Can't eat breakfast?



  • hannahcall2
    hannahcall2 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm usually not hungry in the mornings, but if I don't eat then I go on a mad scavenger hunt in the kitchen after dinner/before bed. I break my 300-500 calorie breakfast up. I eat a piece of toast/bowl of oatmeal first thing. It's light and the carbs burn fast, triggering your metabolism. Then whenever I get hungry next (usually between 9-10 AM) I load on the protein. Eggs and bacon, omlettes with tons of veggies, breakfast burrito, leftovers (meat).
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I ALWAYS eat breakfast. ALWAYS!!!

    Of course, breakfast for me is the first meal of the day regardless of the time I eat it. Today, "breakfast" was at around 1 p.m. Didn't feel the need to eat earlier than that, so I didn't.

    IN other words, just so the point isn't missed...just start eating whenever you want and finish when you want. Keep your calories and macros in check, exercise, and keep at it.
  • AReisenfeld
    AReisenfeld Posts: 9 Member
    When I first started losing weight, I couldn't eat anything before 10 because I would be so nauseous. After losing 20 pounds and working out 4-5 days a week, now I get sick if I DON'T eat within an hour of waking up.

    I think it has a lot to do with your habits and individual preferences. Do whatever is most comfortable. Eat when you are hungry, don't eat when you're not. Many people have trouble with that little idea there, so if you can get that down, you'll adjust to changes in your body and hunger. Try things out to see what works for you.
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    THAT WAS SOO ME 8 MONTHS AGO! I NEVER EVER EVER ate breakfast, Didnt have the time, didnt care, and was never hungry. But I knew it was the right thing to do to get my metabolism in check. So when i started this journey I made a point to try and eat even if its something small for breakfast. A Staple of mine is thin 50 calorie whole wheat bread with organic peanut butter and half/ or whole banana sliced on top. Easy and I can eat it on the go. I also like eggs or oatmeal. After about a week of MAKING a point to eat breakfast no matter what, it became a habit and I started waking up hungry. That is how it should be. I shouldn't be eating soooo late that i dont wake up somewhat hungry. Now if I dont eat breakfast by 9 my stomach starts making funny noises. lol

    Somedays if im off work and sleep in breakfast may be at noon but I still make sure to try and get a good meal in.

    Seems to have worked out great for me but everyone is different, just see what fits for you.
  • Joyella31
    Joyella31 Posts: 7 Member
    I stopped eating breakfast in 7th grade so I can relate. I have to make myself eat it each day because I know my body needs it, especially to be successful with my weight loss. The purpose for breakfast is to fuel the brain. When you sleep at night, the brain sends a signal to the rest of the body to shut down or rest. The brain wakes up and becomes alert and sends a message to the rest of the body to wake up, after it gets glucose (sugar) so that's why we have to eat breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day because it tells the brain its time to get back to work and be the control center of the body again.
  • vsettani
    Maybe you don't feel hungry at breakfast time because you ate late at night or had a large dinner, or perhaps you just don't like typical breakfast foods like cereals and eggs, you can eat a sandwich, salad, leftover dinner etc . You can try eating at least a mini breakfast so you don't run on empty for hours until lunch.
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    Mornings I'm hungry but don't want to eat so, my breakfast in the am is decaf coffees with protein shake as the 'creamer'. I get my 15 gr of protein that I need without being to full for a morning workout (Zumba) and am ready for something more substantial later, sometimes lunch. My current protein of choice is Premier Protein from Sam's -- I use 1/2 a carton 15g protein, 80 calories. Seems to be reasonable cost wise as well. Works for me.
  • khackey
    khackey Posts: 10 Member
    I agree that it really varies from person to person, I don't believe you should ever have to 'force' yourself to do something. I've gone back and forth on it over the years but currently what is working for me is some protein powder in almond milk in the morning, it's easy and quick and tasty. And while I agree you should generally eat when you're hungry I tend to get too distracted by work/life so find it's better to try and do it in the morning. Since I've been doing it I find I'm naturally hungry at noon'ish, which leads to natural hunger at 6ish and then I'm mostly satisfied or reasonable snack. Every once in a while I'll go out for actual breakfast or have a bagel but it's really rare.