Can this be right!?

I started MFP 1 week ago today. I just weighed in and it says I lost 9.8lbs. I mean I know what my scale says and what my weigh in is telling me. I'm just amazed because I haven't hit my calories since I joined. I figured that would stop me from losing as much. My next question is Good Lord how many calories was I eating before? LOL. I'm on a high right now.



  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    In the first week you often lose double or more than you're expecting. For me was mainly to do with exercising and sweating out water, as well as cutting down on salt. Well done!
  • thnksfrthmmrs
    thnksfrthmmrs Posts: 152 Member
    That is an amazing loss for your first week. Well done. But don't be dis heartened if you don't lose the same next week as people tend to lose a lot more in the first week.

    keep up the good work =]
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    This happens quite often the first week. You probably wont see any more numbers like that but stay consistent and it will keep coming off. Congratulations. :smile:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Wow, 10 pounds?! That's fantastic! :smile: And here I thought my 2 pound loss was really good! :ohwell: :grumble:
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    yes the first week is always the best
  • That's wonderful!
  • dougnaudra
    dougnaudra Posts: 4 Member
    That is so awesome!! Keep up the good work!! Did you take your measurements yet? I am just saying that because I have been doing MFP for 4 months and have only lost 9lbs but I have lost 5 inches of my hips and 2" off everywhere else on my body! If you are exercising and building muscle then sometimes measurements are key to feeling sucessful too:smooched:
  • Hazel2005
    Hazel2005 Posts: 175 Member
    The first week is always a "wow" week. It definitely slows down, evens out and sometimes doesn't budge. Don't be tempted by that big number and constantly look or want those big numbers. It can derail you. Slow and steady wins the race. I'm coming up on week two of my last go at this. I also lost 10 lbs the first week. I only weigh myself once - on Mondays, and I am giving it at least the month of January to see where I'm at and what my numbers are. I do not exercise at all at the moment and hope to incorporate it starting February. I'll eat back my exercise calories and again, see where my numbers are at the end of the month. You are well on your way - just give it time, not a time frame - and you will get there! Welcome and good luck!:happy:
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Most is probably water weight, have you cut back on your sodium (in most processed foods), sugars or carbs?
  • mary1028
    mary1028 Posts: 28 Member
    Good loss even for the first week. Don't stay too far under your needed calorie count, it can make it harder in the long run. I don't know what long it takes for the body to think you are straving and slowing down but it can happen. Look long term and just take it a day at time. You will like what happens.
  • LisaAvasNana
    LisaAvasNana Posts: 82 Member
    Wow, 10 pounds?! That's fantastic! :smile: And here I thought my 2 pound loss was really good! :ohwell: :grumble:

    Your 2 lb loss is just as amazing. We are trying to eat healthier to feel better and that's what we're doing. You will probably lose more than me next week. Let's stick to it. It will only get easier as we go. And we are making some good friends along the way.
  • LisaAvasNana
    LisaAvasNana Posts: 82 Member
    Most is probably water weight, have you cut back on your sodium (in most processed foods), sugars or carbs?

    I try to stay under the carbs and I have to watch my sodium. I have high blood pressure and take a pill before bed and during the day.

    I have been struggling with getting the calories in today was 460ish below. Its been one of my better days. I need to learn to make all the numbers match better. Any ideas?

    I haven't taken measurements yet. I did tell my daughters fiance this morning that even if I didn't lose lbs (I hadn't weighed in yet) that it felt like I lost on my hips.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Most is probably water weight, have you cut back on your sodium (in most processed foods), sugars or carbs?

    I try to stay under the carbs and I have to watch my sodium. I have high blood pressure and take a pill before bed and during the day.

    I have been struggling with getting the calories in today was 460ish below. Its been one of my better days. I need to learn to make all the numbers match better. Any ideas?

    I haven't taken measurements yet. I did tell my daughters fiance this morning that even if I didn't lose lbs (I hadn't weighed in yet) that it felt like I lost on my hips.

    Eating too few calories over the long term will eventually stall your loss - congrats on an amazing week 1, but I would try harder to get to your calories goal and stay there to avoid the inevitable plateau that is likely in your future if you do not eat more. Our bodies need fuel to function properly. You can add nuts, nut butters, and other high calorie, high fat foods to quickly reach your calorie goal.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Most is probably water weight, have you cut back on your sodium (in most processed foods), sugars or carbs?

    I try to stay under the carbs and I have to watch my sodium. I have high blood pressure and take a pill before bed and during the day.

    I have been struggling with getting the calories in today was 460ish below. Its been one of my better days. I need to learn to make all the numbers match better. Any ideas?

    I haven't taken measurements yet. I did tell my daughters fiance this morning that even if I didn't lose lbs (I hadn't weighed in yet) that it felt like I lost on my hips.

    Spread your calories and macros out through the day better, more meals/ snacks if needs be. Be sure you are eating enough healthy fats, it's great to eat a ton of low sugar fruits and non starchy vegetables but you will struggle to get your calories up if you overly focus on them. If you are watching carbs/ cutting back on beans, lentils and wholegrains, eat way more nuts and seeds so you get all the minerals and fibre your body needs. Don't underestimate how much is required: it can be 60g of one seed and hundreds of grams of another nut to get the recommended amount of some minerals.