Any body use wii fit??

RachMartin Posts: 44 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I am thinking of buying a wii fit board and the wii fit game and wanted to know who has it??
Is it a good buy?

Also what other good games can I get to use with the board ??

What about Biggest loser? Or any other recommendations please let me know as I don't just want to buy something without some reviews by you guys - thank you so much :-)

Rach x x


  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    My parents have a Wii thinking of borrowing it. If you get it I'll compete against you ;)
  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    My parents have a Wii thinking of borrowing it. If you get it I'll compete against you ;)
  • I've got the Wii and I've got the Wii fit but I'm not a huge fan. I wanted it to have routines for me to do but you have to pick one exercise at a time and that annoys me. The games on there are fun though and they do get your heart pumping if you really do it. So I just use the games mostly on it. I bought the Jillian Michaels bootcamp game but boy oh boy, it's tough. I've been thinking of getting the Wii Active, it comes with a webcam and it tells you if you're doing the exercise right or not but you can also buy that to use with your computer so you don't really need a Wii for that game.

    Hope that helps!
  • RachMartin
    RachMartin Posts: 44 Member
    We have a wii but I currently only do bowling and tennis - so basically I'm gonna have a fit and toned right arm and that's about it ha ha :-)
  • arobles3231
    arobles3231 Posts: 15 Member
    My brother has lost 64 lbs using the Wii. I'm not sure which game he is doing but it has done wonders for him. He says he is in the best shape he's been in since high school!
  • val_lacy
    val_lacy Posts: 1 Member
    I have the Wii Fit Plus, which I believe is what you will buy in a store now. It does have an area where you can customize workouts and it will take you through them all. I think this is different from the regular Wii fit where you have to do exercise by exercise. I like it, The strength training works really well for me.
  • I have a Wii and WiiFit. I like it a lot, but you can only do one exercise at a time. It does work, but I would say that you should go with the WiiFit Plus. One that one you can put together a routine, and it has a lot more fun games. There is also WiiSports and WiiSports Resort, Walk It Out, and Just Dance. I have tried Walk It Out and Just Dance, but don't own them.. however, I heard that they are fun and work.. I own both WiiSports and WiiSports Resort, and like them both.. They are fun and give you a moderate work out.
    Hope this helps... :]
  • EA Active is great on the wii, it gives you challenges and workouts that really burn the calories, the more workouts new EA Active burns double too. I have lost 25lbs to date using both these games. I can easily burn 360+ calories in one hour.
  • I'm a big supporter of the Wii Fit Plus as a beginner exercise. Obviously if you're working out hard at the gym on a regular basis you're not going to get much out of it. If you're starting out as kind of sedentary, though, it's a great investment. I used it for about three months straight, and still use it every once in awhile when I'm bored with my other routines. I'd say a good forty pounds of my weight loss was lost using the game as exercise.
  • Oh. And I still use Biggest Loser as well. I recommend that one even over Wii Fit Plus. More opportunity to bump up your workouts as you go along.
  • sparkles321
    sparkles321 Posts: 107
    I love the Wii Fit Plus. However, I don't care for the yoga/strength training parts. They're a little annoying, actually. I'd rather pop in a DVD. Some of the games are quite fun. I particularly like the hula hoop game (relaxes/stretches my lower back, which is a problem area), and the rhythm boxing and kung fu. The only other game I play with the board is Punch Out. I also like Just Dance.
  • I was going to get the wii fit but my daughter bought me "your shape" for the wii and I find it gives me a workout (when I use it) I am not quite sure how the wii fit works but "your shape" will let you pick the part of the body that you want to work on and will tell you how many calories you have burned in the time you have worked also do not have to hold anything in your hands or be stepping on a mat there is a small camera that you put on top of the t.v and it actually shows you in person doing the exercise along with an animated instructor beside you and she tells you what you are doing wrong like lift those legs higer or squat lower ... it is kind of neat how they know what you are doing wrong haha I will be using it when I can't make it to sister has the wii plus and she says if I get the wii fit to get the wii fit plus ( it is supposed to be more fun)

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  • RachMartin
    RachMartin Posts: 44 Member
    Hey thanks for all the info :-)
    What a great site - happy, friendly people giving lots of advice and support - I love it XX

    I think I will get the one with the little camera so I can see me on screen if I am doing the exercise right etc otherwise I may be wasting energy getting it wrong lol

    I like the sound of dance workouts too - just been dancing to The Wiggles with the kiddies - now that was energetic but fun he he!
    (who said exercise was boring)

    Keep up the good work guys

    Rach X X
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    We have a thread for Wii users going on here for anyone interested.:

    We love our Wii's! Join us!
  • cayzapp
    cayzapp Posts: 13 Member
    I bought the Wii Fit Plus a few months ago. There are a lot of exercises to choose from (rhythm boxing is my favorite). I've never been a big fan of yoga, but I will say when I was doing it, I was sore the next day. I prefer more physical types of exercising like the boxing. I bought the Jilian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2009 for the Wii, but find it complicated. to use.....maybe it's just me! All in all, I recommend the Wii fit. Good luck!
  • lynzt16
    lynzt16 Posts: 48
    I have Wii Fit Plus and its ok, nothing amazing.. you can set up your own routine but i like my Wii Active better. It has 30 day challenges and gets more of your arms involved unlike the wii fit. Wii active is nice, because you dont NEED the wii board but you can use it if you enable it. Its a decent workout..prob burn about 150-175 cals for some easy strength training.
  • I have the Wii Fit Plus, which I believe is what you will buy in a store now. It does have an area where you can customize workouts and it will take you through them all. I think this is different from the regular Wii fit where you have to do exercise by exercise. I like it, The strength training works really well for me.

    I didn't know that!! I have the plus. I'll have to play around with it and make a routine! Thanks!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've been using EA Sports Active about 4 times a week, with the gym mixed in twice a week, and I'm down 11 pounds from that combination. I like that it combines a good cardio and strength workout, I'm definitely seeing an improvement in my legs from it. I'm not sure what game I'll be buying next. EA Sports Active 2.0 will be out in the fall with a better motion sensing system than the wiimote and numchuck that they use now. I'm going to do more research first.
  • i have the WII fit Plus and i love it. You can make a goal on how many calories you want to burn everytime you exercise. You can burn them in many ways :strength, yoga, aerobics(dancing, i love this one) hoola hoop, a lot of different ways. Also it weights you ( i am a little skeptical about it). It's worth it the money. Have fun with it!!!!
  • Shannoncore
    Shannoncore Posts: 135
    i have one that i use when i have the time and i remember i have it. just stay away from the golds gym line its slow and crappy. no work out at all.
  • KalB
    KalB Posts: 42
    I just got the Wii active and I didnt get a camera with it but you dont need it because you have a strap on your thigh to hold the nunchuk and have the remote in your hand so it sences how you are moving. I used it for the first time tonight and in 18 minutes it kicked my butt and you have a live action trainer to show you the moves before you do it. I would recomend it to anyone and this was the first night I used it and it gives you a set work out and encourages you. And one plus/Minus(lol) as you are yelling at them that you dont want to do anymore they dont hear
  • afyfe
    afyfe Posts: 93
    I've been thinking of getting the Wii Active, it comes with a webcam and it tells you if you're doing the exercise right or not but you can also buy that to use with your computer so you don't really need a Wii for that game.

    Hope that helps!

    Wii Active doesn't come with a camera but Your Shape Featuring Jenny McCarthy does. Wii Active comes with a resistance band (buy a reg one, it isn't very strong) and a leg pouch for the nunchuk.
  • shaggydwright
    shaggydwright Posts: 2 Member
    I have Wii fit plus. I like it, but I use the Just Dance game to workout with more than the Wii Fit. Just Dance is fun and will get your heart to pumping.
  • RachMartin
    RachMartin Posts: 44 Member
    I've got wii fit plus board now and loving all the different games on there - doing things like the obstacle courses, cycling, hula hoop etc having fun whilsy burning the calories - it's great :-)

    Just got the Just Dance game but haven't tried it yet - my 8 year old daughter is excited to try that one but I need an etra controller to compete against her ha!

    So who's up for a Wii Fit challenge???

    Rach x
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