INSANITY Workout -- Any Advice?`

So I'm interested in doing the Insanity Workouts. I would like to know what the MFP Community has to say about it -- your results, what you like about it, etc.

Is it healthy to do it while doing the 1200 Calorie Diet that MFP has me on? Should I up my calories?

Feel free to add me, especially if you are interested in the Insanity Workout :) Would love the encouragement and I'll encourage you right back!

SW is 191
GW: 150 (I know it sounds a little high still, but I really liked how I looked at 150--wrestled in high school at 135 and I was being very unhealthy to be at that weight)

Thank you in advance :)


  • taffymangos
    taffymangos Posts: 60 Member
    Insanity is a very intense workout to say the least but it does i've gotten results out of it before. In the group section there is an insainty group that can you join and they are very helpful in answering questions, and are very encouraging. :smile:
  • Ooooo! Thank you! I'm going to go join now :)
  • xxoNikkioxx
    xxoNikkioxx Posts: 9 Member
    Insanity does get results pretty fast! But, It's hard, very hard. I love it, but it does put a lot on your body, so I would be upping your calories if you decide to do it. In the book that comes with the program, it does have a meal planner and a guide to work out what calories you should be eating while on the program.

    Good luck!
  • Thank you! How long have you done Insanity for? I'm so nervous for the Fit Test lol