Low Cal Protein Pancakes-Huge stack 225 kcal w/ pic!



  • Just wondering about the calorie count as 1/2 C of whole wheat pastry flour alone has 220 calories per their website.

    Thank you, thank you!! Darn the incorrect entries in the MFP database. I chose the first entry for bob's whole wheat pastry flour, and it is incorrect. yecatsml is absolutely correct.

    Drat. So now it is best as a recipe to serve two, which is a more realistic serving anyway. Good thing I ran so much this morning! Here is the new nutrition information for this recipe, which SERVES 2. NOT 1 serving.

    I wish we could delete entries. Hope everyone reads this corrected entry.

    Calories Carbs Iron Protein Fiber Sodium
    204 30 22 17 5 342

    Will try now. Tks for all the MFP ers for post too:)
  • Jauryn
    Jauryn Posts: 73 Member
    Bump - with a side of excitement since I have all these ingredients at home :D I know what I'm making this weekend! Thanks for the share.
  • Oh thank you so much for sharing this recipie I have missed pancakes...cheers!!
  • ccsmiller
    ccsmiller Posts: 54 Member
    looks great!
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    bump, thanks for posting
  • mjhelton
    mjhelton Posts: 33 Member
    bump... sounds yummy!
  • I'm obsessed with pancakes:)
  • cheergirl1993
    cheergirl1993 Posts: 137 Member
    bump looks amazing!!
  • ro90
    ro90 Posts: 16 Member
  • littlehealthyhope
    littlehealthyhope Posts: 22 Member
    bump :)
  • jjj1988
    jjj1988 Posts: 97 Member
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
    Daaaaammmm.... those look good!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
  • Bump
  • srworthy
    srworthy Posts: 21 Member
    bump to make these next weekend!
  • annalee_1
    annalee_1 Posts: 235 Member
    Looks great gonna to try this :-)
  • sounds yummy!