Would anyone like to do P90X with me?

Hi! I'm Justine! I'm 19 years old and looking to lose 50 lbs. I tried p90x before, saw results but thought it was SO time consuming. I was wondering if anybody else wanted to do it with me? Maybe start slow? I'm not very active and it takes me a lot longer to do the videos. I don't want to quit again, and I thought with a buddy it'd be great!
It'd be great to have someone who's kind of on the same boat as me, being quite overweight and not very active to be my buddy! I'm not planning to follow the diet exactly, but I plan on eating healthy. (I want to make a lifestyle change, and not a temporary diet.) And I read that instead of buying the expensive recovery drink, you can also have a glass of chocolate milk, which cuts my costs by a lot, considering I'm a poor student!

Any takers?


  • leellu
    leellu Posts: 8
    I'm looking at starting p90x at the beginning of February. Until then I'm going to get more active so I don't fail the first few workouts lol. I weight a lot more than you do, but it would be nice to confer with someone about p90x :)
  • queenjustine03
    queenjustine03 Posts: 28 Member
    Well I'm going to start now, but we sure can support each other! :)
  • StephanieLisette
    StephanieLisette Posts: 17 Member
    Hi guys,
    I'm doing P90X now. I stop and start (which is okay), and it would be great to be part of your support team. I did half of the Plyometrics video yesterday, and two days before that I did the arms and back (or something like that). My body is just recovering. I made a joke that this must be what it feels like to have come back from space and had your body atrophy (Gawd!).
    It's challenging, but I love it.
  • goddessru
    goddessru Posts: 8 Member
    Hi ladies, I'd love to join your support group! I started P90x 4 days ago, and am loving it! I am sore but feel great about it, am psyched to see results and feel excited about every days workouts. It's nice to also follow along with other women doing P90x.

    Think: If we start now, where we'll be by Spring! That prospect is keeping my motivation very high!!
  • I would love to. I just started on Wednesday. Today was day three for me. I need to lose at least 25 to get down to the "fat high" of the normal weight for my size. I feel best at 130, so that makes it 35 to goal. I plan on sticking with the P90x for the full 90 and see what I look like. I'm going on vacation in June. That's my motivation - - swimsuit!
  • StephanieLisette
    StephanieLisette Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I just finished doing the arms and shoulders routine with 7 lb weights all the way through. Feels good. Also, completed Ab Ripper X (and did what I could). I find in the Ab Ripper X, for me it's important to take breaks and then I'll get through it. I know eventually I'll work up to doing all the exercises.
    Note: Take it easy on yourself, and do what you can. "Do your best, forget the rest!"
  • queenjustine03
    queenjustine03 Posts: 28 Member
    I have not yet started because it's so hard to get motivated just because it's DAILY. Gah! But I noticed that the P90X exercises are not in the MyFitnessPal database. So I found online this calculator in order to help everyone record it, if you haven't already done it! I found it really helpful... :)


    You record your weight, pick your video, and write how long you did it for!
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    I will do with you, you want to start tomorrow??
  • Hello, I've been reading these comments and congrats to everyone so far. Just to maybe give a pointer I thought I'd send this message. I found a video on You Tube that is part of the Insanity videos based on "Fat Burning"... I've been doing it for 5 days so far, the same video each evening and I lost 6lbs... Baring in mind I am also eating a lot healthier too. Its hard at first to get into the rhythym but you get used to it. My aim is to lose 3 stone by March as I'm getting my daughter christened then. Then once I've lost that weight I am doing the P90X..

    Put this into the You Tube search - .Insanity 20 min Workout - Fat Burner...

    Seems to be working for me so far.

  • I'm starting tomorrow 1/13. I want to lose 40 lbs
  • Hey girls! Im Shannon and I sure could use the accountability and support too! I will be starting p90x on the 28th of January, possibly the next monday afterwards. So what is everyones goals? I am GOING TO lose 15-20 pounds during the program! p.s.- I am very familiar with Beachbodys programs and I know that NUTRITION is extremely important, so if anyone is looking for some extra support with that let me know, Im a chef so maybe I can help you out! :) Looking forward to it!!!! Do ya'll go on Facebook? I could create a group, its way easier and has more options for stay accountable and in touch. Lemme know and I will start it. :)


    Ok, so I edited this and have already created a group for us!! I love facebook because I can easily post pictures and such. Heres the group, my name on Facebook is Shannon TheCannon Lort lol FRIEND ME and then click the link and on the right hand side click 'ask to join' the "P90x Accountability Group" page and Ill add you!! :)

  • I started P90X this week. I'm on day 5 now, for the lean program. I wanted to get more cardio, so focused on the lean version. I did Power90 last year, lost about 15-20 pounds on it and now loving the P90X program. It's intense, but works you so hard! Take it one day at a time, and with each workout you get stronger. I agree with whoever said it was time consuming....workouts ranging from 60-90 minutes. Do what you can and on your less busy days fill in the blanks.
  • Nekhet
    Nekhet Posts: 380
    I'm doing P90X Classic and I started on 12/31. There are a few different groups/boards for P90X people. Feel free to add me though as I love to be good support and friends with anyone.

    You got this and just bring it!! You can do this!!!
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Here is a suggestiong to cut time down. When you are doing the video for the first time write down the exercises, so that the next time you do it you don't have to watch the video, Tony Horton talks alot and starting out you might not make it to the full minute. I have a gym boss timer, which I could set for 1 min intervals.
  • goddessru
    goddessru Posts: 8 Member
    Justine- I def understand your hesitation about starting. But at some point you have to just start! I was also thinking about it for 2 weeks before I made the plunge. The thing is, if you think about where you'll be in 3 months, it really encourages you. Can you imagine Mid-APRIL being 15-20lbs thinner and/or more toned? That's perfectly springtime! Also, I don't really think the workouts are that long. At least 5-7 minutes in the beginning and 3 minutes in the end are stretching. So that cuts it down to 45 minutes. And yes, it is a commitment- everyday. However, if you feel like you might not be able to stick with it, you might want to consider other shorter workouts that are also intense such as Jillian Michaels videos.
  • Justine- I def understand your hesitation about starting. But at some point you have to just start! I was also thinking about it for 2 weeks before I made the plunge. The thing is, if you think about where you'll be in 3 months, it really encourages you. Can you imagine Mid-APRIL being 15-20lbs thinner and/or more toned? That's perfectly springtime! Also, I don't really think the workouts are that long. At least 5-7 minutes in the beginning and 3 minutes in the end are stretching. So that cuts it down to 45 minutes. And yes, it is a commitment- everyday. However, if you feel like you might not be able to stick with it, you might want to consider other shorter workouts that are also intense such as Jillian Michaels videos.

    Or you could try 10 minute trainer, also by the guy who does P90x. It's only 10 minutes a day and will definetly get you in shape! Its a great place to start and since you already have P90x you can move onto that when you're comfortable. I agree-- it is intimidating! BUT, fact is Justine - if you want results quicker..like the ones on t.v. you will eventually have to MAKE time to workout at least 30 minutes a day. Gril....dont put you HEALTH on HOLD!!! You deserve to feel good about yourself, you're so young and this should be the time of your life right now!!! Like the girl said above, just think about where you will be in April...how much you will have inspired your friends and family around you!! Prior to finding P90x & Beachbody, I struggled to lose weight on my own. I was doing the same workouts over and over and I had no idea what healthy eating or portion control was. While in a Beachbody Challenge Group, I lost over 30 Pounds and regained my confidence back! I highly recommend you try a Challenge Group, like I did, to jump start your goals. I can be there to encourage and guide you every step of the way. I have a group open on Facebook. :)
  • I started today....the first dvd (chest and back) was so challenging, but i did it without stopping. With variations of course lol I have a hard time doing pushups due to my wrist. Along with other things, i am using a heavy bag to get into shape and it has my wrists so sore. But if i cannot do pushups the whole time, i get up and run in place to keep my heart rate up. I know it was only the first video, but i feel like i accomplished something :) Stay focused and motivated on doing your best. Everyone has setbacks, bad days, and times when we are not motivated. Think of the worst time in your life and how you felt at that time being overweight. Purpose in your heart that you will not be there again!
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    I am on day two so far so good. Shannon, can you invite me to the facebook group. I couldn't find it in Facebook.

  • rstage79
    rstage79 Posts: 24 Member
    Im doing a slightly modified p90x .. go program .. tony can be annoying
  • ChrisR0se
    ChrisR0se Posts: 1,855 Member
    I'm on day 3 today...and soooo sore!! But I'm excited!!