Starvation Mode

I am new to all of this! I am on a 1000 calorie a day diet. I never reach my daily calories. I dont want to put my body in starvation mode, but I also dont want to eat fatty foods. What should I do? Please help!!


  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I am new to all of this! I am on a 1000 calorie a day diet. I never reach my daily calories. I dont want to put my body in starvation mode, but I also dont want to eat fatty foods. What should I do? Please help!!
    1000 calories is too low. you need to eat more. fat isn't all bad either. you need at least 20% of your diet to be from fats.

    good luck
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    1000 calories per day will not produce sustainable weight loss. Calculate your TDEE (google or look up in the forums) and try to eat within 500 calories of that. I eat 1600-2400 calories per day depending upon my activity level and I don't eat overly "fatty" foods. Remember that your body needs some fat and choosing healthy sources of fat is important. Feel free to send a friend request and look at my diary if you need ideas. There are a lot of people on here that open their diaries.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Stay your course. I don't believe in starvation mode. You eat less, you lose weight. Eating way less will help you live longer. Just make your calories nutritious ones.
    Best wishes.
  • kimmysueneal
    kimmysueneal Posts: 83 Member
    Oh honey, that's not enough. You really do need to EAT to lose weight. Eat raw almonds as a snack. Those are healthy fats and will boost your calorie intake up a bit. Lean proteins, avocados are also great. Just be smart. Eat clean. But you gotta eat!!!!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Stay your course. I don't believe in starvation mode. You eat less, you lose weight. Eating way less will help you live longer. Just make your calories nutritious ones.
    Best wishes.

    this is incredibly dangerous and misguided in every possible way.

    i hope i didn't overstate that.
  • you need to at AT LEAST 1200 calories a day, thats why my fitness pal puts it as the minimum :)

    what do you usually eat in a day?
    there might be some ways to up your calories in healthy ways :)

    if your worried about upping your calories and then dont loose weight, thats not true!
    i eat about 1400-1600 calories a day and still loose weight :)
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    Whoa. 1,000 calories? Definitely not enough. AT ALL. Your body will not lose weight and that is not a sustainable daily caloric goal.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I am new to all of this! I am on a 1000 calorie a day diet. I never reach my daily calories. I dont want to put my body in starvation mode, but I also dont want to eat fatty foods. What should I do? Please help!!

    Eat more. 1200 cals minimum. You need fat in your diet, so don't cut it out entirely.

    You are setting yourself up for yo-yo dieting. You will lose, and then feel so starved that you will pack everything back on again and more.

    Plan on losing sensibly, at the rate of 1 lb per week. More and you might be setting yourself up for serious health problems as severe weight loss changes the chemistry in your blood.

    See a dietician for good, solid advice on eating well.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Stay your course. I don't believe in starvation mode. You eat less, you lose weight. Eating way less will help you live longer. Just make your calories nutritious ones.
    Best wishes.

    this is incredibly dangerous and misguided in every possible way.

    i hope i didn't overstate that.

    No, its not. My husband had gastric bypass and has been eating very low calories for 7 years now. He lost all his extra weigh (150 pounds) and has kept it off. He has fabulous blood work and is very healthy.
    The truth is people can do with a lot less food. Just make them good calories.
  • kristaleighwhite
    kristaleighwhite Posts: 39 Member
    Stay your course. I don't believe in starvation mode. You eat less, you lose weight. Eating way less will help you live longer. Just make your calories nutritious ones.
    Best wishes.

    this is incredibly dangerous and misguided in every possible way.

    i hope i didn't overstate that.

    Not overstated at all. I've been in and out of hospitals all my life for various eating disorders - trust me, starvation mode exists. Your body needs at least 800 calories/day just to rest, and another 400 for any other sedentary tasks, such as sitting up. If you burn additional energy in starvation mode, your body starts feeding off of its muscles, and eventually, even your heart - your heart is a muscle.

    Trust me, if all you eat is 1200 calories/day, even with minimal exercise, you will lose weight and keep it off; less than that, you will lose, and maybe lose faster, but you will screw with your metabolism.

    P.S. This is scientifically proven - there is no argument here.
  • BrandieBenoit
    BrandieBenoit Posts: 23 Member
    It says I should be eating 2311 daily. That sounds high to me!
  • kristaleighwhite
    kristaleighwhite Posts: 39 Member
    It says I should be eating 2311 daily. That sounds high to me!

    That's normal for someone with a high level of activity.
  • what do you usually eat in a day? and how often do you exercise?
    if you open up your diary (if you dont mind) we could look and give you tips and ideas to boost your calories?
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I have to ask if you're on a doctor supervised diet, but 1,000 is quite a low calorie goal and, unless you're particularly petite, is not a healthy choice for a long term loss.

    Wanting to cut out all food with fat, if that's what you're saying, isn't a wise move. Our bodies need a certain amount of fat, do some research and learn about good fats and bad fats. Of course, you don't want to eat a lot of deep fried foods.

    Ask friends or on here about higher calorie but good for you foods. You'll get great suggestions.

    I believe starvation mode exists, but that it's not quite as easy to kick in to as people like to think. You can, however, damage your metabolism by eating too little or poorly.
  • RikkiDominey
    RikkiDominey Posts: 134 Member
    PLEASE watch this video and learn from it. I used to be the same way and I am currently upping my cals weekly. I used to be on a 800 goal and never lost anything (for months), I currently am at 1300 plus eating exercise cals and I have finally started losing weight (10lbs!!) my goal it is to eventually be eating at 1750cals per day until I reach my goal weight.
  • Okay, take this from one who was there at one point, I would eat 100-500 calories a day and lost NOTHING. It is not good to eat that low, you need at least 1200 to sustain your body, while starvation mode doesn't occur until I think 2-4 % body fat 1000 calories a day is not good, try calculating your bmr. that is what you should eat close to, not 1000 calories, I eat about 1350-1500 (I aLso have some sort of hypometabolic syndrome) and I lost 24 pounds already! Healthy eating and proper exercising is the way to go.
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    It says I should be eating 2311 daily. That sounds high to me!

    It says your TDEE is 2311? If that's the case then that is what you would eat to maintain. If you subtract 500 per day that sets you up to lose 1 pound per week and still eating 1800 calories which is plenty to get you a balanced diet and the nutrition you need.
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    Stay your course. I don't believe in starvation mode. You eat less, you lose weight. Eating way less will help you live longer. Just make your calories nutritious ones.
    Best wishes.

    this is incredibly dangerous and misguided in every possible way.

    i hope i didn't overstate that.

    No, its not. My husband had gastric bypass and has been eating very low calories for 7 years now. He lost all his extra weigh (150 pounds) and has kept it off. He has fabulous blood work and is very healthy.
    The truth is people can do with a lot less food. Just make them good calories.

    I'm happy your husband had good results. However it is a very broad generalization to suggest that people with significant calorie restriction are healthier and will live longer than those who eat more (of a well-balanced diet and are at healthy weight).
  • Stay your course. I don't believe in starvation mode. You eat less, you lose weight. Eating way less will help you live longer. Just make your calories nutritious ones.
    Best wishes.

    this is incredibly dangerous and misguided in every possible way.

    i hope i didn't overstate that.

    No, its not. My husband had gastric bypass and has been eating very low calories for 7 years now. He lost all his extra weigh (150 pounds) and has kept it off. He has fabulous blood work and is very healthy.
    The truth is people can do with a lot less food. Just make them good calories.
    Starvation mode is real. It occurs at 2-4% body fat for women and 3-5 for men, I do not recommend that because it will make your metabolism slow down and getting back to regular eating will make gaining occur.