Scale Temptation

How do you stay off the scale? I try to limit it to once a week, but I feel tempted every morning to check my progress! And then get upset with normal fluctuations.

(also - yes, I know the scale is not the only way to track progress, I also track measurements once a month and how I'm feeling. But I like the scale, it keeps me on track.)


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    For me (it doesn't work for everyone) the only way to not get upset by those fluctuations was to weigh every morning, track it, observe the fluctuations, learn about what makes them happen, accept that the number isn't just a measure of the fat on my body, but lots of other variables, and basically get over it. I track my weight on a spreadsheet, and I can see that over time, the trend goes down. That's what matters for weight loss, not how it is day to day, or even week to week. It's the long-term progress that counts.

    I'm maintaining at the moment, and this morning I'm up 1 lb from yesterday. Do I care? Not at all, because I know I didn't over-eat yesterday. I did a lot of exercise, and as a result ate more food. My muscles are holding onto water, and there is a larger volume of food in my system than normal. That is what is showing up on the scale. The scale is a useful measure of progress but like you say, it's not the only way. It doesn't show you the bigger picture of body composition. Look at the long-term trend of your weight, and combine that with tape measurements, body fat measurements (if you can), how well your clothes fit, and progress photos.
  • kway610
    kway610 Posts: 162
    I weight every morning...the fluctuations don't bother me because my diet and exercise are solid. Also, I have "gained or lost" a pound just by moving the scale across the room! :laugh: If I work out hard and I wake up sore, the scale is always up 2-3lbs. I don't know what it would take to discourage me but as long as it is generally moving in the right direction, I can handle that.

    @ Jester- Congrats on the 85lb loss!
  • hannahsteveeee
    For me, doing it once a week (on a Monday morning) is the best thing. However I, like you, get really tempted, weight myself after dinner and think "all my hard work, and for what?", then go and binge. Perhaps you ought to move your scales, which is what I did and it worked- out of sight, out of mind. I also focus on the consequences of weighing myself all the time as I know it's detrimental to my weight loss. Also, think about how much more satisfying it will be to see the scales shift a little more after waiting for another few days!
  • toadkingdom
    I don't own a scale. I used to, but it would put me in a funk if the numbers moved the wrong way - So I got rid of it.

    Now I don't have a scale to think about, I can focus on eating well & moving in ways that are healthy. I'm not sure how much I weigh, but I'm gradually noticing my clothes aren't as tight as they used to be.
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    I'm on the scale pretty regularly. Dispite the fact that it fluxuates a little I like seeing a number that's smaller than the one I started with. Also, I love to catch the second that it jumps down to the next half pound.
  • makemyfattcry
    Try not owning a scale. That works! I only get to use the scale when I either visit my parent's house or go to the vet. And I hate it.
  • firemanfive0
    firemanfive0 Posts: 228 Member
    the scale is not the 'ultimate' judge in this weight loss journey...I weigh myself everyday. i have been the same weight for about a month but am ready to go down another pants size. So I am holding at a weight but succeeding in other ways.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I officially weigh once a week for logging purposes on here, but I weigh daily and track the fluctuations to have a better sense of what my body naturally does. I find it kind of interesting and it's been good for teaching myself not to freak out about the numbers.
  • marias2gaa
    marias2gaa Posts: 118 Member
    How do you stay off the scale? I try to limit it to once a week, but I feel tempted every morning to check my progress! And then get upset with normal fluctuations.

    (also - yes, I know the scale is not the only way to track progress, I also track measurements once a month and how I'm feeling. But I like the scale, it keeps me on track.)

    I know it is hard to stay off it but I am just now learning to fight the tempation I use to weigh in every morning. But for the past two weeks I do it every monday and I like it more because Im seeing more results. Knowing Monday is my weigh in makes me be extra good on weekends because I want to see the number go down and it is !:smile:
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I don't own one, and use the scale at Boots the Chemists near work (drug store) for offical weigh ins. Doesn't stop me sneaking in the odd unofficial weigh in at my gym. If I had a set at home I would be on them all the time, which has been a problem for me in the past.
  • tleeiiiii
    tleeiiiii Posts: 44 Member
    i had the same problem, i did learn what made my weight fluctuate daily, but for now i put my scale away so i'm not tempted to step on it everytime i get in the shower. :) it's been 2 weeks and i have not peaked :)