I ate my diet last night!!!!!!



  • mlb2661
    mlb2661 Posts: 14 Member
    Is is why I do not have that kind of food in my house...............First, they are to easy to eat........Second, way to much salt and fat.. I swear they put something in it to make you eat the whole thing.
  • donibars
    ok...it was probably posted somewhere on here already but... men should be eating no less than 1500 calories per day. How you do it is entirely up to you...but if you go less than that your body goes into starvation mode...which means EVERYTHING you eat gets stored because your body thinks you're running out of food...which makes it 3x harder to lose weight. Try 1 week of eating at least 1500 calories and see how you feel :) Good luck!!
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Hey Stormtruck2,

    I just took a peek at your food diary...you need to eat more. For a man your height 1250 calories is low. You'll see a difference if you add calories and exercise. And don't beat yourself up over last night's pizza. It happens. Get up, dust yourself off and get back on track.

    My thoughts exactly.

    Two things stuck out to me immediately: you were watching TV while you ate and you're eating LOW calories for a man at your height and weight. Both of these things can set you up for "binges," or at least eating more of something than you intended.

  • adambauerq
    adambauerq Posts: 1 Member
    Been there done that like you told before forget about it and move on!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You honestly do need to eat more. 1250 for a man is insane and will be detrimental in the longterm.
    I am an inch shorter than you, female, and lose weight on 1600, without exercise calories.
    I cannot imagine eating 1250 for a female this height, let alone a male.
    Also less likely to be successful longterm, losing the weight in such an extreme manner.
    Try and get up to 1800-2000, in good nutritious stuff, and you will still lose weight just fine, it might even speed up.
  • rhonda4444
    rhonda4444 Posts: 21 Member
    I came home last Friday, after having a GREAT day and proceeded to eat about 1200 calories or so-ON JUNK!!!! I was so upset I did not fill out my diary until the next day!!! We all will go there at some point!!!
  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
    I like your attitude about going over. I have had a couple of bad days, going over by about 100 calories for 2 or 3 days in a row. I have decided tomorrow is a new day to get it right!