mark's Daily Apple is a great site for Paleo/Primal information. Just dig around there for a while and you'll be sure to find answers to any questions you might have.

    Although honestly, the basics of Paleo are pretty simple. NO grains whatsoever (this includes corn), no refined white sugar, no legumes, and no dairy. Primal includes dairy. Basically, only eat whole foods which would have been available to our paleolithic ancestors.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Go to the "Groups" tab above and type Paleo or Primal into the search box. There are several large groups here that practice thiese methods of eating.....you'll find more support and help there.