*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi... I'm Tammy. I'm 38 and a mother of 2 they are 17 and 11 (almost 18 & 12) and I have a step son in Utah who is 20 and just got married 5 weeks ago. I have two golden retrievers and my husband is in the military.

    I work full time as a payroll specialist and I have an issue with binge eating. Looking for new support and motivation.

    I hope to lose 115lbs and go from there.
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    HELLO!! There used to be a pretty strong circle of support amongst a group of us who were all looking to lose anywhere from 50 pounds to 150 pounds! Some of us? Maybe even looking to release even more weight than that!

    We had a thread and had a good, solid 15+ members that were supportive in both the good times and the bad, the easy parts and the challenges... however, we've kind of lost our ground and our group. So this thread is an attempt to revive that support and to welcome some new friends in!

    This is an open thread for anyone who wishes to be a part of it... so just jump on in! Please introduce yourselves and don't be intimidated if it seems that there are some of us who know each other - because once you introduce yourself? You'll soon feel that you are in the loop and know everyone as well!

    Welcome... let the support and friendships begin! :)

    Are you going to get friends here and then start a group under groups?
  • andilynn82
    andilynn82 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Andrea, 30 years old, and I live in Illinois. Married, no kids, and I work full time on the office staff at a counseling practice. I've lost about 35 pounds so far, but I'd like to lose another 100 or so. My original goal was to get down to 200 lbs by my 30th birthday but I spent most of 2012 just gaining and losing the same 10 pounds over and over so now the goal is 200 by my 31st!

    Thanks Becky for the message about this thread. Looking forward to finding friends, both old and new!
  • leyle20
    leyle20 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, my name is Laila. 31. I am new on this and after reading a number of posts this group sounded to me as the most motivating.
    I am a mommy and work full time. I need/want to loose 80 pounds.
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 767 Member
    Hello I'm giving this a go . My name is Ann. I'm 56 yrs old and mother of 2 college age girls. I have been active and an athlete my entire life. 5 years ago I fractured a hip mountain bike riding and actually didn't know it for 2 yrs. so my activity went to 0 and I actually started stress eating which I had never done before. Hip replacement surgery a year ago and it's time to stop using it as an excuse. My goal is 45 lbs. I find support from others really helps. Thanks to all. Look forward to doing this together
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    Hi! I'm Kali from Savannah, GA! I have been overweight since...oh about the time I got a car and could go get snacks if I was hungry and it's gotten worse through college and kept rising once I got into a great, stable relationship. I started this once I came back from an amusement park and could baaaarely get the seat-belts closed on the rides. That was my wake-up call. I lost about 25lbs until November came around when I let birthdays, anniversarys and the holidays get in the way. Last Friday, I decided to get back into this so here I am! I'm currently working out 6 days a week (with a rest day on Sunday) and am doing both cardio and lifting. I'm currently sitting at 202 and would love to get down to 130-140. But my short-term goal is to lose as much as possible by June when I'm going to Europe for 3 weeks.

    Anyone can add me and I do log everyday!
  • Hello, My name is Anne, I am a 25 year old mother to two beautiful children who are 5 and 1. I work alot so its hard to juggle eating healthy and exercise between work and 2 children. I am trying to start off my new year right and learn to fit all these things into my daily routine. I am currently 205 pounds and only 5'3" so I have a total goal of 65 pounds to lose. This is going to take alot of motivation for me so I am looking for it here and hoping to meet alot of wonderful people with great success stories and alot of people that I can help motivate back.
  • Hello everyone! My name is Jenny and I live in northern Minnesota with my hubby and two kiddos. I have a son who is 9 and a daughter who is 6. Right now I am a special education para in a public preschool and I am in school finishing up my LPN. I also am an on call CNA at a nearby nursing home which I love!!! With working, school and taking care of my family I have let things slide and I have a good 50lbs to loose. I just joined a weight loss management program through my family doctor for some accountability and guidance and it would be so nice to have some great friends on here for support each other :smile:
  • Hey there ladies and gents!

    I'm very new to this site, but was on another one and managed to lose enough to make me want to keep going! A little bit about myself, I'm 24 yr old, and I do accounting for a Ford dealership. I also am a Mary Kay Pink Lady!! I've not been focusing much on Mary Kay though, since I've been trying to get in shape. My main reason for losing weight...I'll be honest...I dont want to be a fat bride!!! I've been with my boyfriend for 7 years in March and we plan on looking awesome in our pictures! He works out with me, and helps me eat healthy which is a huge inspiration and a great motivator! Its so hard to try and work out/lose weight when the other person in your life just eats whatever they want all the time!!

    I will admit, I miss chocolate. I don't STOP myself from eating it, but everytime I look at a candy bar I think "Man thats a lot of calories, and then Im going to hate myself!!". Thinking this way has helped me stay on track and focus on healthier snacks. Im still figuring out what is good what is not...how much I should be eating and not! I have a personal trainer friend that is helping me set up meal plans, calorie count and a few work out routines and such. He has been incredibly helpful in showing me what I need to do, to make this work. Even still, I find myself turning my nose at "you need to eat more vegetables" and "no more cookies and pretzels Jenn, those are terrible for you!" I will admit, I've broken my Golden Oreo addiction and my pretzel obsession though!

    I would love to find people that I could share recipes with, inspire along the way and help me get out of the rut when Im in it!

    Over all, my ideal weight is 103.5lbs away, but I would be thrilled with even losing 75-80lbs over the next year!
  • kathy53b
    kathy53b Posts: 33 Member
    My name is Kathy and I am from Michigan. I just started MFP and can see many benefits. I have 80lbs to lose and it does help to have friends on this journey. Please count me in!!!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I'm glad to see that this thread is taking off! I'm just catching up on everyone... not that I shouldn't have done it sooner. Goodness knows, I've been sitting around sick at home. I am still feeling it -- went into work for one day and it took me back a couple days. Guess I did too much too soon. However? I gotta get a gym day in tomorrow -- so tonight is doubling up on meds and taking stuff staggered so I'm getting something in every 2 hours.

    Life's a bit tricky right now... been seeing someone for about 7 months or so, and he's... well, interesting. I wish he could/would learn a little tact. Though? I know he's not meaning to be a jerk, but pretty much everything he's done in the last 4-5 days? Falls into that category... and, that's me putting it politely! Ugh!


    So good to see so many of that original wonderfully strong circle back in here!! Hi Laura, Carla, Julie, Lane, Steph, ReNae, Andrea!!

    WELCOME Monica, Ciji, Leslie, Gayle, Tracy, Laura, ,Nickie, Tesha, Melody, divadame, Kelly, Melissa, Cynthia, Stephanie, Aimee, Angela, Sanem, Mark, Renee, SkimFlatWhite, Steve, Cat, Holly, j6pz, Tammy, Laila, Ann, Kali, Anne, Jenny, jricht001 & Kathy!

    Laura: How are you liking the new job? Great advantage with all the built in exercise... :) And, yeah, reseting the ticker? NOT fun! Now? I don't ever want to reset it backwards... only downwards and onwards!

    Carla: You'll be at that 3-digit mark before you know it! Hope you are enjoying the Dominican Republic as I type this!

    Julie: Have I told you that I love, love, LOVE your new profile pic?!? Because you are beautiful and that photo shows it!

    Leslie: I hadn't ever joined a group prior to my Skinny Chic Sisters!! Hadn't even really used the "support" piece of MFP... now? I can't imagine my life without it... and I really mean that. I've visited with them not only in mfp, but on the phone, with texts, in person... welcome! I hope you have as much luck with it as I did/do!

    Gayle: Be careful... going really low calorie isn't always the smartest plan. If it works for you, great! It did for me, for a while... now? I struggle but I actually am supposed to be eating way more - and it can be JUST as hard to eat higher calorie as it is to eat lower calorie... lol.

    Lane: I love your line about all of us creating our own success story! :)

    Laura from Montana: Hey there! :) Always good to "meet" a fellow Montanan! :)

    Cynthia: That's exactly why I used the word "release"... I have NO INTENTIONS of finding it again... though, lol, I unfortunately did - but I guess it just didn't realize I was saying goodbye. ;)

    Stephanie: I'm not sure if the "ticker" decoration was related to me, but if it was? So do I!! Sometimes? I just need a little reminder.

    Mark & Steve: I hope you stick it out with us... we had a couple of good guys in and out through the past, so... Welcome! I'm guessing sometimes it can be a little overwhelming with all the women?!? Maybe??

    Cat: My trigger for "finally" starting? A year of grieving the loss of my dad... small world, eh?

    ReNae: It IS a long list, isn't it!? I kept waiting to see you post... since you are the one who gave us the title/name in the first place! :) And? No more being mad - today is today, tomorrow is tomorrow... but yesterday is the past. Back on track, right?!? Means we are only looking forward!

    j6pz: Yep, Be ****ing Awesome! Hopefully that doesn't offend anyone - I was warned that I might get reported... oh, well, I'll chance it. I need the reminder some days - and? I'm here faithfully so I may as well use that to my advantage. :)
  • Hi All!
    My name is Craig I am a 22 year old who works part time and goes to school full time. I have been over weight my whole life and I am ready to make a change. I am at my heaviest weight 280 pounds, and I know that If I continue down the path I was going down I would be 300 pounds in no time. I will not allow this to happen! This new year my resolution was to lose weight. I have no set number in mind, but I would like to loose at least 80 pounds, and become happier and healthier.

    I am looking for other people who can relate to me and can share stories with me and give me ideas on what I can do, along with motivate me and support me in my journey.

    Feel free to add me!
  • urasweethart
    urasweethart Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Im Laura. Im a Wife & a stay at home Mom searching for a job. Im 28, 5'10 & 285lbs. I started MFP in May at 308.8 I honestly believe that my weight has been an issue on more then one job interview.

    I was diagnoised with Liver Diaseas this last October. So Im under Strick Dr's orders to lose atleast 100lbs (So my super low cals is all his fault lol) My Mom has NASH which means non alcoholic cirosis(SP) I dont want that and I dont want my kids to grow up without me or get it themselves.

    Right now im going back on to a Liquid protein diet he had me on for 3 mos. It honestly scared me and I was afraid that once i started eating again i would gain all my weight back well was off it for a month and actually lost a couple more lbs
    But because of my liver Im going back to it.

    I have been in a couple of car wrecks which have left me in sever pain I dont want meds I just want to get better. I look at this massive amount of weight and mental issues it causes as a diaseas. So when my kids say something to about me getting skinny I tell them I dont want to be skinny I want to healthy no matter what size that is.

    Im also looking to buying the DDP YOGA Program.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Great to see so many faces! I hope you come back and post often and join in discussions.
    Becky - hope you get feeling better chicky! I hope this takes off. I miss all the support we used to have going.

    Well yesterday was a struggle. I did well until about 4 in the afternoon when I just ran out of steam. Hubby was still working, baby started to get cranky and I wanted to munch...and it continued until I went to bed. Now the upside is, there was nothing too damaging in the house and after dinner I kept it to a low cal hot chocolate (which is to die for good!) and some rye bread crackers and hummous. BFF coming for a visit today as I've been away for the last month. Could be a challenging day...made more so by the fact that we got very little sleep last night thanks to little miss!

    Hoping to get moving on the 30DS this week. Meeting up with a friend who has some old hand weights so hoping to steal them away from her to use. Plan is to alternate 30DS with Just Dance....may sound odd but I need to get it in while baby girl is asleep and this allows me to. I'd love to get running again but with hubbys long work hours and the baby I just can't seem to get going.

    Hope you have all had a good weekend!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Well last night I failed. Couldn't keep my fingers away from the snacks and the drinks. But then again if you saw how the Packers played, you couldn't blame me. But ohh well, just because I had one bad night doesn't have to be a bad week. Brush it off and start over today!
    We have our last holiday gathering today then no more big temptations until Easter.
    Hope everyone is doing well and making good choices!

  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Hey everyone, hope you're all having a great weekend. It's so good to see everyone posting but I'm always really busy at weekends. My bf lives and works 1.5hrs drive away, so at weekeneds either I go to see him, or he comes to me and I get online a bit less.
    I was worried about how he'd react to me being "good" etc this weekend, as recently a lot of junk and bread&cheese type choices crept in, but I'm pleased to announce I got through it and survived! We made some healthy food and had a good weekend.
    It's meant to snow tonight/tomorrow so I'm a bit worried about quite how much there'll be as I'd really rather not cycle if it's snowy/icy. *fingers crossed* for that x
  • hi my name is janet. I am 20 years old and I live in England. I am 5 ft 2 inch and currently weigh 169lbs. hoping to reach goal weight of 116lbs. feel free to add me anybody x
  • Hi - I'm Gwen and I need to lose 75 lbs...at least that is my first goal. I had bariatric surgery (VSG) in June of 2008. I am a slow loser and had a couple of things help and hinder my focus. I went thru a divorce (YAY) in 2009 and it wasn't uncommon to drop over a pound a day at times. I then got a boyfriend who is overweight and started to compete for food (boo) and also with some birth control stuff and well.... It was coming back on pretty fast but I have maintained pretty well for the last year. Give or take a few lbs. Anyway - Initially I lost a grand total from my highest weight 162 lbs. I lost 103 lbs from the point of surgery to when I started re-gaining. I need focus and help. My approach may be a bit different since I have had the surgery and know already that I can't have any carbs and need an extremely high amount of protein each day.
    I will confess I am a lousy water drinker and need help/encouragement to do that. I typically drink coffee all day long. (A big no-no for having barbaric surgery.)
    And I am also hoping to start Zumba tomorrow evening.

    Good luck to us all!
  • Hi. Im Kelly. Im 24 and need to lose around 65 pounds and I am a police officer. In 2011 I lost 50 pounds and was 185. I went to the police academy this past summer and my progress was shot to hell. I am now back up to 223 and really pissed about it. I worked so hard the first time and the academy was very physically demanding you'd think I would lose fat. I gained a lot of muscle but I have been stagnant since.
    I want to get to 162 with lean strong muscles. The first time I had a trainer but it is not financially possible now. I need a lot of support. I have started to lose hope that I will ever meet my goal. I live alone so I don't have someone to help me.
    I hope to get some support on here and maybe someone to suggest workouts. I put on muscle faster then I burn fat and I will NOT do crossfit. We did it in the academy and it caused health issues.
    Please help me. Im tired of being this way.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I am determined that this thread will be a success... so, I'm in here to check in and see how everyone is doing! Not that I have a whole lot of new to say, but...

    Well, got to see a 6.8# difference in the scale this morning from last week... that was a plesant surprise as I've been sick and it's just been going down .2 or .4 a day... today? Big change, which I am happy about. I like the idea of weighing in on Sundays (due to a challenge) because it keeps me on track -- weekends are actually probably much easier. Though, come to think about it - when I'm on track the whole thing isn't too difficult, it's the getting on track for 3 weeks... about 2 weeks are hard because I pretty much cut out all the sugary sweets like cake, cookies, candy, etc. But, once I'm past the 2 weeks the cravings go away and I can "settle in." Truly? I am determined that I will be down about 48 pounds from January 1 to March 31... it is absolutely possible, as it's relosing the weight that I've put back on in the last 4-5 months... I just want to get back to my lowest point and then start to actually make progress! Ha!

    Today's biggest decision was to gym it or not... but in the end? I decided that I needed to get past the sickness first. I've been sick - with what I initially thought was a head cold, then thought was an Upper Respiratory Infection and now? Now I'm worried about what it is... It won't go away and every time I feel I've taken a few steps forward? The following day I feel like I've been hit by a truck. So, tomorrow may equal a Doctors visit... and I'm not real happy about that!


    Welcome Craig! Balance can be a tough thing... but, feel free to keep coming back here and we are all happy to throw some support and ideas out to you! Maybe you'll see something we are missing too...

    Laura -- that can be tough, so no judgements here and I hope that the liquid protein diet isn't as bad as it sounds... Food is such a part of our culture, and when you "can't" have it - it disrupts what so many things are built around. I hope you keep coming back so we can get to know you better.

    Steph -- Yay for seeing your BFF. I can't even imagine how much harder this journey must be with Kenzie - but - also so much more rewarding and meaningful. Tough balance, right?!? Let me know your thoughts on 30DS, I just wasn't quite ready for it when I did it... maybe I'll try it again. Just not planning to very soon! And - Dance like no one's business! he, he, he... Oh, And?!? HOCKEY LOCKOUT IS OVER!! This is one happy, happy girl! LOL.

    Julie -- The Pack did bad... I turned it on and it was the only thing making me smile last night! *shrug* Sorry! But as a Lions fan, I am obligated to root for anyone who plays the Packers! :) Don't worry too much about last night, it's just one night. You have been doing great... one night won't derail it.

    Laura (Penny) -- I guess I didn't realize you were only getting to see the boyfriend on weekends... when's that going to change? Any chance there will be a ring in the future?? ... and we have lots and lots of snow, and I hate it. So, hoping that you don't get but a fraction of what I have - an entire continent away! ha, ha.

    Janet -- Welcome!

    Gwen -- consistency will win the race! Welcome... this is a GREAT group for support. Yeah, we are just getting restarted, but this group has been what helped me reach my 112 pounds gone... granted several of those came back - but the funny part is, they came back as our group fell apart. Part of my desire to refind it... so keep coming, OK?!? And - let me know your thoughts on Zumba... I love it! :)

    Kelly -- I wish trainers weren't so darned expensive! :) I hope, though, one day to be a trainer... then, I hope that they are! LOL. Welcome to the group!!