Maybe an old question...P90X?

Who does it? who sees changes? I need motivatioN!


  • brianhin
    brianhin Posts: 28
    I started a year ago. March 8, 2009 to be exact and I haven't stopped since. My pics speak for themselves I think :) The program works if you do!
  • beautifulnow
    I love it!! I am on week 5 day 2 and I have lost 10 pounds and 14.5 is hard and I was scared to start but now I am totally addicted!!
  • auttyfrmca
    auttyfrmca Posts: 125 Member
    I'm on week 4 and although I'm not following their diet I'm staying around 1200 calories a day I see HUGE difference. I work otu regularily and run 10 miles at a time...I'm in good shape but this is really trimming my size! I can do so many more push ups now at the gym than I ever did before. I've lost 5 pounds since starting. I'll post pictures...some day!
    I love it!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Mememe! I stopped for a while but discovered that I'm at the point in my life that I need to work out to keep looking good, hehe. I'm on my second round now and loving it.

  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I am on day 4 of week 2 and my husband is noticing collar bones and I see a little muscle definition in my arms. I don't follow the p90x diet I use MFP and stay within my calories. I have lost 3.6lbs so far. I love it (except for the Yoga, I hate the Yoga)
  • JeremyM3476
    Im on week 7 day 3... And I've lost 4.5 inches off my stomach, and gained about 2 inches in my arms.. I love it and after I finish Im actually thinking about doing the insanity workouts.. I follow my own diet plain but do the workouts recomended..
  • JeremyM3476
    Im on week 7 day 3... And I've lost 4.5 inches off my stomach, and gained about 2 inches in my arms.. I love it and after I finish Im actually thinking about doing the insanity workouts.. I follow my own diet plain but do the workouts recomended..
  • sabersage
    sabersage Posts: 1 Member
    I do p90x. i'm on day 15 now. i've noticed a ton of difference. i'm heavy so sometimes i have to modify. i've already lost about 10 lbs. But you don't want to worry about weight, its the inches you want to keep track of. I find that my "before" pictures modivate me the most. I don't like looking that way, so it drives me to do better.
  • asm2260
    asm2260 Posts: 81 Member
    Who does it? who sees changes? I need motivatioN!

    I do not do P90X, but some people at work are and they are having great results...(owe they are men) tends to be easier for them.
    I am in my 3rd week of Insanity Workout...Im addicted to the tapes, my weight has been slow to go, but my fitness level has more than doubled in the first 2 weeks, Im confidient that the scale will move soon, just as soon as my stubborn body lets go..
    This site is a Great tool and motivation...I believe they have a separate post topic for p90x and Insanity people.
    OH and when im done with the insanity I will be doing the P90X....I like it that much....I spent almost 30 min just driving and trying to park at the workouts are half over by then now!