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I'm too busy to exercise.



  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    Now that you're in here.......I highly doubt this is true for most people. There might be a VERY small subset of people who really don't have time. People who are parents and full time students working two jobs. If you don't fit into this criteria then odds are you have time to exercise but you choose to fill it with something else. At the end of the day, the things you fit in are your priorities.....the other things are the things we don't have time for....What are your priorities?

    Watch TV? Exercise Instead
    Surf the internet at night? Exercise Instead
    Sleep > 8 hours a day (or maybe even less depending on other circumstances)? Exercise instead

    My point is that many people say they want to lose the weight.....they want to exercise but they are too busy.......In most cases if you are too busy to exercise you simply don't want it bad enough. And honestly if you don't want it bad enough don't bother trying. If you don't really want it you won't succeed......wait till you do really want it and then you will have a better shot.

    Some people might not want to hear this.....Think I'm being mean or negative. Not at all. We as a society are really good at making excuses and not so good at making changes. It is work.....you have to make changes or else you wouldn't have gotten overweight in the first place.

    If you don't meet the criteria above and you think you don't have time to work out, please....by all means.....post up your schedule. I'll help you figure out how to make time. If you say you work a 12 hour shift please include the days per week that you work because let's be honest.......You aren't working 12 hour shifts more than 3-4 times in a normal 7 day week.

    To be honest, I hate people who put forth this attitude on the internet. Not because they aren't right, but because of the way they present their message.

    Life circumstances can make changes difficult. But telling people "You just don't want it enough to do the work so you're making excuses, might as well give up now because you are going to fail..." might actually make them give up! And if I hadn't listened to people who told me I just wasn't strong enough and didn't want it bad enough and decided they were right, I would not have spent the majority of my adult life overweight.

    Instead of focusing on how someone isn't good enough because they can't do everything that you think they should or everything they think they need to do... I prefer to focus on what CAN be done. Small change is still better and more effective than no change at all, and it's momentum-building. So you don't have time to exercise? You can still lose fat by eating fewer calories. Maybe you think you must exercise in a gym? Can you find something you can do at home? That would cut out transport time. Or maybe you think you need to exercise every day? You can still see a change if you can find two half hour periods a week.

    No need to give up completely. Change what you can, accept the things you cannot change for now. If you don't give yourself freedom to not be perfect it will never work for you because you'll spend all your time whining about how you aren't good enough.
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    I'm a full time student with a job and volunteer work and I still have time to work out. Even that's not a valid excuse.

    Same, but sometimes I don't have as much time as I would like to work out.
  • LadyofLight08
    LadyofLight08 Posts: 245 Member
    Truth is I barely work out, working full time and going to school part time I barely even have time to go to the doctor for myself. I do however watch what I eat and working so much has helped lose 60 pounds last year.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I claimed I was too busy to exercise for years. I work at least 60 hours a week (often a lot more). I've got kids, a husband, I was working on a Masters' degree. But being busy was just an excuse. Sure, I really was insanely busy. But the truth is, no matter how busy I am, I have to work exercise into my day. I'm just hurting myself when I don't. Work/kids/life will always be there. Never once have I completed a workout and said, "Damn, I wish I didn't do that".
  • Trying to get back in MFP after some time away. I enjoy a few TV shows, but I got an exercise bike for the living room and will try to ride it daily while watching TV...thus multitasking and making the time go by faster.

    Will see if it works, I had made some progress last year but gave most of it back this fall.
  • As a full time college student working two jobs with severe health issues that often drive me to the hospital for days at a time, I still find time to go to the gym at least 4 times a week (unless my doctor yells at me to stay in bed haha). I really dont see how anyone could be 'too busy' to go. If they were, they wouldnt even be mumbling about it cause they wouldnt have time! (at least thats what I think)
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    My doctor has a cartoon posted on the wall in her office of a guy with a beer belly telling a doctor, "I don't have time to exercise." And the cartoon doctor replies, "You don't have time NOT to exercise!"
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Watch TV? Exercise while watching!
    Surf the internet at night? Surf between sets!

    This is my suggestion to those finding it hard to fit in the time.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    I skip my 'coffee' ritual (it never was coffee, chai tea and cream maybe at times)- I hydrate and make running my coffee now. I like starting my days off strong. And keeps me going. When I feel the 3:30 drag, I grab a protien snack and I go work-out to spike up my blood.and heart rate.
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    After the last 3+ months of my life, I scoff at almost anyone (aside from the aforementioned single parents working and going to school) who complains that they don't have time to work out.

    Since late September, I've carried on through my 9-6 M-F job, visited my dad daily in the hospital for at least an hour (more often 1.5-2 hours), have taken my mom places when necessary or picked her up from work (she doesn't drive), and have taken maybe eight rest days from working out in that process. When people tell me they're too busy.. very few excuses fly with me!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I will almost guarantee that anyone who says they are too busy to exercise watches at least 30 minutes of TV every day.

    There you go.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    I've been in the "I'm too busy to exercise" frame of mind for a few years. Here are the excuses I've used: I stay home with my 3 year old during the day and I work from home 7pm-11pm. We have a free gym in our neighborhood but it's only open from 6am to 10pm. I can't go at night b/c it's closed when I'm off work and I'm too tired to get up at 6am, plus it's dark and there's no one else up there so I don't feel safe. I can't go during the day b/c there's no one to watch my little and I can't take her up there with me. I can't go to a "real" gym where they have drop off's for kids b/c I don't have a car. I can't work out at home b/c my daughter wants to work out with me and I'll trip over her or accidentally hit her with a weight or something. I can't work out at home while she's napping b/c I have to take advantage of that time to do laundry, dishes, talk on the phone without interruptions, you name it. Plus my house is too small for a bunch of equipment.

    I'm sure I've come up with many more reasons why I'm too busy or it just won't work but it's mostly just me making excuses for being lazy, tired and out of shape. So I bought stair machine (it's SOMETHING, at least), started doing that, bought some videos, started doing those, dug out my jump rope and weights, and I got yoga mats for myself AND my little so we have "safe" areas and we won't get in eachother's way. It's awesome because if I haven't started doing something by around 9:30, she says "mama, we have to exercise and be healthy!" She's not all weird or scarred by it or anything - she thinks it's fun, but eventually she'll really get what it means and it'll be apart of who she is. Hopefully she'll always want to do it. And when I get tired and stop while the video is still going, she yells "mama, you can do it, keep going!" and I laugh and get my butt in gear. She's the best personal trainer and she's free! Haha. I can do more and I try to do more everyday. DH's car will be paid off next month and I'll have a new car shortly after and will start going to the "real" gym. In the meantime, I'm constantly reminding myself that I have time and I have to do this. =)
  • nc805397
    nc805397 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm a full time university student with 5 part time jobs, (YES 5!!) and I still make time to exercise EVERY DAY!!! I used to be 'i don't have time' but ever since I MADE TIME I have lost almost 35 lbs!!!!!! (since May!!!)

  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I agree with the OP. even in really difficult circumstances, you can always go for a walk. If you can't, you can always do some rounds of situps, pushups, and Burpees. As long as you are physically able, the only thing stopping you is you. You can do situps and pushups in a hospital room, you can do them anywhere. If you're visiting with someone, you can get up a little early and busting a quick 20-minute workout. You can run in place. You can jump rope. There are so many things that you can do without having to even leave home. You don't need a gym. Saying you do not have time is really just deciding you don't want it bad enough.

    I will agree that there are some life circumstances where you'll put things on hold for a while. It happens sometimes. But, most of the people that tell me they don't have time, really do. They just don't want to make the time.

    I'm weird in that really bad crisis such as death in the family or horrible tragic life circumstances pushes me further into working out...probably because I'm trying to relieve the stress. I've experienced a few of those situations, and I don't know if I'm lucky or not, but most people pull back, and I get more out there and do it. So, I'm just weird, and lucky?
  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    You have to make it a priority. I get up at 4:30 am. Not going to lie, it sucks, but the benefits out weight the draw backs. Then it is done for the day and no excuses can be made :)
  • jessjayjenk
    jessjayjenk Posts: 19 Member
    I've been in the "I'm too busy to exercise" frame of mind for a few years. Here are the excuses I've used: I stay home with my 3 year old during the day and I work from home 7pm-11pm. We have a free gym in our neighborhood but it's only open from 6am to 10pm. I can't go at night b/c it's closed when I'm off work and I'm too tired to get up at 6am, plus it's dark and there's no one else up there so I don't feel safe. I can't go during the day b/c there's no one to watch my little and I can't take her up there with me. I can't go to a "real" gym where they have drop off's for kids b/c I don't have a car. I can't work out at home b/c my daughter wants to work out with me and I'll trip over her or accidentally hit her with a weight or something. I can't work out at home while she's napping b/c I have to take advantage of that time to do laundry, dishes, talk on the phone without interruptions, you name it. Plus my house is too small for a bunch of equipment.

    I'm sure I've come up with many more reasons why I'm too busy or it just won't work but it's mostly just me making excuses for being lazy, tired and out of shape. So I bought stair machine (it's SOMETHING, at least), started doing that, bought some videos, started doing those, dug out my jump rope and weights, and I got yoga mats for myself AND my little so we have "safe" areas and we won't get in eachother's way. It's awesome because if I haven't started doing something by around 9:30, she says "mama, we have to exercise and be healthy!" She's not all weird or scarred by it or anything - she thinks it's fun, but eventually she'll really get what it means and it'll be apart of who she is. Hopefully she'll always want to do it. And when I get tired and stop while the video is still going, she yells "mama, you can do it, keep going!" and I laugh and get my butt in gear. She's the best personal trainer and she's free! Haha. I can do more and I try to do more everyday. DH's car will be paid off next month and I'll have a new car shortly after and will start going to the "real" gym. In the meantime, I'm constantly reminding myself that I have time and I have to do this. =)

    Your little girl sounds like a cutie. It's great to have some motivational support. I believe that your life change is an inspiration :) Keep it up!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member

    To be honest, I hate people who put forth this attitude on the internet. Not because they aren't right, but because of the way they present their message.

    Life circumstances can make changes difficult. But telling people "You just don't want it enough to do the work so you're making excuses, might as well give up now because you are going to fail..." might actually make them give up! And if I hadn't listened to people who told me I just wasn't strong enough and didn't want it bad enough and decided they were right, I would not have spent the majority of my adult life overweight.

    Instead of focusing on how someone isn't good enough because they can't do everything that you think they should or everything they think they need to do... I prefer to focus on what CAN be done. Small change is still better and more effective than no change at all, and it's momentum-building. So you don't have time to exercise? You can still lose fat by eating fewer calories. Maybe you think you must exercise in a gym? Can you find something you can do at home? That would cut out transport time. Or maybe you think you need to exercise every day? You can still see a change if you can find two half hour periods a week.

    No need to give up completely. Change what you can, accept the things you cannot change for now. If you don't give yourself freedom to not be perfect it will never work for you because you'll spend all your time whining about how you aren't good enough.

    I completely understand what you are saying....but let's agree to disagree. Here's why........I'll break it down part by part:
    Life circumstances can make changes difficult. But telling people "You just don't want it enough to do the work so you're making excuses, might as well give up now because you are going to fail..." might actually make them give up! And if I hadn't listened to people who told me I just wasn't strong enough and didn't want it bad enough and decided they were right, I would not have spent the majority of my adult life overweight.

    If you have spent the majority of your adult life overweight then they (and I) are right. You don't want it enough (yet). This is not to say you never will............but for now you don't and it's not a priority. I'm not telling people to give up.......but if you want to see big results you have to make big changes. You can't get upset with the results you don't get because of the work you didn't put in. Now maybe you are different but I have repeatedly heard where people "try" for a couple months.......don't see enough of a change.......and quit.
    Instead of focusing on how someone isn't good enough because they can't do everything that you think they should or everything they think they need to do... I prefer to focus on what CAN be done. Small change is still better and more effective than no change at all, and it's momentum-building. So you don't have time to exercise? You can still lose fat by eating fewer calories. Maybe you think you must exercise in a gym? Can you find something you can do at home? That would cut out transport time. Or maybe you think you need to exercise every day? You can still see a change if you can find two half hour periods a week.

    Never once did I say anyone wasn't good enough. I did not list multiple things they "have" to do. All I said was if they WANT to work out.........they have time to work out. Saying "I would work out but I just don't have the time" is not enough. Anyone who says that is setting themselves up to fail. You can lose fat by eating fewer calories. You can also lose more lean mass that way. The best wait to retain lean mass is to eat at a moderate deficit and incorporate strength and cardiovascular training. That said I never said anything about a gym.......I also never said what I consider exercise.....you determined that all on your own. If you eat the same and work out for 1hr/ week you will see very minimal if any change.
    No need to give up completely. Change what you can, accept the things you cannot change for now. If you don't give yourself freedom to not be perfect it will never work for you because you'll spend all your time whining about how you aren't good enough.

    Or you could make some changes......I'm not talking about a ton.....I'm talking about eating better and working out 3-5 times per week. Instead of whining about how you "aren't good" maybe you actually start feeling better about yourself because you realize not only are you good......you are GREAT! Nobody can be perfect.......but we can all strive to be the best we can be whatever that is. I still believe a lot of people (not saying you in particular) try to see how little they can do to make changes.......why not instead find out what you can do. what you are capable of? Instead of looking at the negative and seeing it as me saying people aren't good enough, how about looking at it as I am trying to help people empower themselves.....I do think they are good enough....they are the ones doubting themselves.....I want them to believe in themselves.....they can do it if they put their mind to it.
  • Raezor1207
    Raezor1207 Posts: 80 Member
    I totally agree with op. You want it bad enough, you will get it!!!! I get up 40 minutes earlier than I have to just to get a workout in. Doing this, I managed to get the 30 something pounds of unwanted weight off in about six months. I am a mother/wife, CNA, and a student and still find time to take care of the only body that I will ever have!
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    Now that you're in here.......I highly doubt this is true for most people. There might be a VERY small subset of people who really don't have time. People who are parents and full time students working two jobs. If you don't fit into this criteria then odds are you have time to exercise but you choose to fill it with something else. At the end of the day, the things you fit in are your priorities.....the other things are the things we don't have time for....What are your priorities?

    Watch TV? Exercise Instead
    Surf the internet at night? Exercise Instead
    Sleep > 8 hours a day (or maybe even less depending on other circumstances)? Exercise instead

    My point is that many people say they want to lose the weight.....they want to exercise but they are too busy.......In most cases if you are too busy to exercise you simply don't want it bad enough. And honestly if you don't want it bad enough don't bother trying. If you don't really want it you won't succeed......wait till you do really want it and then you will have a better shot.

    Some people might not want to hear this.....Think I'm being mean or negative. Not at all. We as a society are really good at making excuses and not so good at making changes. It is work.....you have to make changes or else you wouldn't have gotten overweight in the first place.

    If you don't meet the criteria above and you think you don't have time to work out, please....by all means.....post up your schedule. I'll help you figure out how to make time. If you say you work a 12 hour shift please include the days per week that you work because let's be honest.......You aren't working 12 hour shifts more than 3-4 times in a normal 7 day week.
    I have time to exercise so not the kind of response you're looking for... But I work 12 hours 5 days one week and 6 days the next (so 11 a fortnight) so assuming how much people work really isn't fair.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    Some people might not want to hear this.....Think I'm being mean or negative. Not at all. We as a society are really good at making excuses and not so good at making changes. It is work.....you have to make changes or else you wouldn't have gotten overweight in the first place.

    oh if only it took was exercising to lose weight. if it did i wouldnt be 80 pounds overweight , considering that i continued to exercise (weightlifting, running 5 and 10ks, capoeira, kickboxing, boxing, biking etc) all the while i gained weight because i ate too much.

    unfortunately you can't out exercise a bad diet even though many people think they can.