I need guidance.

I am just starting on my journey. It seems as if it is going to be a long journey. Yesterday i felt it was hard because i went to a party at my job. I also feel as if i dont know how to prepare a lot of sides to go with my meals. I am starting to become discouraged just a little. I will continue to strive for my goal. I feel i need to meet with a nutritionist. I try to plan my meals out so that i wont overindulge. I am wanting to be committed to this weight loss journey. I am currently 310 pounds. I have been logging in and keeping track of my food. Something i have never done before. I dont drink sodas or juices. I have been trying to do the six small meals because that helps me. I have been contemplating if i should join weight watchers or curves or anything that offers a regimen to provide me with guidance. I have switched to ground turkey vs ground beef, no fried foods, i eat a lot of chicken. Im a picky eater but im trying to embrace other meals such as seafood and other meals i wouldnt normally like. I hope im providing you with more information.


  • misskriistina
    Chicken is good! Eat lots and lots of it!!! I eat mine with tapatio.... Also smoothies delicious!!! With chobani greek yogurt! Sweet potatos are my all time favorite.... You can do homemade pizzas with pizza sauce and whole wheat pita bread! .... Apples and peanut butter best snack ever!! String cheese... Hard boiled eggs! Don't deprive yourself though... I buy dark chocolate biscotti minis! .... Wheat thin crackers and triscuits! Almonds!!!! Just some suggestions I love to eat!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    It s going to be hard to give guidance with your food diary not visible. But are you working out regularly? Such as going on walks, stationary bikes, hiking, etc? And as far as sides, what better sides than veggies? If they start to get dull, try adding in some low-fat cheeses or something. Healthy doesn't have to mean dull. I still add cheese to my brocoli sometimes.
  • misskriistina
    Also I only drink water and milk... Use oat flour and find a pancake recipe!!! Soooo yummy! Also oatmeal! Turkey bacon! Brown rice!
  • 1Bigtink
    1Bigtink Posts: 20 Member
    It is important to remember we did not get where we are overnight & we will not get where we want to go overnight either. Last year I lost almost 50 Lbs. but because of medical issues I gained some of it back so I am re-starting my journey and have a goal of loosing 100 Lbs. That goal will probably be adjusted as I go but for now that is what I have set. Just be kind with yourself. Every little change is a change in the right direction. I remember nothing can change without Change itself. Basically you will get through your journey with any change you make. It is only natural to get discouraged at times. Tomorrow day is a new day. For me being as informed as possible is the key. I read a lot of articles surf the web and now ask away on MFP. Keep up the hard work it will pay off. Good luck
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    Hi welcome. I totally understand your frustration, it happens to me all the time. As for sides I try to stick to veggies usually frozen there are a lot of easy ideas I keep mine simple like steamed vegetables or sauteed green beans; frozen vegetables can be added to anything. Trader Joes has some good frozen veggies and sides like potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice and plenty of vegetables. Another easy idea is always salad. I make a base and add different things in each time. Salad is always filling because you can always have a lot of lettuce and fresh veggies and just lighten up on the dressing, croutons and other extras like that. I add sometimes grilled fish to my salad, or garbanzo beans and shredded cheese and some deli meat, or just tuna.

    As for joining something, I would suggest if you need help with food perhaps weigh watchers would help because they always have recipes and food ideas and also you can have come accountability. Although Curves is good for exercise, as I learned the best way to actually get into a routine you need to find something that you like and enjoy doing. Try Curves but if you cant get too into it dont worry just find some other activities that you enjoy. I personally do not belong to any gym I exercise on my own since I enjoy a large variety of activities - I bike, swim, hike, jog, and for strength training I go resistance band and Jillian Michael's workout DVDs.

    Give yourself some time and you'll find what works for you!!
  • phyllio77
    phyllio77 Posts: 192 Member
    For me I find eating 6-8 small meals a day is key to keep going. Especially if you are doing cardio or strength training.
    I try to eat as organic and healthy as possible and all in moderation. I eat pizza with the works on it but not longer 1/2 the pizza. I have two slices. I found eating in moderation and what i wanted provided me with success thus far. Depriving yourself will set you up for failure and make you feel guilt over food...which is never good.
    I feel I use the tools from weight watchers of healthier choices and portion control and MFP calories counter and go from there.
    Remember to take measurements as I found this changed but my number on the scale did not for three weeks. Would have discouraged me from continuing and all my hard work would have been for nothing...the inches fell off...the number took a bit longer to drop. Best wishes:)
  • phyllio77
    phyllio77 Posts: 192 Member
    Oh I also found preparing fresh snacks to take with me out on errands helps keep my tummy happy...fruit, veggies, granola bars...yogurt...I LOVE wraps...chicken, steak, pork wraps....bacon and scrambled egg wraps with salsa and some cheese and veggies..omg making my mouth water:)
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    After looking at your food diary, I can give you a few suggestions.

    1. I saw several days were you were below 1200 calories. That will stall you. Always try to get close to that goal. Especially days that you work out.
    2. A lot of the foods you are eating are high in sodium. With you working out, you will regain a lor of water if you are high in sodium.
    3. You need to be getting more fluids. Water, juices (healthy ones of course), etc... Drink as much fluid as you can. And I am not talking sodas.

    Those are just some I can think of.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Oh, and I used to not like sea food so much. Pretty much crab meat was the only thing I would eat that was sea food for the longest time. But, I have found that I actualy like some sea food. I LOVE Tilapia. I have found I don't like "fishy" fish. If that makes sense. I have recently found salmon....but of course, my quiting smoking might have something to do with my taste buds changing some.
  • lizzyd629
    Hi :smile: I'm just starting out as well (12 days now) I find it funny though because over all the years I have learned about dieting, I know what I need to do to get healthy, I just never knew how to get the motivation to control my willpower. I found my motivation and I KNOW I can reach my goals! (I quit smoking a year and a half ago...go me hehe). I have a few suggestions that have been working for me, and maybe they will help you too. I hope so :wink:

    1) Find your motivation, just saying "I want to do this" or "I sure would like to lose some weight" isn't quite enough for me, and I'm going to guess more then a few others out there or else weight loss wouldn't be so difficult. My motivation is my Grandson:heart: , when I even THINK about eating something that doesn't fit into my plan...I let it go much easier! He's my main motivation! Find your one thing super important to you that will motivate you.

    2) Plan your days worth of food/meals after you have your breakfast. Make sure you already have your breakfasts planned, then prepare, portion, check calories, fat, carbs etc. Obviously MFP is the way to go with that, once you have all your food for the day planned, put it in a lunch bag :) (My mom got me a cute hello kitty bag about the size of a medium gift bag, and its perfect size, it's not insulated, but I keep it in the fridge @ home and @ work). If something is not in your bag...DON'T EAT IT (there is always tomorrow, if you still want it you can always plan to have it then). Space out your meals and snacks so you're not ever really "starving".

    3) Cook your food ahead of time! Prepare as much as you can ahead because it makes preparing your days worth of food SOOOOO much easier! I cut up my veggies, cook my chicken (I don't like chicken breast, so I get boneless skinless chicken thighs instead), portion your cooked chicken, steak for salads or whatever you plan to use it for...and I have a basket that I keep protien bars, granola bars, fruit bars, nuts for snacking and other pre portioned type healthy snacks! This helps me because I don't have to rack my brain or hunt through my kitchen trying to figure out what I can eat! Invest in a few boxes of ziplock baggies of various sizes, (big for storing, smaller for portioning) also containers (I went to the dollar store and got the cheap tupperware like stuff, that way if I lose or break one its not that big of a deal)

    4)Talk about your progress, it will make you feel good! Even if you have only been on your plan for 2 days great, if you made it through them, you can make it through the next day and so on, and IF you do stumble, remember thats all it is and get right back on track where you left off! I have made it through 12 days (i started on new years day to make tracking my time easier lol one less thing I will have to think about) and I am so excited, I appoligize occasionally but keep right on saying I'm proud of myself lol My friends and family dont care about my yacking because they are proud of me too and will listen to my chatting lol

    5) Cookbooks for healthy meals, and online reciepes...that will help with ideas of what to eat. If you have a kindle there are TONS of things on there, reading is always helpful, even if its just a few things ..its better then not knowing anything :happy:

    I hope this helps, even if one of my routines works for you I would be thrilled! Good luck and don't get discouraged...we can do this!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    eat more fibre ie. more vegetables. australia recommends 5 serves of veggies and 2 of fruit a day to be healthy.
  • msquel81
    Thanks everyone. this is great feed back. I feel encouraged now. Glad im using mfp. Again thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!! It is truly appreciated. :smile: